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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. We have to be the all time leaders in goals scored in the last 10 seconds of a period.
  2. An attendance issue where people don't show up to a playoff game because it is basically a foregone conclusion that your team will win by at least 3 TD's is a good problem to have I guess!!
  3. Even the gold standard of the FCS isn't safe from the attendance decline around the country. The defending chanps and winners of 6 of the last 7 titles is having trouble selling seats for a playoff game!! https://ev7.evenue.net/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEGetEventInfo?ticketCode=GS%3ANDSU%3AFCS18%3AFCS01%3A&linkID=ndsu&shopperContext=&pc=&caller=&appCode=&groupCode=FBHG&cgc=
  4. Playing WR doesn't necessarily mean you are a good coach. Sure you know how to play the position, but coaching that position is a whole new ballgame. Dressler has a degree in Business Management, so I am not sure of his coaching abilities. He is a great receiver, but a complete unknown as far as coaching is concerned.
  5. Predators have a home game against the Avalanche tonight. I wonder what Jody has planned for the rest of the day!!!
  6. I hope he utilizes the TE's more. I feel like there is skill at that position that is untapped.
  7. And yet the Vikings set the attendance record for US Bank Stadium yesterday with 66,872 at the game Sunday night.
  8. Freund has been the running backs coach, quarterbacks coach, and wide receivers coach at UND. I would say that coaching each one of those positions is going to help him in his new role as Offensive Coordinator.
  9. Freund was a QB at UND. He is a former QB coach. Not surprised he is going to make the QB the focal point of the offense. I have to think that there were many times that Freund disagreed with Rudy's play calling because it limited Kett's abilities and took the ball out of his hands less than Danny would have liked. I think having a former QB as OC is going to help our offense, and especially our QB play. If he can change this offense ad do what he says by catering to the strengths of the players he has, then that should translate to success. Danny has been one hell of a good recruiter. Recruiting as the OC as opposed to the QB coach will make it even better. I'll give Freund a chance. But he he definitely has a lot of pressure on him to turn it around. Bubba is putting his coaching career on the line with Danny. Bubba is signed through 2021. If I were Chaves, I'd give Bubba and the coaching staff he finally assembles through the 2020 season after playing a complete season in the MVFC. By then we will see if this current staff can cut it in the best FCS conference in the country.
  10. Get a bunch of fans to maybe experience their first UND hockey game in person because the students are out of town and they had a deal for cheap seats. Then score 3 goals in a minute and a half that results in a comeback win and a sweep. Having new fans experience a game and an atmosphere like the one tonight.....that is how you continue to fill the Ralph!!
  11. So looking at both the Fighting Hawks logo and the geometric Sioux logo, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that they are very similar. Obviously they are depicting different things, but both are clean, basic logos that are easy to use in a multiple of applications. Logos at schools (and pro teams) evolve over the years. Has happened over the years at UND, and will happen again. So maybe the current Fighting Hawks logo is like the geometric Sioux logo. It is good, not great logo that is simple, and is a predecessor for a wildly poplar logo to be adopted 25 years later!! (well....maybe sooner)
  12. I have always wondered how the entire situation would be if the Ralph went all in on the name and logo. Putting the logo at center ice, hanging Fighting Hawk banners in the concourse, replacing the outdoor neon with the Fighting Hawk logo, waiting to update the locker room so the new logo could be integrated in the upgrade, etc. Yes the pushback from the vocal Hawk haters would be loud at first. But eventually, that would die down. There will be a day shortly after 2030 where this will all happen. So why wait until then. Delaying the inevitable seems counter productive. I will say it again, but it is more than unfortunate that the entity with the biggest influence chooses to go against the wishes of the University of North Dakota, the school the arena was meaning to benefit from the beginning.
  13. On on board with this hire!! Chaves connection might play a factor.
  14. One thing that I have always wondered. Sure the majority of fans at the Ralph, fans posting on social media, etc are hardcore Siouxforever fans who disapprove of the new Fighting Hawks name and logo. But are they the majority or just the very vocal minority?
  15. The Bison were 40-5 in three years he was the s OC. Couldn't have been too bad. Either way he's not coming back to the FCS. He is likely looking at advancing his career in the FBS.
  16. As per his bio, looks like he has OC experience......at UND!! https://gobison.com/staff.aspx?staff=333 'Hedberg was the offensive coordinator at Central Missouri (1990-95) and North Dakota (1996-98) in between head coaching jobs.'
  17. What’s “Chuck the pigskin” guy up to these days?!
  18. Anyone hear if there is going to be a "Final Skate" this weekend?
  19. They initially should have given the students 103, 104, 105, and 106. Opens up 108 and 108 to Diamond Club members. they make more money off of those seats. Plus, 306A, 307, 308, 309, 310, 310A they could either sell as season tickets or have as seats they sell to the general public. Unfortunately, like I said before, the majority of people in 103, 104, 105, and 106 aren't giving up those seats.
  20. The REA and UND screwed up by putting the student section where they did in the lower bowl. In the old Ralph, the students had half the arena. Obviously they couldn't do that at the new Ralph, but they wanted to make sure the students still had great seats in the lower bowl and not just put all the seats in the upper bowl. They really should have done what most college hockey arenas do and put the students at the end we shoot at twice. Also, splitting up the students and having some in the upper bowl and some in the lower killed the vibe as well. Not sure there is much you can do about it now.
  21. Unless you can convince the REA that making money is a bad thing, that ill never happen. Money trumps all.
  22. I suppose this one wouldn't fly anymore either. Anyone recall this one?!! If you can't score a goal hit the ref. If you can't score a goal hit the ref. If you can't score a goal and your team is in the hole, If you can't score a goal hit the ref.
  23. Dom Izzo's bracket going into the final week,
  24. There was a group of 5 of us in college (late 90's, early 2000's) that went to all the games together. We named ourselves the "Siouxperfans." (Where my screen name comes from). We started many traditions at games that are still done today. From the backing up beeping when there is a penalty at football games, to the "You sit" chant and the slow sieve chant at hockey games, it is awesome seeing these traditions still going almost 20 years later. That being said, the pride and joy of our group for cheers that we started that are still going today is the "Sioux Yeah Yeah" cheer!!. We rotated the person that would yell "Sioux Yeah Yeah" at first, but it eventually fell to my friend Brett who was the primary "yell leader" for the cheer. He may have been the person that you saw running around riling the crowd up. Unfortunately he lives in Florida, so he is not available
  25. One thing that has always bugged my about the Ralph is every time there is a stoppage in play, there is an add read over the PA or a commercial on the screen. I get it. they have to generate revenue and that is the best way to do it. But man is it a buzz kill. The best part of the Vegas game was during stoppages, the Orleans played awesome music which really got the crowd into it. Obviously they will never get a way from the adds during the game, but man I wish there was a way they could have less adds.
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