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Everything posted by fightingsioux4life

  1. It's the same tired old crap from the Mild (I mean Wild). Have a nominal winning record, sneak in the playoffs as a 7 or 8 seed and lose in the first round in 5 games. I called this last summer when everyone else was going bananas about Parise and Suter. It will take this franchise years to recover from the Rip Van Winkle regime of Jacques Lemaire and Doug Risebrough. The team has changed some in the past couple of years, but it's still primarily built on 60 minutes of backchecking by the forwards and eeking out wins with a 1 to 2 goal per game offense. That might work in the regular season against crappier teams, but once you get in the playoffs, you can't shut the really good teams down all the time. Chicago is proving that this year, as if it needed any proving. Somehow, I don't think Parise and Suter signed those big contracts to keep playing the same tired old system that doesn't work. They better go and get some depth for this team or else tickets will become much easier to get as people go find something entertaining to do instead.
  2. I didn't realize the slummit was a multi-bid basketball league? Oh wait....... And the BSC has had an FCS champion as recently as 2010 (Eastern Washington). And they likely will have more in the future. Buttfootball. ButtRPI.
  3. Does the gym have drinking fountains at one end?
  4. Exactly! If the diversion opponents think we should move Fargo out of the flood plain, then I welcome their ideas for making it happen. But I think the price tag would make everyone blush.
  5. Oh really Mr. Genius? Please use your infinite wisdom and tell us just how Fargo could have "chosen" to fix their flooding problems "a long time ago". -A levee system like GF has? Doesn't work in Fargo because of topography. -Move the city out of the flood plain? Way too expensive. -The "waffle plan" as developed by the EERC? It would take several feet off of a major flood, but it certainly is not a solution itself. -Basin-wide water retention and control, including the "waffle plan"? Probably the best overall solution, but it will take years to implement and Fargo could get flooded several times before any plan could be implemented. The diversion is the best possible current solution to the annual flooding problem in Fargo. Of course, thanks to selfish, self-centered people like yourself, it will be like pulling teeth to get it built. Come to think of it, it's people like you that fight tooth and nail against all of the ideas I have listed here because they infringe on your property rights. Never mind that a city of 100,000+ people is constantly in danger of flooding; you just don't want to be bothered with any aspect of it. How North Dakotan of you! You sound like some of the people in North Dakota back in 1999 that didn't want the Legislature to give Grand Forks one penny of state money to help build our current flood protection system. Of course, these same people wouldn't hesitate to ask the government for help if they were victims of a natural disaster of some kind. But heaven forbid that Grand Forks ask for any help. History is repeating itself, and it looks just as ugly as it did 14 years ago. It is high time that people like yourself "choose" to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem. But I won't hold my breath waiting for that to happen.
  6. As long as Bison fans want to come on here and troll for attention, they will get it thrown right back into their faces. Go Darell Go!
  7. Being a great FB player and being smart are sometimes two entirely different things. That being said, I hope the Vikings don't draft him. Too many question marks, too many red flags.
  8. One of these years, the weather won't cooperate this much and Fargo will be fighting for its life.....again. It is high time that the ND Legislature get off it's butt and do what it takes to get the funding needed (both Federal and State) to get this diversion built.
  9. April 1980 I was still a pre-schooler, but I vaguely remember that heat wave. I saw pictures of kids leaving school early because of the heat.
  10. Yeah, I get it now. But you don't get the fact that this Bison troll was taking a shot at Grand Forks in his post. And since NDSU is located in Fargo, a lot of Bison fans like to rub Fargo's growth in our faces. And if you don't think that was part of the reason for his post, then you need to get out more. Edit: It looks like he's a Gopher fan, not a Bison fan. Either way, he's a troll and will be dealt with accordingly.
  11. I am butthurt that Bison trolls come on here and talk trash and run their mouths. If you want to come on here and mess with the bull, you get the horns. Deal with it.
  12. I am not the one that brought up Penera, the Bison troll did. And so what if I haven't heard of it before. What is your point?
  13. When Imperial Cass gets a professional sports franchise (sorry, the Red Hawks don't count), then you can come on here and talk trash. But if all you have is Panera (which I have never even heard of), then you are shooting blanks.
  14. Yeah, but I don't think most politicians in this country understand the difference.
  15. You are forgetting Cratter, some people think if it's a private company determining your care, it's "free enterprise" (even though there is little if any competition). But if the government is determining your care, it's "socialism" and "tyranny". I guess I don't see much of a difference between the two scenarios.
  16. I think it is important in this debate to remember the difference between health care insurance and health care delivery. They are closely linked, but are not the same thing. The British health system is 100% owned and operated by the government. The Canadian health system has single-payer government health insurance, but also has some privately-owned hospitals and clinics. I think the United States would be best served with a Federally-funded public option alongside private insurance options, along with the current system of public and private health care delivery organizations. Also, get rid of the state-by-state insurance rules and have a 100% national health insurance market so that insurance companies will have to compete for customers and can't monopolize each state. Obamacare was a step in the right direction, but it certainly isn't perfect and we are not finished with reforming our health care system.
  17. And there has been equally disturbing horsecrap from the Tea Party that this was an "inside job" by the Obama Administration so that he can take away our civil liberties and that this "proves" that "Obama cannot protect the country" and whatever other garbage I haven't seen or heard yet. So please cut the moral supremacy crap. This isn't about politics (foreign or domestic). This is about a sick, disturbed individual or group that thinks their freedom of expression extends to stuff like this. Let's focus on finding the perpetrators and try to prevent this from happening again.
  18. This is starting to get political. Please don't go down that road, as this is an important topic and I would like us to be able to talk about it here.
  19. Agree 100%. And you can add EERC to that list.
  20. I think it is time to crack down on organizations that claim to be "non-profit" to get out of paying taxes, but operate like Wal-Mart and Microsoft. These are tax loopholes that must be closed.
  21. So you're going to throw everybody under the bus at SCSU because Saigo is a tool? That's like throwing all Native Americans under the bus because people like Jesse Taken Alive and Ron His Horse Is Thunder basically called UND a racist and bigoted place.
  22. Not the point I was trying to make, but oh well.
  23. First of all, putting Minnesota and St. Cloud in the same category is a little extreme, but to each their own. Second of all, the nickname protestors didn't give a rat's @$$ about college hockey, football, basketball, ect. I would imagine most of their fans never had a problem with the name and logo and most of them probably think it's stupid we don't have them anymore. I will save my venom for Denver. But again, to each their own.
  24. Careful, you'll upset mg2009's viewpoint that Grand Forks is a sluggish, dying community.
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