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Everything posted by IrishSiouxFan

  1. I never said I disliked football or basketball, I actually attend the majority of the homes games. I think football and basketball are essential institutional sports , however it has been very difficult for us to encourage people to attend games and it hurts our image and recruitment potential. I think it would be a hard sell to convince students to pay more fees for free sporting events they don't attend.
  2. I have already admitted I made a mistake by posting this thread and apologized for it, but by all means beat a dead horse if it makes you feel better.
  3. Yeah, I get it, I asked a stupid question and now every A Hole on SIoux Sports is going to rub my nose in it.
  4. I'm not a hockey-only type. I attend more home football, basketball, and volley ball games than the majority of the people on this board. I hate to lose the name but I understand retiring it is in the schools best interest to retire it. I wrote this post before I realized that a school has to sponsor 7 sports per gender to qualify for D1 status, so relax, count to ten, and find your happy place
  5. Hockey pays the bills, so it would be classified as beneficial to the institution.
  6. That's not what I asked. The question was, if UND is somehow denied entrance into the Big Sky and finds itself exiled with no D1 conference affiliation should they consider dropping all sports but hockey? It's a hypothetical question, if you find it preposterous then don't reply. God forbid we speculate about various scenarios brought on by the ongoing logo controversy.
  7. I know that I'm about to ask an unpopular question but it needs to be asked. It is becoming apparent that UND will never play for a true national championship in football as we will most likely never be admitted into a BCS conference and even if we made our way to an FBS conference and went undefeated the BCS would find a way to screw us out of it. We know that olympic sports will never be profitable and given our football and basketball attendance it is not likely to see those programs in the black anytime soon. So I ask you this, if UND is somehow denied admissions into the Big Sky, should we consider the option of abandoning all sports with exception to men and women's hockey? If athletics other than hockey are not going to be beneficial to the school and have abysmal attendance should we continue to fund them? It's an honest question and I'm curious to hear what you think as fellow Sioux fans.
  8. Merry Christmas to all my cyber friends on Sioux Sports!!!
  9. Not to mention all the talent we get out of Manitoba and other parts of Canada.
  10. It's going to take way more than an article in Time to make them scurry. Although, it is definitely a step in the right direction.
  11. But you'll spend countless hours trolling UND sports sites? Methinks the lady doth protest to much. Admit it, you're secretly a closet case Sioux fan, we won't tell any of your cronies over at Bisonville.
  12. By far the best article written about the logo, who would have thought Time magazine would have been the first to get it right.
  13. That's funny, no matter how good they will ever be they will never know what it's like to play for a true national championship and legitimately be recognized as the best in the nation. UND on the other hand knows exactly how that feels (7 times over)!
  14. Unfortunately, there probably won't be a huge student section for this game due to the christmas break, crossing the boarder, and lack of playing a bigger name team. We really should have tried to schedule Manitoba U or maybe the Canada 18 and under for this one. Is UND hockey popular in Winnipeg, I know we get some of our best players from your breeding grounds?
  15. Just voted! Why isn't the numerous UND athletic pages on FaceBook promoting this? We could easily win this if it was promoted properly. We have over 70,000 fans on FaceBook alone.
  16. We don't have the facilities or the attendance an FBS conference is looking for Unfortunately, the Sky is probably our permanent home conference, which isn't bad until the Montana schools make the next jump (which is likely at some point).
  17. If push comes to shove, I'm guessing they have to suck it up and head back to the sky. They honestly haven't done much with their program or facilities, not sure how they would sell themselves to another FBS conference?
  18. If they were going to jump they would have done it by now.
  19. Boise getting slighted out of a BCS game that was rightfully theirs must have been a huge deciding factor, if not, it is now.
  20. Just voted, we could easily win this one!
  21. It's definitely a better conference, it's unfortunate that it won't get as much media opportunities as the Big 10 and Hockey East.
  22. Lucky for us, if we all hate the new name with a passion our legislators will step in and remove it for us. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the university administration couldn't be bullied into just being referred to as North Dakota. I'm not sure I could ever accept another nickname and logo, I would rather go without.
  23. breaking the barrier to 12 and above will be challenging.
  24. There are division 3 schools with way more votes than us, we honestly shouldn't be having this problem. Why aren't more UND fans voting?
  25. Looks like it's going to Willie Fritz from Sam Houston, 37,000 votes and counting will be hard to beat.
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