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Posts posted by UND-FB-FAN

  1. 11 hours ago, geaux_sioux said:

    If Labat gets a piece of that guy they don't block that punt and we probably win. 

    Or if Studsrud doesn't fumble in SBU territory. 

    Or if Georges doesn't fumble on the goal line.

    Or if UND converts on the 4th & 1 near the end of the game.

    The score is kept for the entire game. Not accusing you of dismissing that, but it is easy to overlook so that's why I mention it here. Armchair quarterbacking is all about picking out single plays here and there and not looking at the big picture. 

    UND was great on defense. On offense, however, it was like they forgot to get off the bus. They didn't play UND offensive football AT ALL! Poor ball security with lost fumbles and inability to run the ball on first down and short yardage is NOT how UND wants to play offense. Bubba and Rudolph and, most importantly, the offensive players need to fix that, and fast. 

    • Upvote 3
  2. 33 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Here it is, about SBU, about BGSU, point blank.

    Screw it. Screw them. 

    I don't care how good SBU's defense supposedly is/am/was. I don't care.  

    I don't care how whatever BGSU's offense is. It doesn't matter. I don't care. 

    I say quit psyching ourselves out with "but their whatever is soooo good". Quit looking and worrying about the other guy. 


    Worry about us, just our team, getting better, day by day.

    Control what is ours to control: our style, our effort, our assignments, our enthusiasm, our mistakes, our game.


    Play UND Football. 

    Nothing else matters. 

    Couldn't agree more. 

    Last week, against Stony Brook, UND didn't play their game offensively.

    This week, against Bowling Green, UND needs to focus better offensively and get the job done. Defense needs to keep improving, also. 

    • Upvote 1
  3. 2 hours ago, siouxfan512 said:

    Per the Bowling Green Forum, there is a 90% chance of thunderstorms and gusty winds on Saturday for the game.


    2 hours ago, siouxfan512 said:

    Agreed! Run Run Run

    Should hopefully limit their passing game too! Regardless, we just need to play North Dakota football and get back to what we were doing last year.

    UND needs to get their offensive line in check. Defense is already in mid-season form, but until the offense can start consistently running the ball again, UND wont be a winning ball club. 

    Heres to hoping the offense finds its running game this Saturday! 

    Go Hawks!

    • Upvote 1
  4. 21 hours ago, Blackheart said:

    Well there's nothing like rooting for a winner...it just makes it that much easier, especially for your fair-weather fan types.

    This is the most true in terms of bringing in a larger following.

  5. 6 hours ago, CMSioux said:

    I like to keep things in perspective - I would love a win at BG and think it it is possible. I'm not going out on the ledge if we start 0-2. I believe that 8-3 in the BIg Sky makes the playoffs and I think that is achievable barring any more injuries of key players. I also think that 7-4 could make the playoffs if the Big Sky has a representative in the room with some balls.

    I still don't read or hear much that allows me to believe that the Big Sky as a whole goes to bat for UND or even cares about us - plenty of examples over the past years with the playoff snub being one of them and conference awards being another. With all the discussion about looking into a different conference if everything fell into place I would have no problem with a move. I would definitely be willing to go on road trips that were between 200 - 400 miles.   


    Annual road trips to Fargo, Brookings, Vermillion, and/or Cedar Falls would be very nice. 

  6. 1 hour ago, geaux_sioux said:

    We've built a lot of quality depth in a short period of time. Three glaring holes are qb cb and wr(burner types)

    Quarterback is a *fairly* important position. 

    I would also add the offensive line to the list, They also have some issues with depth; not convinced they have any all-conference types beyond maybe 1 or 2 players.  

  7. 36 minutes ago, geaux_sioux said:

    We need to recruit more speed on the perimeter. At WR we really need more than one burner. The injury to Clive is going to hold our offense back big time because he was our only guy that could stretch the field. I like the size we brought in the last couple years but speed has to now be the focus.

    That sounds good and all, but there are 10 games left in 2016.

    Now is not the time to change that. I do agree, though, that recruiting yet has a ways to go. 

    Stony Brook loss is still disappointing to me. Really hurts odds. 

  8. Gonna be hard for UND to really hold Bowling Green's scoring down. 

    The key is turnovers and UND's offensive line play. If UND can run the ball and protect the ball, UND has a shot. 

    Santiago and Oliveira both need to have big games. No fumbles, no interceptions, and a take away or two from UND's defense and UND then has a chance. 

