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Posts posted by UND-FB-FAN

  1. 44 minutes ago, Nodak78 said:

    Poly beat 2 ranked opponents the last 2 weeks.  SDSU #11 and #6 Montana.  they should at least rise to top 15.  we still won't be ranked.  we need to beat Poly.  this would be a big win.

    Winning this game would allow UND to be ranked and in playoff position (with many games left). Thinking outside of the Bubba Box and actually winning by a bit of a healthy margin would help our rankings even more. Get it done, boys. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Nodak78 said:

    Cal Poly has been a scoring machine.  Yesterday beat Montana in Cali.   Poly scored 3 rushing and passing TD's each.  10 pass attempts, 6 completions and 3 TD's.

    Check the boxscore from yesterday.


    This will be one tough game.  the last two games we found a way to win.  we may have to do it again.  tough match up.


    Strength (UND's run D)  against strength (Cal Poly's rushing attack). These are the kind of teams you need to beat if you want to be a champion (conference, national, etc.). 

    Tough matchup, but I expect Bubba to coach them up and get it done. Have to win the few home games you get, cause road games can be brutal. 

    Big game on Saturday -- get to the Alerus and be loud!

    Go Fighting Hawks!

  3. I remember back in December 2013, when Bubba had his introductory press conference, he emphasized that it is important to do what is best for the team, not the individuals.

    That is why true freshmen and other young players play if they are the best player on the team. It's also why I would hope, if the offense continues to struggle for the remainder of the season, that Bubba would at least entertain the idea of going a different direction at offensive coordinator. A lot of season left so no use to harp on this a bunch, but just something to ponder. 

  4. Just now, geaux_sioux said:

    So let's say Hot Rod gets !@#$ canned at NIU. Bring him back as OC and OL coach here? We would then have to find a qb coach, or slide Freund over to that spot and find a WR coach. Bring back Bellmore? Something for the Rudolph haters to think about.

    Interesting thought if nothing else.

    • Upvote 1
  5. 2 hours ago, BigGame said:

    I get ya big guy, the coach gets all the blame and zero credit.

    I believe it was Mike Ditka that said "coaches can't win games, but they can lose them." If you really think about it, there is some truth to it.

    • Upvote 1
  6. 2 hours ago, UNDColorado said:

    It was ugly but I will take it. 

    Penalties did kill a couple promising drives so if we can clean that up we score more points yesterday.

    I enjoy watching the defense play. It was not long ago I was nervous every time the defense took the field but that feeling has gone away. 

    More points are easily within UND's grasp. UND easily could've had 6 to 10 more points if they capitalize on relatively makeable field goals and don't shoot themselves in the foot with foolish penalties. Have to continue to coach up the offense, and really the entire team, Bubba -- they're not there yet, but on the way. 

  7. 25 minutes ago, iramurphy said:

    I thought everything was Mussman's fault.  Not defending Mussman but someone complained the oline was his fault cuz he couldn't recruit linemen.  (The all conf guys you mentioned from last year must have all transferred in when the new staff got here). I would disagree we don't have time to throw.  Most of the time we have.  That wasn't the case a couple of years ago. We have made some progress there.  We have a better and deeper corps at running back. Our receivers are fine. They aren't 4.3 guys but get them the ball, they are athletic enough to be effective receivers.  Last week they made a number of great catches on balls thrown that were a little off.  The offensive schemes are game planned by the staff.  The personnel sometimes limits what we do and sometimes the opponents personnel allow us opportunities.  Look what Belicheck did with an inexperienced third team rookie QB. We could be 0-4 and should 4-0.  I agree we need to utilize all personnel including the tight ends and at least utilize Studsrud's athletic abilities to roll out and to have some run pass option opportunities.  He has done better if we can create some plays to allow him success early and get on a roll.  Otherwise he has been too inconsistent.  Doubt he feels any pressure cuz  they aren't going to use Bartles and the freshman isn't ready. Biggest disappointment thus far has been the lack of discipline, inconsistency at QB, and our inability to dominate the line of scrimmage offensively.  I don't think we have a leader on the offensive side of the ball right now.  We have opportunities with 2 very good RB's and a QB that is athletic enough to run and run pass option.  It will be interesting to see if that might be the answer.  

