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Posts posted by UND-FB-FAN

  1. 4 hours ago, nd1sufan said:

    Try buying a ticket to a Bison game from NDSU after noon on Aug 1st, then go to the Alerus Sept 17th at kickoff time to buy a ticket for UND's home opener. Which ticket do you suppose would be possible to buy? 

    So your moving target transitions from "tickets are hard to get" at all times to now "they are difficult to purchase" after a particular date. NDSU tickets are not difficult to come by. I've been offered tickets on several occasions over the past few years only to turn them down for more important football games to me, personally. 

    The premise of this thread is UND football and UND athletics, as it is for this entire site. Please spew your biased opinion of ag school football elsewhere. Thanks.

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  2. 44 minutes ago, siouxfan512 said:

    Completely agree with this. I've been tailgating a few times over the past several years, and it is more impressive every time. I was also at the game last fall against USD (Yes, the one were the Yotes won :D) and it was a really good experience. Crowd is into it and the team introduction is pretty cool. Most fans around me had some friendly banter over my Sioux shirt as well, but it was a good time.

    In terms of in-game features and atmosphere, NDSU does a tremendous job. For that reason, I have no problem wishing for UND to emulate that. 

  3. Not to mention, attending the game and making timely noise is a great way to truthfully help the UND football team. There's no doubt filling the building is great in terms of the players "seeing" the support and playing well as a result. Also, getting loud when UND is on defense is a huge advantage for UND that many overlook. 

    Make the Alerus Center a great homefield advantage! 

  4. 1 minute ago, Bison06 said:

    I realize this comment was in response to trolling, but what exactly do you mean by "doing things the right way"? You say it in a way that suggests NDSU doesn't do it the right way. Is that what you're saying?

    No, I was not suggesting that. I was focusing on UND football and the positive attributes that Bubba has embraced.  My comments about NDSU were geared towards the specific individuals who go out of their way to criticize the University of North Dakota and its football program. 

  5. 33 minutes ago, JohnboyND7 said:

    I'd suggest finding a big time college football team to cheer for. 

    Here's another reason to go to UND football games: To stick it to NDSU instigators like this. There's currently a lack of reality and humility among some NDSU supporters and supporting a UND football program that does things the right way is a way to neutralize that. 

    Primarily, though, UND football represents the University of North Dakota; so, from a pride standpoint, it is a great way to show support. Also, it's DI football so the product is quite fast and entertaining to watch at a cheap price. Tailgating and socializing before the game is always fun too.

    Give it a try! Bubba and the football program would genuinely appreciate it. 

    • Upvote 4
  6. 13 hours ago, nd1sufan said:

    And yet most on this board are begging for more FBS transfers to fill holes left by FBS transfers that either left or were kicked off the team. Anyboby seeing a trend and figuring out JUCO and FBS transfers are not the way to go? How many transfers have made significant contributions to UND FB the last 3 years? Would those scholarships have been beter utilized developing freshmen? 

    Last three years? CB Alex Tillman (Houston) was great and WR Clive Georges (Arizona), if he stays healthy, could have a huge season in 2016. Even Jordan Hinojosa (Minnesota) was solid before he left. The lack of overall commitment to the UND program is the major downside with some FBS transfers, so I'll agree with you on that. 

    However, Bubba is entirely dedicated to developing local (North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin), high school talent through the program. That IS the way he is building the program; however, when certain spots are thin, are you supposed to just let those spots fail and negatively affect your team? Of course not. JUCOs and FBS transfers can play right away and that's their major draw. WR, CB, and even OL are thin positions on the squad so they are being addressed anyway possible, including JUCOs and FBS transfers. It's only year 3 of Bubba's program; still going to take another year or two to have the roster completely saturated with the players that Bubba's staff recruited.

    NDSU and Bohl used plenty of JUCOs when getting their program first rolling, and currently, NDSU will expect a couple transfers to contribute. To imply UND is building their program with transfers is just silly because that's entirely inaccurate. 

