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Everything posted by Frozen4sioux

  1. Hot andnheavy commitments rolling into the Boston schools... but nothing unexpected. Berry and staff id supose down at the BEL games.
  2. But weren't you using that before coevid to keep the fry grease from splattering your face?
  3. Wow... hayduke...dukes, 1, law in CO... however many logins and names he/she/zhe/che/we uses ... is getting dunked on.... repeatedly..... by Goon. At this point its best to just go upstairs give your laptop to your mom and ask her to keep it away from you for awhile. Use the time to read... like actual history, or take the advice of that last mental health checkup, you know.....take a shift or two off. There is help uit there for you kid, just have to be willing to accept it.
  4. aaaaaaaaaaand there it is. The absolute douchwallowery of the thread has finally also aligned itslef along the Fhawks debate..... Ive been trying to goat some poor low IQ bastard into that arena since page 230 or something. The circle is complete, the douche canoe is full. Now the thread can be drug out behind the old Ralphs shadow and a bullet placed judiciously into it's preverbial head. We'll put a useless mask on it first...... of course, hate to signal an unvirtuous end for the sheeple.
  5. Really think its better to keep the stupid in a cage though, if they are allowed to run wild they end up fouling up the sane portions. In fact I think we need to pump the bellows on this dumpster fire.... Lets discuss how the manufactuered corona/racewar/russia pandemicacide coup attempt would have impacted the Sioux name and logo debate, through the eyes of a round table discussion between AOC Trump, Elizabeth Warren and Ted Cruz..... on meth,..... moderated by Former presidents Kennedy and Kelly... Hosted by KEM on the new floor of the Betty.
  6. Do your parents know you snuck on the computer again?
  7. Literally, the headline is factually not correct in any way shape or form. Even the story of which 0.02% of people actually read... defines exactly why she was detained. Its the lib mob sheeple that eat this stuff up in a headline and use it to woke their virtue of guilty whitness for the day, and signal their wokeness by spewing it forward to the low attention span crowd.
  8. A man is dead and some lives shattered. Get your virtue signalling rage chubby in the dumpster fire thread. The many people who disapproved of his job performance in ND are 0.0 percent responsible for the what 2 criminals did in SC. I don't like the Gophers. I mourn and feel empathy towards them and their families when real tragedy strikes. Thats huamanity. Its not about you or your cause of the week. A man died. Take it to the dumpster or log the heck off. Be a better human.
  9. May be the single stupidest comment in the history of the internet. Hands down, you won. Words. They mean things.
  10. If the world tested for the common cold, influenza, or for example......hangnails... then politicized every scrap of information, and counted every human that passes away, that happened to have a hangnail at that time as a "Hangnail Epidemic" death... it would be a top cause of death too. But put your effin mask on, under your desk in a duck and cover too, maybe thats the key. Sign the song even. You know you're doing it your head as we speak..... P.S.... Mandate gloves&mittens NOW to stop the population ending Hangnail Epidemic of 2020
  11. The value is the data that AGAIN shows that the more testing they do, the more we find this this is much more extensively widespread.... NOT nearly as dangerous as far as hospitalizations and deaths.
  12. It won't. The writing is on the wall and dominoes are already falling. The reasoning is insane and more suited for the dumpster fire thread... but they are writing their own self fullfiling prophecy at this point. The problem is the results will be disastrous to college hockey this year and in the future. I know we dont want to fear the worst but the reality is now changing forever.
  13. And for gosh sakes.... 5G DONT FORGET 5G!!!!!!!.... 5G actually is a now been labeled a known symbol of white supremacists that the lizard people have been using to impregnate the brains of leftist marxists ..... little known fact ... 5G is a 50/50 joint partnership between George Soros and the "Dead" Koch brother.
  14. Wrapped in green and flowing constantly. As long as the money is siphoned of by the tribe first.... they really dont give a !@#$. Zero people believe this was about water, right?.... Well other than the no brained zombies who do the on the ground "activism"
  15. Not talking about Rizzo... or UND specifically. The strategy is being employed on every potential CHL player regardless of their current commitment
  16. I expect more.... Canadian juniors are hitting kids hard about dems people playing politics with on campus classes and athletics.. Doing hard sells about not letting their future be a pawn in the drama.
  17. Sorry but im as conservative as they come, and Redskins is a name that has no bbn place in society today or the for some time now. Indians.....probably best to go too. Chiefs, Braves, Blackhawks.... should stay but wont. Washington needs to find the possibility of reinvented marketing and embrace the change... .....but they have selected alumni of the team and other stakeholders in a committee process..... so 99.9% they go with Red Hawks.
  18. People can explain things to you but, all the crayon in the world will not help you understand. We blame your parents.
  19. This rediculous asshat of an opinion Is what happens when kids are not told they are wrong, are coddled and made to understand that all their special little opinions are valid and need to be respected. More of our educational system needs to be telling these kids that NO their opinion isn't acurate, smacking the stupid out of their parents for supporting such BS, disiplining the sh!theads behavior and making sure they dont get a trophy for coming in 43rd in the three-legged sack race. Maybe and MAYBE then we could have a real discussion on issues instead of this mindless nonsense they foolishly fall for. If the media didnt tell these idiots how to think, Id bet they'd be as lost as compass in a magnet factory.
  20. Well so much for the second half of 2020 being a rebound.... whats next giant asteroid? Without a big hot hamNcheese it may as well just hit us be over.
  21. Damn $150 for an authentic on ice... wow. For authentic Nike id say 400-500 is fair for good condition. Gamers may e can be found for a few hundred more. For the reeboks... its the fact they just are not made, lots out there but 350 is a smashing deal and probably push 400. That being said there is that one off chance to find a diamond in the rough and pay under 200 or even under 300. Those are the ones you buy buy buy.
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