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Everything posted by Frozen4sioux

  1. I can agree with this in every way, as it pertains to national emergencies.... it is literally the playbook on how to destroy the republic
  2. Its good, not bad, kinda similar to the Thief river Falls Norskies... Which would have worked better because , as stated, no " men" at the end to continue the oppreasion and subjectivication of of the womens teams.
  3. Once again... for yourself, for everybody. Stop. Smoking. The. Meth.
  4. Science. Fact. Sorry I'm not sure what facebook meme you got your info from but that cloth mask is IN FACT useless for both parties from aerosol spread of normal breathing and speaking * It MAY stop a percentage of large globlets but unless you're a shitforbrains idiot you dont sneeze at people like you're trying to pant them with nose jizz. So to recap, cloth mask 0% effective for both parties breathing amd speaking, (actually more dangerous for the wearer in contracting a million other germs). May stop a small percentage of snot projectile from someone sneezing or coughing like a moron in public while wearing. Telling healthy people they are Orange Man badlike for not wearing a face pantie in public is absurdly unintelligent.
  5. So what % of the community am I protecting wearing a 0% effective cloth mask? As 98% of the mask wearing population is doing. It's a hallow pointless virtue signal that has ZERO effect on any positive societal aspect. Its just another sign of how easy it is to control a poorly educated population. Do this pointless act, or you are a bad person. If the mask thing is a real benefit, then there has to be a requirement of an effective mask.
  6. Ill say this about masks..... Ill back any policy that requires facecoverings that are infused with listerine. Good lord, do people even brush there damn teeth anymore?
  7. Kinda shocked actually but to do things legit with licensed manufacturers takes a bit of a process. Not as simple as all the knockoff fbwarriors Also I see some liability with selling these masks. Say I buy the legacy 2 pack ( 1 brien logo and geo)... and i get the rona while im wearing it at capn jacks picking up a couple racks of PBR to get through my kids schoolwork for the day..... Whose to say people dont start suing... that aspect of it would be an issue, i think thats going to be a huge aspect of the coming years if there isnt more specific tort regulations passed, and thats if there even should be, its a big complex issue, or yet another big complex issue
  8. Yes, legit, licensed retail replica. Very common, retailed from $85-$110. Not best condition, but seems like a fair price.
  9. TESTING DOESN'T MATTER!!!! For gawds sake sheep, the only thing a test can do is confirm syptoms. Lets play the game though. Tomorrow every person in the country is tested. Great. What does that tell us. Who has the virus at that moment in time. Awesome. The day after tomorrow everyone would need to be tested again, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day. 350 Millions tests per day. Even IF you could do that what then, forced isolation... thats incarceration, btw ... of all that currently carry? Ok cool, for how long, 14 days. 37 days, 45 days?... what happens then? Its out there in the world and zero people actually know where or in what or with what this thing can live. Can animals catch it, obviously yes? Are some species completely asymptomatic hosts and carriers, who know, but likely some are. So what euthanize all animals? All of these hypotheticals are 100% not possible. Antibody testing to find out who has been an carrier the past 6 months is the only way to be able to provide accurate data as to the infection rates, hospitalization rates and the actual danger of this thing. Im sick of the data available now being used to manipulate. Testing is the red herring being used to distract, manipulate, scare, control, and extort.
  10. That article is a farcical bit of fancy imagination, that is now 10 days old. As we know, hype, fact, reality and comditions change dramatically in 10 days. The regular college hockey season Should start on time, with fans, no restrictions. The reasons that it wont would need to be discussed in the 5G Rona thread. ...and speaking of fantasty, check out his "realigned" divisions, LOL. Nice try CC pxp dude, but no.
  11. This is the type of comment that can get a guy a beer bought for him. Truth.
  12. In reality, it would be worse for them than they can comprehend. NCAA cancels hockey extreamly prematurely.... a mass exudus to signing pro deals and Canadian juniors occur. It would be the death of college hockey, of course if it actually comes to that, it would be just a small pebble in the grand scheme of the redefinition of humanity. (see... 5G Corona thread in Community)
  13. If theses media hungry jackels keep forcing the narrative, they will get exactly the doomed destiny they hype. Its basically self gratification that actually cuts off their own apparatus of gratification.
