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Posts posted by UND-FB-FAN

  1. Many attributes make up a good football player; many more than solely speed. Yes, UND football needs more speed, but it needs it in the form of more overall talented football players. Smart, tough, physical attributes are very important to UND football, as I think they should be. Those attributes are recruitable to here in North Dakota and Minnesota. 

    To make things simple, UND needs to recruit some fast players that are overall good football players. Tough to do because the kids with both good numbers and good tapes are the ones going to the Big 10. But, as facilities improve and, hopefully, wins start coming, UND should be in the running for some of that top tier talent in ND, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. 


    The kid chose NDSU over UND and beat up on UND last season which stings, but that doesn't change the fact that he did outstanding in his first NFL start as a rookie. 

    I hate NDSU football with a passion but I have nothing but respect for Wentz. Not to mention, him being from North Dakota is spectacular. 

    • Upvote 3
  3. 22 hours ago, Dustin said:

    The biggest accolade the team can do for itself is to win this game with flashes of offense and stifling defense - keep a big crowd excited for the game, and then keep 'em excited for the season.  I unfortunately was planning to go, but got called in a different direction, but I should be able to watch on TV.  

    Want to have great crowds the rest of the year? Win this thing going away.

    UND stunk up the place last season in the home opener against Drake with a narrow victory that included no second half scoring. Add in the blowout the next week against NDSU and you get the downward spiral of attendance that progresses throughout the season.

    UND needs to perform very well on Saturday to give the crowd a good reason to come back again and again in the subsequent weeks.

  4. 6 minutes ago, geaux_sioux said:


    "That is pretty much to be expected from the arrogant inhabitants of The Great Waste! I would give a lot to have the Yotes knock the snot out of them Saturday. UND has lucked out too many times against The Good Guys!

    Go SD!"

    Read more: http://usdcoyotesports.proboards.com/thread/1785/university-north-dakota?page=1#ixzz4KAtptknU

    Oh goodness. 

    Given the importance of this game for UND, I expect the Hawks to be flyin' high with coyote meat come Saturday night. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, tnt said:

    But wasn't that the whole purpose of "leave no doubt" to begin with?  It's not like they will be playing harder this weekend, or at least I hope not, because that should have been their from the start. 

    I could have worded my previous post better.

    I am not guaranteeing a UND victory on Saturday. After losing to Stony Brook  (just not a good team, I'm sorry to those making the "top D excuse"), UND is just not as good as we had initially hoped/expected. That could change due to the amount of season left, and, hopefully, it does. 

    With that unfortunate truth said, I still think UND is going to play a very inspired game on Saturday given the positive 2nd half performance at Bowling Green and the Potato Bowl home crowd. UND *should* get the win on Saturday if they haven't regressed. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Exactly...........fans and posters on this site need to understand UND needs a win...Saturday...badly. All this talk about playoffs, easy conference schedule and blah blah blah goes out the window if come Saturday evening UND is sitting at 0-3.  0-3 in my book means at this stage in your season you are not a good FB team. 1-2 gives you some momentum heading out west to play the Cats.

    Trust me, UND knows they NEED this win. It will get done because they also know 0-3 is bascially a hole that does not allow them to accomplish their season goals. Most importantly, UND is not a 0-3 team in terms of talent; in fact, UND could easily be 2-0 right now. Nevertheless, UND will be playing like their pants are on fire on Saturday because this a big game for their aspirations in 2016; it is also the home opener, potato bowl, and old regional rivalry game. 

    • Upvote 3
  7. 5 hours ago, Siouxperfan7 said:

    The game Saturday obviously didn't end the way all of us wanted.  But on a side note, I did like the look of the green pants/white jersey/green helmet look we went with for the game. Looked good.  Much better than the white pants/white jersey we have previously gone with on the road.


    I too enjoyed the green pants, white jersey, and green helmet look.

  8. Pack the place! Alerus needs to be 1) full ,but most importantly, 2) loud!!! 

    The team feeds off this. Ask any player, coach, or former player and they'll tell you the same thing. Build up the momentum for this thing. UND is 0-2 and desperately needs a win. What better way to get UND rolling for the conference schedule than a blow out win versus South Dakota? 

    • Upvote 2
  9. 11 hours ago, Irish said:

    And yet we seem always to be on the crap end of the stick.


    Luck will change eventually, I hope. 

    UND is 0-2 but oh so close to being 2-0. Stings dammit it stings 

  10. 1 minute ago, ericpnelson said:

    3rd & 8. Keaton under center. Blitz and a draw. almost catches them off guard, but Brady is caught in the 2nd level after a run for around 5.

    If Brady Oliveira keeps that up the middle, he picks up the first down. Yards are available but UND just needs to execute a bit better.

    • Upvote 2
  11. 5 minutes ago, Sioux94 said:

    My audio is about 5 minutes behind the board.....so haven't been following on here until halftime.  Not sure if anybody mentioned....but maybe we should be giving Brady the ball more this game....seems like he had some success?   Man that BG TD to end the half was a killer.....ugh.

    I agree with this. Bowling Green's defensive speed is too much for UND; have to counter that with more power runs inside. Of course, the UND offensive line needs to step up for this to be successful.

    • Upvote 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, geaux_sioux said:

    Not sure they should be asking Taj to drop in coverage with that huge knee brace on..... And what the !@#$ was the point of those two runs and then kneeling at the end of the half. Either try to score or kneel, not some inbetween crap.

    Defense isn't the problem. All things considered, that unit looks pretty darn good. Just have to eliminate big plays. 

    As for the offense, they are the problem. Just atrocious. The offensive line and the running game is the source of it all. Of course, Studsrud could play better, also.

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