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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. That's a surprising final score for the women after starting so slow. I'm guessing SCSU did not shoot well. Were we forcing them into a lot of turnovers? Also, did SCSU play mostly zone or man? I know 92'96 has been worried about us facing zone.
  2. Thanks for the updates. Are we getting most of points from the outside or inside?
  3. Smoggy


    I remember hearing that he was going to call it a career. I could be way off on this, but IIRC he's a PT major and has hours to get done still.
  4. I wasn't sure by your post if you knew this, but all NHL stuff is Reebok or the newer slang RBK.
  5. Let us not forget the Badger that made it to the ice in the Old Ralph.
  6. The Isles first goal in 4 2/3 games.
  7. Smoggy

    Insight Bowl

    FSN reported during the Wild game that the buyout was for 2 million. It was Strouhan (?) of the Strib that said this and he figured an alum told UM-TC that he'd cover the cost.
  8. So much for that vaunted Michigan D. They gave up over 30 points the last two games they played and those were the only decent offenses they played with the possible exception of Notre Dame (who is overrated in my opinion, but we'll see).
  9. I don't think people are giving Florida the credit they deserve. Tough defense that has had to replace much of it's line and still shut down McFadden of Arkansas. Their offense goes through it's struggles as Meyer slowly installs his system, but Leak is a pure accurate passer. I also don't believe that OSU has seen an offense like Florida's and a scout team isn't going to be a great help. I expect to see some trickery from Meyer. Also, don't forget the X factor of Tim Tebow. There's no preparing for that beast of a football player.
  10. And more passionate about hockey.
  11. Bradley Center is pretty old and not that great of an arena. The Admirals don't play there and I highly doubt the NHL wants to put a team in that arena.
  12. Hamilton can't happen, because it's too close to Toronto. Winnipeg would work best because they don't have a market competing with anyone else. I don't know if the Blues would hold some TV right in the Kansas City area. Either place could have the added affect of getting a more midwest division again. The Wild are begging out of that Northwest division and teams like Columbus and Nashville would like to move to the Eastern Conference. I'm surprised that Oklahoma City isn't getting talk. They have a large enough arena and are begging for a pro team. They tried getting the NHL a few years ago, but maybe they are now considered too much of an NBA town.
  13. I think they could get away with charging more, though.
  14. If that is the case, why doesn't the NCAA bring this to a membership vote? Furthermore, why aren't these PC hugging schools banning play against all schools with an ethnic name?
  15. I went to a UM-TC game recently at the John (I was cheering for Mankato). Even their own fans were turning and asking me what they were saying for the penalty cheer. All I know is it ends in a swear word and the band is allowed to start the cheer.
  16. Hitler salute and Sioux suck whenever you get whithin ear shot. It doesn't bother me one bit that Sioux fans are able to hold this one over their fans. We do have a bigger thing to hold over them, but I'll let them figure it out.
  17. I think the article said one guy had been on the committee for like 7 years. I don't feel like reading that crap again. Maturi is weak and I don't see him lasting much longer. BTW, he's actually groomed at UW.
  18. What kind of psudo-report is this!?!
  19. It's because we cheer for Holy Cross.
  20. Smoggy


    Exactly. Why did UW play FSU in basketball? Would UM-TC ever turn down a crap bowl against FSU? Hypocrites.
  21. Damn goalies always getting in the way!
  22. I think that stat is wrong. I think it used to be like 330 when we played Denver for the title.
  23. I don't think we had one guy covered.
  24. EGF coach and AD. Played at BSU. Goalie I believe.
  25. Had some good chances on the PP. The PP's have looked good tonight.
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