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Everything posted by Frozen4sioux

  1. ...or ever been admitted to altru, or been seen at altru, or worked for altru, or visited altru, or been chronically misdiagnosed by altru, or had a relative go in for a routine procedure and never come out of altru I'd rather be taken to the doctor from "Million ways to die in the west" than altru. Better chance with an ear nail and bluejay pecking out the wound .....IMO.
  2. Frozen4sioux


    polls are for ....... (fill in peeler joke here)
  3. Pogo becomes the 103rd former player to play in the NHL.
  4. Literally thought the exact same thing while watching that the other night.... But for real... "Midget"... good lord there is a line and in my book Midget is the same area as "Red skins" ... its just a matter of when and how they are replaced, not "if".
  5. Yeah... one comment and the triggered Hawkzis show up in force .. furiously flocking to the keyboards and usernames to defend their superior opinion and tell everyone else how wrong they are.
  6. The fanatic types of fans that travel like crazy is not the crowd to take kindly to a new "Hawks" jersey.... There may be a time for that, Nashville isnt it. Will push acceptence back considerably. Bot a argyment or debate on the name/logo or issues well discussed in the other forumns. Just the truth, doesnt matter what side of it your opinion lies on, its just not the avenue to advance any campaign. #1Rule: Know your audience.
  7. This season I actually did that a bit, got to see some things I hadn't for a decade or so, its all pretty rough and sketchy. Its not good. I say use that info to create a sense of urgency, take the pain now and get beyond it. The status quo is pointless to continue to support.
  8. If Motzkoball couldn't see and admit the Thursday game was butt-thumping from the drop of the puck to the final horn...... UMtc is in for a longer more painful era of mediocre.... hell even his assistants were almost puking in disgusted rage during the intermissions.... "right there" good lord those players where in a different time zone of talent and skill. I'd sayit was sheet will, lucky bounces, and B1G stripes that kept it close and respectable Sat night.... but to think thebprogram is "right there" with UND is foolish.... Statements like that don't encourage fans and donorbase, it just creates more doubt about his abilities. #delusional
  9. Keep practicing with some of the best high school players around and be in great shape and rested come Jan 28? Thats what I'd do, that will come fast kinda like a minorish injury setback and recovery time frame really. It is the bulk of the game schedule 17 games from now to then, but then back for 7 and the tournements. These kids play plenty of games spring summer and fall, sucks to miss them but who knows, may even change on appeal. Thats assuming he is able to participate in practices I guess. Especially withbhighly talented teammates, development happens in practice.
  10. Double edged sword on making people aware of the current conditions of locker rooms and such, play that angle up too much and becomes very visual for potential recruits before they can get them on campus and definitely more used by competing programs..... But most people arent aware of what exactly the current conditions are that necessitate Phase II..... by putting that out there more does that create the urgency to give...... at this point the short term pain may outweigh the potential negatives. I know finding more about exactly the current state has made me more willing to support.
  11. Imagine that Altru kills something else.... Did the facility go in for a headache, or a routine procedure of sometype?
  12. The takeaway from that may be the massive budget cuts that he dealt with... I'd like to hope we are beyond that in ND ..... but i know that is not going to be the case in the next decade. Hopefully he can use his experiences to better handle those situations as they arise. And really after the last few presidents its not going to be tough to lool good in comparison, and ..... the further removed we are from the last well liked president, the better to not be living in the shadow.
  13. Well to me no huge red flags are present or reasons to be outraged by the selection in any way, so here's to giving the guy a shot and hoping he has a good long and successful tenure. Lots of difficult issues ahead in higher education but i think now is a great time to be coming into the position. Welcome and good luck!
  14. I've already noticed a plethora of changes in Cabelas that has drastically reduced my shopping through them. Everything seems cheaper in quality. Unfortunately everytime I goninto the East Grand store it just "feels" like its in a death spiral. Does it still fall under some type of tax benefits from the city? I'd imagine that would have expired long ago.
  15. If I wa making "millions" by shilling unlicensed counterfeit jerseys.... pretty much the last thing I'd want is an article in Forbes. Bookmark this, I guarantee the licensing companies will try to make an example out of him, they have to now.
  16. Honest feedback here... The biggest downfall for UND tonight was going on the PP. It actually seemed to destroy the rythm... If UND could have just skated 5x5 all night they could have hit a bakers dozen at least.
  17. Based on sheer volume... it could be awhile
  18. Happy Goalsgiving ... The Mashed potato massacre...
  19. B1G stripies will do everything to make sure that is NOT the case.
  20. Davis 6 Sheyenne 1 GFC 4 FS/S 1 RR 4 Grafton 0 Mandan 6 HB 4
  21. It always amazes me the direct corelation between Hak hate and the hater not having a bumfuwks clue about hockey. Its almost comical how quickly they are willing to prove the point on social media and the forums.
  22. Worst is when pxp or color guys give too much emphasis of intimidating predestined greatness or power to random things that dont deserve it in the context... tough to describe... but like when the older guy for UMtc, the one that sounded like he had ice cubes and olives from his martini rolling around in his mouth, .... would greatly overemphasise a simple zone entry to make it seem as if some overly powerful entity was involved and the opposition should quake at their percieved amazingness. Alex tends to do this as well, especially in some of the other things he does... but does so as well in desribing hockey
  23. more than likely replaced bybthe new guys guy at some point in the near future. Guys like their own guys
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