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Posts posted by UND-FB-FAN

  1. 15 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    If UND loses tomorrow ALL conversations and opinions about the playoffs need to end.............reality needs to take hold at some point.

    Mathematically, if UND loses to Montana State tomorrow, UND could still finish the season with only 1 conference loss and a conference championship with the autobid (i.e. 2015 SUU).

    Given this year's weak schedule, I have a hard time eliminating UND from the playoffs if they are still mathematically eligible. Yes, I am disappointed in many ways by how this team has played in the first 3 ball games (slow starts, penalties, blown coverages, etc.); however, I am not going to just jump ship because of that. 

  2. 10 hours ago, Old School Guy said:
    On 7/22/2016 at 10:46 PM, geaux_sioux said:

    I wish they had a big hawk on the helmet and number on the other with name on jersey. Pop Warner teams have names. There is something about names that that says we have a budget and promote our players. It's a little thing that means a lot.

    I understand that concern. I honestly am largely indifferent but am slightly leaning towards the opinion that UND should get name plates on the back of the jerseys. 

  3. UND should be able to run on Montana State; of course, many thought UND could run on South Dakota, too (eventually it happened, but not until late). 

    UND also should be able to shut down Montana State's running game; however, UND is susceptible to coverage lapses and the big play. 

    On paper, UND should win this game by 10 to 14 points.

    On the field, given how poor UND has started games, Montana State should win this game being they are the home team. 

    My heart tells me UND. My mind tells me heartbreak and a huge early blow (3rd loss) to this year's playoff expectations. 


    Prediction is really hard on this one. Ball could bounce either way -- should be a good, close game. I'm just glad Midco picked this game up! Coverage improvements for road games this season have been excellent!

  4. 3 hours ago, homer said:

    When the talent left at oline by the old staff was as thin as it was at oline and WR its not going to be fixed in 3 years either.  

    Don't forget how deprived everyone perceived the 2013 defensive talent was; yet, UND yielded a top Big Sky Conference defense in 2014 with essentially the same defensive personnel. I'd say the coaching of Bubba and Schmidt were definitely behind that. 

    In my opinion, Schmidt and Bubba have worked wonders with the defense. Is there still some work to do on the defense? Absolutely. Depth and defending the big play would be the top two, I'd imagine. But, with that said, it's not just a talent differential that accounts for why UND's defense is its identity whereas the offense seems to yet struggle some. 

    When UND played NDSU in 2015, I'd argue UND's defense held its own against Wentz and that offense much of the time. The offense, on the other hand, was atrocious. UND's offense has problems that extend far beyond its personnel, in my opinion. In 2016, UND's offense has been okay minus the SB game, but the lack of consistency is concerning. 

    Shouldn't take an additional 3 years (2019) to recruit some receivers and offensive linemen and fix the problem. If it takes that amount of time, UND is doing something wrong.

  5. 1 hour ago, Ozzie82 said:

    Bubba has veto power over the offensive game plan and play calling, so if you don't like the play calling it's not just Rudy who should be receiving criticism.

    That's not going to happen on each play; it's just not practical. Bubba is a defensive guy whom I'd imagine allows his offensive coordinator to run the show under general philosophy guidelines (smart, tough, physical, run, run, run).

  6. 3 hours ago, iluvdebbies said:

    The defensive side of the ball has way more talent....and its not even close.

    Convenient excuse. However, I will admit that the caliber of athlete at receiver does need to improve. Also, there needs to be improved depth at QB, OL, TE, and RB. Eventually, this needs to catch up; shouldn't take 7 - 10 years to get there. 

    Getting back to play-calling and available offensive personnel, I'd say the pieces are in place for preliminary success. With that said, the offense (and really the defense and special teams, too) definitely does require some recruiting upgrades immediately for depth. 

  7. 6 hours ago, bang said:

    I'm not going to give praise to Rudolph for doing a great job. Not at all, the offense isn't really shining. I know a lot of us on here are still a little miffed that Mollberg never got a chance to get under center after his injury. Yet somebody, not sure if it was all Rudolph but somebody has done an excellent job of recruiting in my opinion. If we had Grady we might be 3-0 right now. I believe he is that type of lineman that could make the difference in those close games. Anyway the offense I believe has the talent. Are we using them correctly in game time situations? Play calling is getting a big question mark right now. I guess to me if he left it wouldn't bother me or elate me. Anybody else like to weigh in on this one?     