    • Upvote 1
  9. 2 hours ago, iramurphy said:

    Interesting post game blog.  Stony Brook is a very good defense. Best we will see or best in FCS?  Silly statements cuz no way to tell.  Tough injury to Clive.  Of course he was fighting for every yard he could get.  That is what winners do. His injury is a lot more than "next man up".  He will need support so he can recover and complete his degree.  There is enough of an adjustment to athletes when their careers are over much less cut short like this.  The staff and teammates will support him. Fans need to keep track of him and make sure if he needs anything he gets it. Don't be too hard on Studsrud.  He isn't going to win games for us and he isn't going to lose games for us.  He was given the job because the staff wanted a guy to "read defenses and hand the ball off".  They felt he was least likely to turn the ball over.  He didn't throw any interceptions and only lost one of his 2 fumbles.  When given time to throw he has done a decent job.  He isn't the gunslinger type that can put this team on his back and carry them through adversity.  That isn't the type of offense Bubba wants nor what the majority of fans on this blog want.  We have other receivers who can make plays and Studsrud can get them the ball when they are open and he has time.  Yeah he played poorly Thursday but if the run game isn't clicking and the oline struggles QB's tend to struggle.  Oline is key to this offense.  Receivers can't drop balls and need to run the right routes.  When the oline struggles, we aren't running the ball, and our receivers don't catch every ball we will struggle.  RB's are good but if we can't throw the ball consistently and effectively, they aren't as good.  All of this sounds familiar? Studsrud will be better than this.  My biggest disappointment is he didn't throw these guys on his back and make his teammates better while facing adversity.  Tough to do, but he didn't lose this game for us. It was a team effort.  Special teams a big disappointment again.  We simply must win every special teams play and can never turn the ball over on special teams.  Defense is very good and should get better as season goes on.  Good depth up front . If we are healthy we can scheme to give our corners some help.  Pressure on BG QB will make our CB's better.

    Defense is good enough to get us a win next week if we can sustain offensive drives and protect the ball.  We must have a clean game offensively and can't turn the ball over.  Protect our QB and give our backs some room to run we can give these guys a game, then if there in 4th quarter anything can happen. We may need to start using Studsrud's legs to create some opportunities.  We have enough RB's to keep them from getting tired and Studsrud has the ability to run the ball. To control the ball by pounding the rock  requires a dominant oline and it doesn't seem we are there yet.  We need all of the tools in the shed to get the job done this week.  Fly Hawks!  

    Discipline is required for the type of team philosophy you just described, and, of course, it is what Bubba wants. 

    Studsrud's fumbles were undisciplined. The offensive line's struggles were partially discipline related. The punt block was a mental lapse. The penalties were mistimed and hurt UND. 

    If UND wants to win with how they're built, they need to win the turnover battle. The fumbles and blocked punt absolutely killed UND vs Stony Brook. That can't happen vs BGSU and the subsequent games if UND is to win. 

    Have to limit the mistakes! Hopefully the discipline improves with time and additional practice/coaching. 

  10. Im going to be super cliche, but that's the way it needs to be. On to the next ball game. As for the injuries, next man up. As for the poor performances, best man will play. 

    Bowling Green is a winnable game. You can argue likelihood and percentages all you want, but the bottom line is UND needs to focus on themselves (no penalties, no turnovers, better punt protection, better QB progression and throws, etc.) and expect to win against BGSU. 

    Injuries are a part of football. You can deal with them by improving depth via recruiting and/or player development, both of which this is not the time for. I feel bad for Clive, but as for the team, they can't dwell on that. The true freshmen WRs and FBS transfer Mercer and Alex Reed need to step up. Luke Stanley will certainly be the go to guy for now. Lastly, Keaton just needs to play better. Last night he had poor throws and poor pocket awareness. Timing just seemed off. 

    Against BGSU, UND's offensive line and QB play needs to show the most improvement in order for UND to get their first win. 

  11.  Remember y'all, NDSU was up in fits after their first game of last season. It worked out all right for them. I'm not saying UND is going to run the table, but there certainly is more than enough season left to salvage. 

    • Upvote 3
  12. An ugly loss that easily could've been a win. Add on the serious injuries and potential damage to confidence and community support and this all around is a horrible situation.

    Fortunately, there is time to turn this around. That needs to start with the performance out at Bowling Green. We all know, from a strict number standpoint, that UND can only afford to lose 2 more games all season. 

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