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Everything posted by Frozen4sioux

  1. It was the most minuscule change in the history of logos. Imagine their outrage if they picked some stupid postal service bird thing to replace their hostile tiger ?!!!!
  2. http://news.sportslogos.net/2019/10/15/auburn-tigers-nix-new-primary-logo/ Back in 1995, the Tigers asked the public to submit designs that would replace the university’s primary logo. The idea was met with opposition from fans, students and alumni, and was ultimately scrapped. This summer, Auburn began the process of rolling out an updated primary athletic and academic mark, dubbed internally as a new visual identity system, in an attempt to bring the logo into the digital age. The tweaks were minor — such as removing the negative space between the upper part of the “A” and “U,” as well as matching the font size of the two letters — but the change was once again met with heavy resistance. Then on Monday evening, Auburn Student Government Association president announced the Tigers would not be changing their beloved primary logo after all.
  3. Wisco is a team that I really think if they can get a handle on goaltending will be very very difficult to play in the tourney.
  4. Peraonally I think, and hope, this weekends roster decisions were to give some some playing time they may not see again this year. Also to give them every chance to prove their worth at quasi-exhibition speed so to say. We shall see next weekend I guess.
  5. I didnt critique his grammar, in any way. I will call out how he basically just copy and pastes quotes and content from other journalists work into clunky paragraphs and calls it his own work. That's fair game. That's borderline p word..... As someone who has been professionally published, that's kind of offensive. And NO I'm pot nerfect especially on a tiny phone keyboard on quick comments, but sorry not writng for pay here, just passionate about the program. Goon is a good person met him before. His writing and blogs were cute for a bit, I honestly thought it was great that UND granted media access to a "special needs writer"..... when I found that not to be the case the copy paste was significantly less cute. But when literally anyone associated with the progrum can get him to regurgitate the same attutude of arrogance when there are instances of glaring deficiencies, that are fair to discuss, it becomes even less cute, certainly won't stay quiet when he's popping off on here. Nobody was saying the sky is falling just pointed out that there was still some serious concerns, especially, with full 60 play, and the PP.... even whilst winning 2 games that were absolutely expectation to win contests. Objective media coverage is sparse with UND. Hell in the cities the media would be dragging Bubba up and down all sides of print, radio, and web. I like that we are much less aggressive with our coverage here. (This is something of an opinion I have that Schloss would struggle in larger markets NOT being so aggressively objective) This doesnt mean we shouldnt expect objective, critical analysis of what we can clearly see happening on the ice/field. Case in point.... The last year the dominance of shots being pushed as a positive while clearly not reporting on the quality of shot selection and skill which resulted in ... the end result.
  6. Well goon unlike you I can objectily breakdown a hockey game without sugarcoating the results to fit a narrative. I dont need to toe the company line to keep myself in the good graces of a "media" credential. You don't either, but I'm absolutely certain, you don't know that. But .... and here's some real info you can regurgitate in broken engrish and call it a "blog".... Not being negative. ... just facts. Canisius is a terrible D1 college hockey team. That's a fact.
  7. OMG .. officially nominate this for ss.com Post Of The Year. heck, it may actually win a Pulitzer.
  8. Heres the dirty truth. Its wins against a terrible terrible terrible college hockey team. Like probably one of the worse 3 or 4 this year. Wins that won't really help them much in the pwr (but could have devastated, obviously). Take away dropping 5 on a subpar goalie's even worse backup. UND didnt play all that well. The powerplay was, not awesome, by a long shot. The skinny, 2 wins but its going to be a MUUUUCH tougher road the rest of the way.
  9. Cole Smith needs to lead a regular "go hard to the net" drill every practice
  10. Back door... been open..... All. Night. Long.
  11. My son just asked if katie was getting married in the 1800s tonight...... savage.
  12. the PP is way to stagnant, and predictable. it sets up and the weak side is set up at the top of the circle, not on the dot. When in actuallity the low weak side back door has been wiiiiiiiide open every time but UND doesnt have anyone dropping in downnthere for the easy sweep in.
  13. Again I will illterate.... Canisius is not good.
  14. Ahhh geeez looks like someone left the computer unlocked again. Always a treat when the institution's employees forget to log out and we get some wisdom dropped.
  15. damn this game is so boring that its resorting to waxing nostalgic about the olden days of winter survival and katie's hair extension...... gunna be a long year.
  16. Im trying for the life of me to figure out what Mismash was thinking on that play. Poolman had it under control, then 16 flies in and wtf? Should have got a trip on it for taking out the Canisius guy, but I guess he kinda punished himself. Very strange
  17. Canisius is not good. Not really close to good.
  18. Nobody is happy, plodding along in the E.
  19. Oxbow asking the important questions for the people..... For the record I believe Twamley has been quite silent on the issue. r/conspiracy?
  20. Im actually quite shocked anyone thought this would end any differently The Twins were built to win one of the all time worst division in major league history. There was no chance, no way that the awwwshucksville nine where even remotely capable of competing in the postseason. For one, MLB will rarly if ever again allow MN to advance, maybe when a new stadium is needed.... This team was put together to stroke the hopes and dreams of one of the worlds most desperate fandoms. They were ment to compete with the one, maybe one team in the division and go from there. Now they can, AND WILL, be awefull again and spend nothing for ten years all the while stroking the narrative of... "that '19 team was one for the record books." Think they will be good next year... naawaah, no way. The bom.... nope not gonna say it... squad lived and died by the juiced ball. MLB has to change the ball now, commish said they would, so next year those 150 duck fart bloopers that left the field for homers..... 135 of them are fly ball outs. Take all those away and chicago probably finishes 2nd and the twinkywinks 3rd behind the Wawhooos. Nope, the owners of MN sports teams feed off the minnesota nicety of the gullible rubes, itll be a long time coming before they have to orchestrate an even quasi plausible squad. I swore off all minnesota sports years ago, (but the wild are always on and its kinda fun to watch ZPar) but really they got zero chance too. Vikings crap, burned it. Timberwolves and lynx dont count casue ... basketball, right!?! amiright. The twins hats i have just fit right and ive got those great memories of 87 and 91 and my beer drinkin hunting firstbasen hero, so I keep putting the thing on my head but.... Its never going to change. Its a sham, they hook you in and hope for ignorance.... Need some type of group collective regionwide 12 step program... Oh well..... 127 days and pitchers and catchers start the charade again... ill probably still have the hat
  21. too tall... is he still around? Hutch, Too Tall, and Brick Tamland...... Legends in their own ways I guess......
  22. ohhhh..... yeah that peky blizzardnado storm. I wonder how that will play out for attendence. Hoping the I-29 tunnel can be hollowed out and get to forks.
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