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Everything posted by IrishSiouxFan

  1. So because a high school uses Rough Riders UND should abandon the idea? Although I can appreciate the originality of the Nokotas idea I wonder if it has too much native american connotation to it (I realize a nakota is a horse)?
  2. Hmm. Not sure there is a healthy amount of hate between the Badgers and the Gophers as there is between the Sioux and Minny. Plus the Ralph is electric for that series, can't imagine why Versus wouldn't want to broadcast a game in the world's nicest hockey facility.
  3. I wonder why Versus wouldn't want Minn @ UND, that's easily the best match up in college hockey IMHO.
  4. Odds are if Versus does pick up a game a week it will most likely involve whoever Montana is playing, just my guess.
  5. I usually defend Kelley's unpopular decisions as they typically are in the best interest of the university, but this time I am utterly speechless at such a ridiculous move. Beth Delano has been a fixture at Fighting Sioux hockey games since 1947 and it's great to see her supporting her favorite team 64 years later. It's not so much that she can be found at the REA enjoying a beer and watching a hockey game that makes people cheer for her, but rather no matter the elements outside she still manages to make to the Ralph with the rest of us watching the sport she loves. If Kelley would spend as much time focusing on raising the prestige of the university as he does trying to concoct ways of taking away our traditions we would be at the level of a Big 10 school or possibly even the Ivy League.
  6. Personally, I like the name "Aviators" or the "Aves" for short. I definitely do not want to share a nick name with another school, we're better than that. "Rough Riders" isn't a bad name either although I know many on this board are concerned about the local high school sharing the same name, we could always ask them to change it.
  7. Shaft is ridiculous if he believes Notre Dame's decision to go HE had anything to do with the Sioux logo. I love the logo and can't stand the thought of being called something else, but I also love UND and I hate how much attention this issue is bringing to the institution. I can't go to a (professional) conference without the logo being referenced by colleagues from other universities. It doesn't matter what the schools id doing or what breakthroughs in research have been made, the logo issue always overshadows the accomplishments of the university. Sometimes I wish I was just a fan of the sports teams at UND and had no real affiliation with the school, it would be so easy for me to not care how this issue effects the institution on an academic level and I could say things like "fie Kelley and Faision" and "they won't see a dime from me if they change the logo". I believe that the legislature will repeal the law and UND will retire our proud nickname, it will be a sad time in our schools history, but truth be told I look forward to the closure it will bring. I'm sure the majority of you who'll read this will strongly disagree with my sentiments and question my loyalty, but it will be nice to finally talk about something else.
  8. UND in the Summit League and MVFC sounds more like a doomsday scenario rather than a homecoming. I think there's too much bad blood between UND, the Summit, and the MVFC for that to come to play. I would almost rather see UND drop all sports but hockey before that happened. Now, if UND, NDSU, USD, SDSU, UNO, and a couple of other schools where to breakoff and form a new conference I think that might work. Personally, I think UND could get the support they need to get a WAC invite if they wanted to.
  9. Would we have the ability to follow UM and MSU to the WAC? Boise would be a welcome addition to the NCHC, how awkward would it be to have two teams named the Broncos in one league., ho wait a minute, we already play in a conference that has two teams of the same name (Huskies).
  10. This would be disastrous for UND, I hope it doesn't happen.
  11. Memphis has the worst football team in the nation although their basketball program is solid. Not sure the Big East would want to add another basketball school, they seem more inept at keeping their AQ status.
  12. Personally, I think BYU is a better add for the 12 than Louisville. I can't help but wonder how potential raids will effect MWC and the WAC, if Boise had better academics they would be picked up by a BCS conference in a heart beat. The Big East is sure to raid the C-USA for possibly ECU, Houston, UCF, I also think they will go after Air Force, Navy, Army, and Temple. I wonder if any of this will trickle down and effect us? Would the Montana's leave the Big Sky to an unsure future with the WAC? Could we somehow tag along if they did? What's the benefit in staying in a Big Sky without both Montana schools?
  13. The Betty is a very nice facility, but it can only seat 3,300 people. That is fine for now, but our basketball program will outgrow it eventually.
  14. He's climbing in your windows, he's snatchin your people up. Hide your kids, hide wife, and hide your husbands too. Only joking, I hope they find this guy asap.
  15. I agree, the ending was way to vague to pull meaning out of. But the Englestads are very generous people who love UND so there's no telling. I'm very grateful for all the awesome memories of watching games at the Ralph with all my friends, so a BIG THANK YOU to Ralph and Betty for all they have done and continue to do. But let's play the speculation game for the fun of it. I think she's referring to either a new basketball arena or football stadium. What say you?
  16. "We conducted a deliberate and exhaustive process that included consideration of adding more institutions. In the end, we determined it is in the best interest of the Conference to proceed with our eight outstanding programs." Brian Faison. Well 7 outstanding programs and 1 questionable program. In my opinion the responsibility of growing the conference's visibility will rest primarily on the shoulders of North Dakota, Denver, and Miami.
  17. I was at the game tonight, and I have to say the we definitely have some young, up and coming talent on our team. The only two main draw backs I saw tonight was the lack of experience and size, both of the issues will be resolved eventually. I think by this time next week we will know a little more about this young team and what their potential might be for this season. I have to say I was impressed at the way they moved the puck around to create opportunities. With that said, I thought the new video screen looked amazing! I also noticed that the sound was also remarkably better, did we also get ne speakers in the Ralph?
  18. Last time I checked when teams host UND they charge a premium at the gate due to the demand for tickets. UND is easily one the most recognized and respected names in college hockey and will continue to gain national recognition as the the NCAA and NHL grow in the US. If UND wasn't in the NCHC Notre Dame would not be interested. I realize that the Big 10 and Notre Dame have big followings in sports other than hockey but it's still going to be a hard sell. I would rather have a legion of devoted fans (like we do at UND) than millions of fair weather fans who don't understand the game other than their favorite school is playing.
  19. But SCSU has a huge fan base and practically owns the Minneapolis/St. Paul media market
  20. I agree, the audacity that they should get the red carpet treatment just because once upon a time they were relevant in football. I would love to see ND in the NCHC but this is getting borderline insulting, We will be just fine without them.
  21. UND, DU, Miami, WMU.......St Cloud, now can you tell me which one of these institutions is seriously out of place. It's bad enough your crap school made the cut into the NCHC but must you troll our boards?
  22. I'm delusional? There are 4,352 institutions of higher education in the US, DU is ranked 82, Miami is 90, UND is 164, and WMU is 181. Colorado College is ranked fairly high as a liberal arts college and UNO at least has a desirable media market. St. Cloud is the school bringing nothing to the table. You're right that the Big 10 is a better fit for them academically than the NCHC, but that is not an option unless they are willing to join for all sports and that is extremely unlikely.
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