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Everything posted by Frozen4sioux

  1. Bud, in YOUR specific, real world situation..... Can you honestly look yourself in the mirror and not see how sad you are? You're projecting, it sounds like a cry for help. Please, it gets better. There are people that can help you, no matter what name you give them. You really sound like you need a hug. Go upstairs, go outside, feel the sun. It's nice out here.
  2. Actually no, I shared verified information about a slut riding whore who slept her way to positions of power unearned. Thats true and verified. Without doubt or denial. The convicted pedophile terrorist that was shot in self defense, IS now identified as was/were. You feel all mad and angry that someone pointed out the hypocrisy of your race based idiocracy arguments, so youbagain change the subjects. I get it sucks to be wrong and be proven so but to double down on the stupid is sad. Now switch those accounts and tag team your pathetic excuses again.
  3. No. Wrong....again. There appears to be no similarities between the psycopathic mass shooters you posted a meme about and the Kenosha kid.....except skin color. Thats racist. You are actively being a racist. Stop.
  4. Not so much highspeed, You put out a losely based meme of assumed similarities, furthermore you grouped these people of assumed similarities based soley on race, without regard to consitently similar carnage that occurs nightly in the inner cities of our liberal cities. You seem to be consistently arrogantly racist. Sad. Be better. To think there is a moral high gound in your rasist assumptuons of violence of a few psycopaths, without any acknowledgment that as a whole the VAST majority of gun crime is committed by other demographics is ...as I said, naive, and shows an astouding lack of intellectual thought capabilities.
  5. Bud, you're spare parts and if you're brains were gas you couldn't power an ant's gokart one lap around a cheerio. see... I can just spout insults instead of addressing facts too. Damn shame you lack the ability to comprehend. BTW.. Call of duty......is nothing like Kandahar, can confirm. Wouldnt expect your incel-infantry brigayde to know that.
  6. Now do Chicago and Minneapolis, just for the last two weeks. The level of naive in your post is astounding.
  7. Scratch 2 tango... ..... a good lesson, and a good start. It's well past time to officially declare these things as the terrorists they are, and acknowledge they are waging systematic and organized war on the United States of America. Declare the state of war they "think" they want, then dispatch and dispose of them with utmost shock awe, and might of our great country. Game. over. This would all be over before halloween.
  8. Maybe the people cheering.. There is a large number of people defending those actions, through financial support, media coverage and quite frankly an appalling lack of action. You can't be so naive to actual believe this rhetorical question you've spouted, can you?
  9. That was one of the best pieces of journalism ive seen in awhile, still slanted but yeah.... This kid isnt going to get anywhere near premeditated 1st degree murder..... he walks other than a few minor things. That charge is a nothingburger with a side of fairytale fries, just a public signalling charge to quell unrest.... In fact there are easily a few charges earned by the rioting felonious scum; a couple play stupid games prizes, and I hope an attempted murder charge for the guy thats gunna be jerkin it lefty to his furry porn for the rest of his life.
  10. The militia and police probably did cooperate here.... as it should be. The police and militia have cooperated to quell aditional violence and nip potentially felonious activity beforebit geta out of hand before. Locally, in ND, and it worked Extreamly effectively. If this crap continues around the country, the mobs of soylent and fail will learn VERY quickly how effective militia and law enforcement can be at snuffing out unrest.
  11. Right now if President Trump came on national television and declared that all men SHOULD NOT cut their own dicks off...... We would see... 1) A short turn boom for the knife making industry. 2) some really disturbing footage on CNN and... 3) An eradication of the librealism disease in a single generation.
  12. This type of stupid is scary. In your world down there, was Jeffrey Dahmer just a misunderstood dietician? I'm not sure if you truly just believe the crap narratives like some mindless turd.... or you lack even the basic human functioning skills that would result in you coming up with these delusional skewers of fiction on your own..... But based on your current situation down in the basement there, it seems like there isnt much in life you've been able to accomplish on your own so.... imma go with shitferbrains sheep in your continued assesment. How many case workers time are you tying up?
  13. The video clearly shows him retreating BEFORE the molotov cocktail is thrown at him..... after that... fair game.
  14. Wasnthis before or after the molotov cocktail was thrown at him? He will go away, but not for murder.
  15. The part that is unable for you to comprehend is that... The Militia was there 100% legally based specifically on the constitution.... The rioting scum are rightlynand purposely defined as NOT having the constitutional right to their behavior. Words mean things, it helps us when we can understand them. Something to aspire to for you.
  16. JUST like the knee jerk reaction of massively over-charging the Minneapolis cop, and the 3 others, who will all walk by the way because of that... They will get kneeNecker on the tax charges though.. The charges against the kid in wisco will also be drummed down to much much less, like a minor in possession of a firearm, or discharging a weapon... clearly self defense. He should not have been there, and is a moron for that, but no he wont serve for murder.
  17. Goodness this is easy, although because of the failure of your parents to teach you to be able to learn instead of just continuously spout stupid, I doubt it will help... but Ther is hope for others, but seriously kid when you start to live on your own and get outside of the incel crowd... you will learn there is truth that can be seen. like this.... Mark, here is the first shooting which is clearly self-defense. Just thought you would like to know. https://t.co/lpkg0dKyKo
  18. Actually...No. Limpy fought with them, had a knife and was continually defying lawful orders. Hero was acting in self defense and shot a man pointing a gun to his head. Are you going to make me post those pictures just to make you look more stupid... or just .....ROTFLMOA and call us names before your mom shuts down your wifi for the night?
  19. Who knew all it takes to get boring NBA off tv and stop wasting broadcast time... Was shooting a piece of !@#$ weapon toting pedophile in the back a few times. If this policy is adopted nationwide...... think of all the kids we could save from being raped,..... plus possibly of more entertaining things on ESPN... like lumberjack competitions.
  20. Ok... ooooo you're so close, this is like watching a neaderthal discover fire.. Correct none of those bad things happened.... why..... Try real hard I know it hurts but you're ALMOST there.... Good people with guns had the courage to stand up for their rights and property. They MOST DEFINITELY had the intention of shooting ANY of the riot scum if they chose to continue those actions. As would I and millions and millions other gun owners would, and will......If necessary. Guns worked as the detefent here.
  21. The crowd of felonious riot scum was made up of a diverse crowd of soylent trash from many different backgrounds of failed educators and parents, much like your own. It's very bigoted to express that they were all "black people" You're racist is showing, again.
  22. hahahahahaha.... it didn't take much to trigger haydouche to spill a bagfull. Sometimes I seriously wonder if he knows this is all a big joke and hes it.
  23. Polls are gone, a pointless relic of the past.
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