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Everything posted by Frozen4sioux

  1. Oshie has been a man beast..... has been every bit as good as anyone else this series. ME thinks it could be a heck of a good night in Vegas for the Caps.
  2. Vegas ownership ( the ones that own the town, the sports books, the ballarina buffets, not the team) seem to possibly im some peoples opinion, have taken a lesson out of the NBA playbook..... no need to payoff players.... just cashe out the stripes..... but I wouldnt put it past Bettman to WWE this contest a bit either, I dont trust that little shyt
  3. Looks like a bunch of grand forks and east grand forks organizations may believe that she is in fact continuing to be philanthropic to our area, where do you get off telling them where they can or should be spending their own money! That money coming into the community is in no way taken from the FB team or any team, or the University. That’s money that is dearly appreciated that comes in due to the Family foundation, not the money taken in from ticket sales or paid from UND. Maybe you selfish bastards should go over to Sacred Heart and The community violence protection program and explain to them how they need to “feel the crunch” like the rest of the state.... make them give you some off that money you deserve for better water bottles, new logo stencils, and that fourth road jersey. But hey shame on her for giving away some of her family foundations money to feed homeless in Nevada..... what an selfish little brat....
  4. Dammit Bobby... What do we do when someone rates the Pepper by talking about the quality of the food as opposed to the homogenous memories of late night alcohol infused commrodery and the continous nostalgia and appreciation for what once was......
  5. I'd be giving statement too if i had to deal with ungreatfull pricks who disrespect the nature of her legacy and continous spirtit of philanthropic donation. I however would not have been nearly as gracious or forgiving as it appears she was in resolving such a shameful display of ungratefulness.
  6. There was a news story that reported that exact chain of events.
  7. Who knows how much better off the FB program could have been if their budget had been managed better? Might even have won a few more games, or been able to afford a logo at midfield? I believe that the REA has, does, and could, manage the budget and planning better than the UND has in the past, and although the previous comment is obviously (unless the reader is a complete idiot) tongue in cheek, we will be able to judge exactly how capable the Chaves led department is over the course of the RR golf land and HPC2 process.
  8. He did walk away. Accourding to reports He made introductions...genuflected, bent the knee... and softly limped away with his tail between his legs, and left the negotiations to others.... Which in truth maybe shows an improvement in judgement on his part. If they really came together on a contract that truely benefits all UND athletics, expect the terms to reflect an increased REA responsibility in managing a larger portion of the athletics budget.
  9. Time to put this stupid episode behind him and limp softly into his next position.
  10. Nashville is cool good choice. Next up.... Montreal or Toronto. attack the Q and the O.
  11. Good Lord, They them then they there they them than, who??? What does a proper sentence look like in your world? You need to realize that "your personal interpretation" of what you think the agreement says, is not a quality rock to build an argument or opinion on. You have built in assumptions that pervert your view of the subject and are incapable of understanding the actual fact that those involved obviously donot share your perverted interpretation of.
  12. The potential sale of the land is something Im not sure is in the best interest of the University. HPC2 needs to get done needs a lot of money, but is selling that piece for 8 million a way to raise it? issues i want to know more about: Potential future use: dreams vs reality. Valuation: $8 Million seems low to me. How would the cirrent and future donors feel about selling off the gift. I dont know the intention of those that gifted the land as we do in the the REA case. If a huge sum is needed for HPC2 so urgently ... the timing of a pissing match with the largest and most visible public donor was even more idiotic. I just hope that the resources are being pit to use properly and financially sound. Was Ray Richards profitable while open and operating?
  13. And you are again foolishly assuming a result based on utterly failing to understand the situation. Again. Continually. Foolish.
  14. Its literarlly what you wrote. Good lord you can't keep up with your own hypocrisy. "there is not an overwhelming consensus against the nickname at this point" If you honestly believe this.... there just isn't any way for a sane person to take you with a shred of credibility. I question your ability to unserstand the world around you, and I truly pray for your saftey as you navigate the earth, which by your logical abilities I have no doubt you believe to be flat.
  15. Almost everyone. The consensus.... if you will.
  16. The "consensus" among UND supporters is quite clear. Far and away there is a general agreement that people think the logo is shyte. That is the consensus, like it or not. Very poor word choice. What you really meant was " Everyone who even remotely is associated with UND needs to mindlessly worship the symbol of mediocrity, or a few of us will relentlesly insult them until they do, untill then we all lose."
  17. Not interested in Wahlstrom. IF he plays in college and that is a massive IF at this point.... he would play at max one year. I'm in the camp of thinking that if a player is going to go the college route it is best to be on at least a 2 year plan.
  18. but but but but but the poor athletes..... the coaches said it, you all quote it every other post.. the players need the logo at mid field/center court or they are disheartened. Its your argument, so if its that damn important why throw out a perfectly good and serviceable sign instead of putting the money where it is so desperately needed. ... as you argue... intoncoaches salaries, lockerrooms, and and the holy grail of midfield? Poor management of budget and expenditures. Something the REA agreement protects ALL UND Athletics from an increase of. I guess you do need a break, from your own arguements maybe??? Watching you struggle with logic is like watching a puppy chasing its tail, and its just as entertaining.
  19. This is an example of why I'm very comfortable having the REA contract setup. Foolish expenditures. Instead of the logo at midfield on turf to be seen on TV and so the athletes see it as the walk by, (as coaches are quotes saying they need) UND spent a ton of money $40,000 on a new graphic for a perfectly serviceable sign on the Alerus center and more (plus $35,000) for the HPC signs... Why wasn't that money spent on enhancements that are so badly needed for FB program, enhancements that could have helped with locker rooms, and coaches salaries like I keep hearing about. Examples like this of UND spending money foolishly, is why I have NO issue in the REA agreement. IN fact if the FHawkzis want to keep playing this "for the benefit of all UND athletics" card..... keeping the most money out of the hands of foolish spending is probably true to the spirit of the agreement....."benefiting all UND athletics"!!!
  20. Im not sure maybe somebody does know this for sure, who owns and has responsibility of the turf at the Alerus, The Arena or does it belong to UND. Also, UND paid for the brand new Hawk logoed helmet sign on the outside of the ACenter, not the Arena.
  21. Wouldn’t also be fair to point out the increase in expenses, including labor, supplies and the like. Assuming more revenue = more net profit is again, quite foolish.
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