    Easy to second guess the offensive staff, particularly the OC, when the offense struggles or is inconsistent. 

    If the personnel is the issue, then I understand the conservative play-calling (majority of 1st down plays are runs). The WR situation is iffy, but the offensive line is also struggling. 

    In my opinion, looking at Bubba's staff and their overall body of work (2+ seasons), Schmidt's unit has out-produced Rudolph's unit by leaps and bounds and it's not really a recruiting issue considering the talent available. Rudolph just seems to lack a certain creativity and timing in play-calls; a bit more QB run-pass option play-calls (bootlegs, roll outs, etc.) on 1st down would be my suggestion. I'll happily be the first to eat crow if things turn around in conference play, starting on Saturday vs Montana State. 

    Remember, the offense came alive last season when UND started conference play vs UC Davis -- I don't think that was a coincidence. 

    • Upvote 1
  8. 27 minutes ago, UND-1 said:

    More frustrating than the first 4 games of the 2014 season when everyone wanted Rudolph gone for not being able to run the ball with inferior players and a brand new offense?  Or last year vs. Drake when the offense mentally shut it down up 21-0 looking forward to NDSU the next week?  

    I have read many comments like that above about how "frustrated" people are.   Just trying to rank them.  

    Well, in all honesty, I'm not overly impressed with UND's offensive staff and philosophy as a whole. The defense is ran at a championship caliber, or at least is on that trajectory. Wil be interested to see how the offense progresses throughout this season. Ultimately, the offense and defense need to better compliment each other. 

  9. 9 hours ago, MafiaMan said:

    Love some of the comments here...

    pre-Iowa game:  the Hawkeyes aren't Iowa State or Kansas.  They're gonna roll NDSU bad!

    30 seconds post-Iowa game:  Meh.  Worst Iowa team I've seen in recent memory.  A six-win season at best.

    I'm pleasantly surprised there are UND fans with comments like the one you just quoted yet floating around; we all know such UND alliances are fading each and every week around here. NDSU continues to impress the masses and load up the bandwagon. 

  10. 6 hours ago, ChrisUND1 said:

    Something that really got under my skin was at the beginning of the game when UND was on offense trying to run plays, and our student section was booing the Fighting Hawks name being said over the PA, and starting Sioux Forever cheers.  Smart.  

    This pissed me off more than anything. Some real clueless students/"football fans" at my alma mater nowadays, and it is beyond frustrating. 

    Certainly not all are ignorant, but there was a good sized group of individuals on Saturday that had their priorities mixed up. 

  11. 7 hours ago, gundy1124 said:

    We need to move the pocket, roll out, PA and roll the pocket to change things up some times.  Our base pass block pocket is too tight and too predictable.  Keaton throws well on the run.  I feel our offensive identity is still MIA this season.

    Completely agree. Running the ball the majority of the time is fine, but the play-action and counter game is not there yet. Play-action bootlegs with a run/pass option are desperately needed given Studsrud's abilities. Get Cloyd and any other TE that can run routes and catch involved more. Also, I think Santiago and Oliveira should be in the game at the same time a lot more. We'll see what Bubba and Rudolph come up with, but there needs to be some minor changes.

    Defense played great on Saturday, especially when you factor in the two defensive touchdowns; however, they can't give up the big play (the long TD pass against Tyus Carter was pathetic in terms of execution and it was a back-breaker). If the offense doesn't turn it over and they sustain drives better, the defense can shine and should be able to hold down the scoring quite well. The 34 points given up in regulation on Saturday was skewed by bad UND T.O.P. and big pass plays. UND's offense has to help out the defense some. 

  12. With the lights off and "welcome to the jungle", the intro video and team entrance was improved over last season. In general, I enjoyed it, but there are a bunch of aspects they can improve.

    Video should play before the live look of the team leaving the locker room. That simple "ordering" could potentially be changed before Oct. 1 vs Cal Poly I would hope. 