  14. True contract tracing is basically moot, unless we start using antibody testing those people who " think they probably had it back in January or Feb or before. Are more people dying than "normal" baseline deathrates in any state or region? When we highlight every death it magnifies this thing but, would many of these people died of a fall, or respiratory failure, or something else. All of the data and daily testing is only telling us a snapshot of information that is extreamly incomplete. Its like counting shots on goal but completely ignoring shot attempts and the players who had the puck earlier. Hospitalization data is pertinent obviously, but in reality out of contextual data of previous hospital occupancy, it doesnt mean nearly as much. Corona is a bad bad bug, it can kill. I'm almost sure ive already been a carrier befor the media feasted on it. Most likely the same is true of you. I dont want to die of corona but i also dont want to die of starvation or famine or unrest at economic and social destruction at the hands of misplaced reactions, and I dont want to be left with the financial option of having to borrow a bullet and rent a gun. Which is a very real reality for an exponentially increasing segments of our population.
  15. One would think..... Here is the criteria... The diving and embellishment alone should have weighed heavier in the criteria. But those categories tool a back seat to the "media voters" categories of - F*uck UND. - Career performance. - and appearently... goals? Again Scott P is a really good player, but the asshattery of some of the committee members was childish. CHARACTER MATTERS Teamwork. Dedication. Integrity. Exceptional play. Humility. And, above all, character. These are the values that set the game of hockey, and those who play it, apart from any other. They are also the values that the Hobey Baker Award honors each year. The most coveted award in collegiate hockey, the Hobey Baker Award is given to the top NCAA men’s ice hockey player in the nation. Winners are chosen not for raw skill or stats or character alone, though those are important. They are selected for everything they do. Candidates must: • Exhibit strength and character, both on and off the ice • Contribute to the integrity of the team • Display outstanding skills in all phases of the game • Show scholastic achievement and sportsmanship Candidates must also comply with all NCAA rules, be full-time students in an accredited NCAA college or university, and complete 50% or more of the season. The Hobey Baker Award was named for hockey legend and World War I veteran Hobey Baker. Universally recognized as the best amateur player in the United States, Baker was the ultimate gentleman sportsman, always playing the game with courage, honor, and humility.
  16. Thsere are a couple of those national "media" that are in no way media. The one mentioned is basically a triggered mess when he has to cover anything good from UND. If thats how they have to go through life, gaining wins by screwing some kid so they can "stick it" to ancollege aports team they hate... well ufff thats sad. Scott P is a good player, he'll grap a cup of coffee or two, but I see AHL and Europe in his future. Honestly this years field was a bit off from the top end talent perspective. Congrats to all the finalists.
  17. Really what would be the best thing that can happen right now is, We need to make the test for the antibodies available in mass. If that was possible we could certify that we have maybe had this damn thing and not even gotten sick or had it in the past 5 months at some point and thought it was just a cold. If a guy could certify as CovidAntibody positive, BOOM, that's a guy who can go back to working or selling or functioning in society, or helping in healthcare settings to alleviate strain. This gets the economy safely back to functional and with mass testing we would understand the actual herd immunity and truer infection rates. I guess if any healthcare people with knowledge could comment on how that type of testing works it would be interested. I believe that this data could be used to completely combat any attempts to use this pandemic to manipulate the world socio-economic balance that may or may not be taking place. Oh to qualify the thread...…. You peasants can use 5G technology to help with it, I'll use 6G.
  18. Finally a claim of your's that can be considered to have actually come to fruition.
  19. Yeah, dont really know where that brain fart came from... sheeeeesh.
  20. Well the vote has already happened so basically they could find a dead hooker in his St. Louis Blues hockey Bag and it wouldnt change the outcome.
  21. I would think so, at this point I'd say its 80/20 Perunevich over Kawa but who knows. Some of the new voters this year are SUPER anti-und. That and the senior vs junior probably swings it up to dahloot
  22. With everything going on in the world and an April blizzard. Please don't.
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