    • Upvote 3
  7. 34 minutes ago, geaux_sioux said:

    In that Montana game our CBs were in great position for all but one of their TD passes. The only issue was their eyes. The next week they had fixed that issue and it translated into multiple ints.

    In my opinion, Montana State, and especially Northern Colorado and Cal Poly, didn't really "re-test" the secondary. We'll find out on September 10th versus Bowling Green how good the secondary really is. If the FBS transfer comes through, it'll help. 

  8. 55 minutes ago, geaux_sioux said:

    By the next game they were 10x better. 

    I'll play devil's advocate - because I don't want to get too content - and say the next game the defense allowed 38 points at home. Still work to be done.

    Montana's receivers were a tough group; better than what subsequently Montana State, Northern Colorado, and Cal Poly had to offer. Still, if you want to be the best you need to beat the best, even at their place (Washington Griz is a challenging place to play; just ask NDSU). Pass defense is still an area that requires improvement, although all areas need to be worked on and improved to some extent for 2016. 

  9. 18 minutes ago, Longtime fan said:

    I'm hopeful it's a rumor.  By no means am I " in the know", just passed down through a friend of mine.  That's why I would take this with a grain of salt.  Reason I even referred to this, and I apologize,  is my earlier reference of using Randoplh as a qb instead of a db.  Randoplh might be more needed at the postion he was recruited, db.   

    CB play was a weak spot last year and, as a result, it was a point of emphasis in spring ball and will continue to be in fall camp. I would imagine the numbers will be iffy but the top 3 or 4 will yet have to be prepared to do big things. Important position group that has a lot of room to grow; looking at Deion Harris, Tyus Carter, Torrey Hunt, Jahmere Irvin-Sills, and Chris Carter to all have an opportunity, along with maybe an incoming freshman or transfer. In the Montana game, Harris, Carter, and Irvin-Sills were all exposed as being deficient in one-on-one deep ball coverage - that needs to improve. Hopefully Hunt and possibly another addition can help that aspect of the defense. 

  10. On 7/8/2016 at 9:43 AM, Longtime fan said:


    3. Randolph:  crazy athletic and could be the steal of the class.  I would love to see him as a qb more then a db however.   


    The more I think about it, the more I think UND needs to have very good athletes play QB in Rudolph's system. For example, consider last season's drop in production from Studsrud to Bartels. Rudolph's system has several QB run options, so with that, I hope Randolph gets at least a look at QB. This may be more likely if UND secures a pending FBS cornerback transfer to add to the CB position and take the sting out of losing the Colorado transfer to Montana State. 

  11. 4 hours ago, TBR said:

    If anyone has the viewing options for the BG and SB games, feel free to chime in.

     Bowling Green game will be on ESPN3. Midcontinent subscribers have access to ESPN3. As for the Stony Brook game, I'm not sure yet. 

  12. 27 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Tell me about the offensive line.
    Tell me about the defensive front seven.

    I'll tell you about the season. 

    Offensive line - full of ?????? (who will start at center, will Grady be back for the first game, how long will it take for the three or four new starters to mesh, etc.)

    Defensive front seven - could easily be the best in the conference...this team will hang its hat on defense, as a Bubba-led team should

    In other words, in my opinion, 2016 football team has a 50/50 shot at being very good. Need some luck with injuries and some bounces to go their way. 


  13. 2 hours ago, geaux_sioux said:

    He had Carson Wentz ranked #12 out of all QBs and listed him as a possible fourth rounder.


    He also lists us as having the best secondary in the Big Sky.... We have so much to prove back there this year that his pick is laughable.  I've watched other videos of his and you can tell his research is about as deep as a paper cut.

    Maybe UND will have the best secondary in the BSC.... 

    Reyes is the most talented player on the team and Deion Harris is turning into a nice cover corner with height. Also, having depth at safety and, hopefully, avoiding the injury bug will help a lot.

  14. 16 minutes ago, bincitysioux said:

    I have always said I would like to see names on the backs of jerseys.  Makes it easier for the casual fans to identify with players.

    If I had a nickel for every time a neighboring fan asked me "which one is Santiago/Hardin/Rattell/Treanbeth/Anderson/Grossman/Hendrickson/Dressler/etc...." I'd be a wealthy guy.