    Again, though, there is work to be done in terms of general presentation at the Alerus. Im hoping it was just first game mistakes and it will improve. Increase in amount of music played was perhaps better. Just need to coordinate the intro video a bit better to raise the excitement factor. 


  13. 16 hours ago, Yotes said:

    You like that? Awful lot of confidence on this board for a team that could only score 9 points against Stony Brook. I'll be making my first trip to Grand Forks this weekend. Not expecting anything but a cold shoulder from the fans, but I am expecting a tight game on the field. There will be lots of crow to be eaten here when Streveler effortlessly surpasses 100 yards rushing.

    I'm confident in UND's ability to get the job done. Should be a good game. You've overlooked UND's defensive ability; far better than Weber State and even FBS New Mexico. 

    • Upvote 2
  14. 1 hour ago, NoDakFan said:

    Been talking to some other students on campus, and theres still a lot of disinterest in going ot the football games. Even the sophomores think our team isnt good at all and don't want to go. Being a Senior, I've seen the team much worse before, but that's still the appearance of the team, like it or not. Best hope for high attendance is the Freshman. 

    I would guess NDSU's success produces a huge comparison issue for UND to put up with. 

    People from here are familiar with both UND and NDSU, obviously, and relatively speaking, we all know which school's football team the average fan would label "good" and "bad". 

    Its a tough pill to swallow for some of us longtime supporters, but it's reality. NDSU steals plenty of UND's potential momentum. Winning and this year's lack thereof (0-2) definitely contributes, but the pull factor and bandwagon-type situation with the school an hour to the south is a huge factor as well.

    Want to see consistent sellouts? Hope for a bunch of UND wins and a bunch of NDSU losses. Obviously it makes the most sense to focus on what UND can control and that's its win and loss record. 

  15. 17 hours ago, geaux_sioux said:

    Doesn't matter where the kid is from. You can find the right kid anywhere. You can also find plenty of rotten apples up here. It's knowing how to pick them more than where you look.

    North Dakota's population and prep football system is obviously a challenge, so don't gloss over that. With that said, every year there are a few DI caliber kids from ND that UND needs to, and recently has, recruit. NDSU has been tough to UND in that regard, but UND needs to continue to press North Dakota and Minnesota hard as its pipeline. Bubba knows this. I agree a couple kids from outside the UND area every recruiting cycle is just fine if they are potential difference makers *WITH* the characteristics of good student-athletes and citizens.

  16. USD's QB is a former Gopher commit. I know we talk about minimizing FBS transfers and such, but taking a few FBS drop-downs from local teams (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska, etc.) probably is not a bad idea. I understand the importance of player development, but if you can acquire Big 10 level talent, it may be worth a shot.

  17. 5 hours ago, geaux_sioux said:

    Homesickness can be cured with winning.  Our program is more legit now so I think we'd be more success with some Florida or even Cali players. Maybe Clive can be our North Dakota ambassador.


    4 hours ago, Old School Guy said:

    From what I've been told, the players and recruits actually enjoy Grand Forks off the field so being homesick is not a problem. Most commmit immediately during visits for a variety of reasons. And winning cures most ailments no matter where you are. Many parents from the southern tier that care about their sons and daughters future's feel good about UND as a place to get an education. With streaming of games online, it makes it easier to be far from home. The Dakotas are attractive to kids who love football.

    I respectfully disagree, but I suppose it is worth a try as long as a class with Florida and California players doesn't backfire and leave a huge recruiting gap as a result. 

  18. 8 hours ago, geaux_sioux said:

    There's plenty of speed in Florida. Wouldn't mind bringing in a few kids from there each year, especially when you consider our recruiting coordinator has very deep connections in the Miami area.

    Looks good on paper, but are those Florida boys really going to want to stick around here for 4 to 5 years? Doubtful. 

    There's plenty of "speed" to find in Minneapolis, Chicago, Denver, etc. and those kids are familiar with cold weather. It's just a matter of making it a priority and then capitalizing on it; easier said than done but winning and making the playoffs will help tremendously. FBS wins are really good for recruiting purposes too (for direct comparison sake) as are facility upgrades. Memorial Stadium just doesn't allow UND to compete in terms of coaching offices, meeting rooms, locker rooms, etc. Desperate need area in terms of upgrade; need phase II of HPC complete ASAP. 

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