    I agree with all of this, Ira. Will be interesting to see if the offensive staff can gameplan with some new wrinkles in order to give the offense a shot in the arm.   There are ways to get the available playmakers (Santiago, Oliveira, Stanley, Toivonen, Cloyd) in space via scheme. Kids also have to play more disciplined and cut down on the penalties. At least UND didn't turn it over today after the one early fumble, which in itself is inexcusable. 

  8. 4 game sample is adequate sample size for me and I'm gonna take it and run with this:

    UND is going to have to continue to win ugly, close games with its defense in 2016 because the offense is pedestrian in terms of talent. Perhaps the offensive line can improve some, but that remains to be seen. Come the offseason, the coaches best be looking to load the 2017 recruiting class with offensive talent at all positions. For now, I hope the coaches can work with what they got and produce some magic.

    • Upvote 3
  9. 5 minutes ago, geaux_sioux said:

    Give Rudolph a couple WRs that can run and an OL that can block 1 on 1 and you get the results from the last 3 games last year. He's trying to minimize damage instead of attacking. He's calling the plays but he knows what he has and that the defense is damn good when he gives them time to rest and adjust.

    I'm pretty sure any coach could work with "better players" ...

    The whole point of coaching is putting the players in the best position to win, irregardless of their talent. UND could, theoretically, be better at every position, but they are what they are and the coaches need to make that work. Rudolph is not making it work for his offense right now. If his ability to coach really does require better personnel, well that's too bad for the 2016 UND football team because talent upgrades won't be happening until the 2017 season at the earliest. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, Longtime fan said:

    Every win this year will be becuse of the d!! 

    The o line isn't the best but what would expect when every 1st and 2nd down is the same fuc$ing play every fuc@&ng down.  Rudolph is bad!!!! Really bad!!!! 

    Und is 10x the team that mont st is, and that's no disrespect to mont st.  Rudolph makes the opposing team look good . Schmitt makes the opposing team look silly.     Congrats to Schmitty

    Bubba had never worked with Rudolph before he hired him, so it's safe to say perhaps he made the wrong hire. Nevertheless, I'll wait and let Bubba dictate that final decision. From my opinion standpoint, though, the offensive staff does need to pick it up; hard to argue that considering what they have and what they've done. 

  11. 7 minutes ago, geaux_sioux said:

    This is exactly what I have been talking about. And this is not on the coach. The guys are in position and they are whiffing..... a lot. There are yards to be had by our backs and they can't make them happen if our OL can't, at the very least, get their hands on somebody. 

    Well, the coaches recruit the players -- including the offensive linemen -- and the numbers for this offense speak for them self. The defensive staff obviously has it figured out, whereas the offense is quite a ways behind. It's not all on the offensive line, though. I will say, *if* the line starts playing better, the offense will start to play better, too, but that is just a given.

    • Upvote 2
  12. 2 minutes ago, fightingsioux4life said:

    Anybody think Studsrud and/or the O-Line can get better as the season goes on? We won't win many more games if the offense can't cash in on all these turnovers.

    Penalties really hurt today but there are other areas where the offense can improve. Offensive line is the obvious area, but allowing Studsrud to throw the ball more and get in a rhythm early would possibly help too. Bottomline, UND's offense just needs to execute better and be more clutch. 

    • Upvote 1
  13. 11 minutes ago, DMoo531 said:

    The FightinWho did well today.  It is good to see an old D-II foe.  I wish you well. Glad you chose the BSC.

    Yes, the Fighting Hawks won today.

    • Upvote 4
  14. 1 minute ago, homer said:

    Offense was their own worst enemy today.  Moved the ball when we mixed it up.  Olivera needs more carries with Santiago in the slot.  Make the linebackers read something before filling the gaps.  

    Thought Studs looked better today. 

    Thise officials were fucking awful.  Let MSU dbs grab every play, called UND tight.

    Ugly win but it was on the road and counts the same.  Clean things up for next week boys. 

    Yes, lots of work to do on offense. Bubba needs to light a fire under his entire offense, including Rudolph as far as I'm concerned. 

  15. Ugly ugly ugly offense 

    This team has a ways to go, but I'll take the win. 

    Ranked Cal Poly team at the Alerus Center next Saturday.

    Come to the Alerus, pack the place, and get loud and proud. As for Bubba, shape up the offense and return units.

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