    At the very least I think the road unis should have the player names on the back......

    They both (home and road) should. Don't understand why only the road games should feature names....

  15. 2 hours ago, sprig said:

    You sure do like to bash hockey.  If I didn't like football as well as I do,  I'd stay away to avoid running into fans like you. 

    I support hockey quite actively in actuality via season tickets; with that said, I'm just not a huge fan of hockey -- most sports' fans in the U.S. are not. 

  16. 3 hours ago, Irish said:

    This is Hockey's fault only inside of your head.  There is absolutely NO evidence that either the Athletic Department screwed up or that if they did it was because they only like Hockey.  Your need to drag down the most successful program on campus is pathetic. 

    Well, as I did not initially place blame on UND hockey for this, I do not agree with you.  I did go along with it a bit, yes. Obviously you're a big hockey fan, thus you're offended, but it still is a fact that UND athletics is full of hockey advocates first and foremost. That said, I'd much rather not have to discuss UND hockey both on this football forum and in any general UND football discussion moving forward. Your strong desire to defend UND hockey is troubling in that the program stands on its own merit; no need to get offensive over a little dirt being thrown at the most popular sport at UND. I will say, though, that times at UND will be much better when UND football is winning consistently -- hockey can only pull so much weight. 

    • Upvote 2
  17. 15 minutes ago, UNDBIZ said:

    So Faison's people were too busy ensuring the enrollment of new women's hockey players or something?

    Sounds about right. Good ol' modern North Dakota athletics ... hockey hockey hockey !!!

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  18. 2 hours ago, UNDvince97-01 said:

    I'd be careful bashing the kid on this one until I knew answers to some questions. 

    I'd ask questions like: how fast did the athletics department administration expedite the process?  How did the graduate school application and process play out?  Was the ball dropped by either entity at any time?  Maybe start with the SWA and go from there?

    Just spitballin' here...

    Agree, yet its still surprising news and I don't like it ...

  19. 4 hours ago, geaux_sioux said:

    See you Sept 24th 

    What the hell?

    I'd imagine the graduate school application process eventually worked out for him at Montana State, but still no reason to go around flirting with UND football. 

    Like everyone else, I hope UND goes into Bozeman on September 24th and beats the crap out of the rebuilding kitties. Last season's game was exciting too, with the strange postgame comments and all. This could be developing into a basic rivalry of sorts.

    Go UND!

    • Upvote 2
  20. On June 10, 2016 at 10:54 PM, gundy1124 said:

    There is some internal debate between gray and silver with the helmet.  We had silver helmets at some point in the 60's - 70's to ball park it.  No final word yet as far as I know.......


    Bubba joined Kolpack and Izzo on AM 970 WDAY on 6-25-16 (S3). 

    At the 11:10 mark, Bubba states "In 2016 I wouldn't expect to see that" in reference to the silver/grey helmets. Apparently, no alternative helmets for this season; probably not a horrible deal as the matte green are a fine look. Eventually I think a white or matte black helmet should actually be looked at as well as a matte grey helmet. 

  21. 33 minutes ago, F'n Hawks said:

    If we are in the playoffs(maybe even hosting a game in the Alerus)it will look just fine to me.

    Agreed.  I do think it's catchy though. I've begun to like it more and more each day. 

     I'm also happy to hear there will be alternative logos in terms of color. A different color is needed for the logo to appear nicely on the matte green helmets. 

    • Upvote 1
  22. 51 minutes ago, Hambone said:

    So, the game at SHSU is schedule the same day as the game at Washington.  Wondering if the Washington game is being moved to the first weekend of the year....


    Appears that way; @Washington on Sept 1, 2018

  23. OOC schedule addition announced:

    Not 2017, but UND will play at Sam Houston State (SHSU) in 2018 and SHSU will return to play in the Alerus Center in 2019.

    Per Dom Izzo on Twitter: #UND announces a home and home with Sam Houston State. Fighting Hawks in Huntsville in '18, 'Kats in Grand Forks in '19. @BigSkyFB

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