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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. I'm sure someone is purchasing us the moon!
  2. I've been saying for a long time that it'd be nice to have BSU and Omaha (have we even played them?). As much as I like them and the tradition with the league, it seems Tech fits better with the CCHA. Of course, we'd have to keep the cup. Anchorage and Fairbanks need to be together in a league. This could allow a team to travel there and play them both. Might be pricey to stay for a week, but maybe then a team would only need to travel there once every three years. If the WCHA went to 12, I don't like the east-west alignment unless the WCHA is helping to pay for travel to Colorado. Those CO schools would need to be split up in that type of alignment, or maybe a North-South arrangement would work better. Some flights for both and some bus rides. Plus a school like umtc can fly for much cheaper to CO than UND can. As for the schedule, everyone hates it. I've been saying on here for years that the top five play four against the top five and the bottom tier play four against each other. This would have the effect of allowing teams to shuffle because the better schools aren't getting fat off the crappy schools. Otherwise drop to 8 schools and this stabilizes the CHA.
  3. I'm pretty sure it was for 10 years. Regardless, they don't pay anymore.
  4. I like your response better.
  5. We do own the moon. Quit being so jealous and we might let you visit it sometime.
  6. Thanks for noticing! I actually did the survey field work for where to put those bushes. The team planted them.
  7. I like that idea. I also like the interlocking ND, but I agree with it seeming like we are using Notre Dame's symbol. I don't like the idea of the Sioux logo on the side of the helmet. I've never liked pictures on a football helmet.
  8. I've wondered that myself as it seems every other school has one including Bemidji St. who played UMTC when UND was playing UMTC.
  9. I believe Sportcenter reported that only 5 or 6 schools average more than that during the regular season.
  10. No they don't. They are at the cap threshold right now and only four players are going to be free agents. None are big names. The only one I can remember is Walz.
  11. Sit a little closer to those umtc cheerleaders next time. I still have nightmares of the cottage cheese thighs. SCSU
  12. Smoggy

    2007 schedule

    Isn't Memorial Day the day coming up in May?
  13. After what went down with the reffing and how dirty the Ducks played, I have a feeling that the Wild will win the next one.
  14. I loved that camera shot when Duncan is standing on the ice!
  15. I'm still waiting for a dvd of all the pregame intros. I'd pay money, but maybe it's a problem with the songs and royalties and all that crap.
  16. In regards to the Wild and getting players next year: Right now they are right at the cap level, so saying they don't spend money is definitely last year. Who's coming off for free agency this summer? The NHL teams can't just cut players like the NFL to save money on the cap. I don't see them having money to get a big name free agent this summer unless the cap goes up again.
  17. Can't quite remember what it was then, but I remember around 1700. Five years later when my brother started at NDSU (we've disowned him) it was over 3 grand. When I started in 1998 I don't even think I paid 1500.
  18. Hale getting slammed by the NBC crew after taking a dumb penalty. He was a defenseman on the ice when Calgary was 2 men down.
  19. I think we should still fire him.
  20. We got a bit peeved that Al's would shut down early (3 am is closing) and not even warn you for a last call. So we were pushed out by the old man with full beers. I guess we did take them with out into the street.
  21. When I was getting autographs from the Hobey finalists, Ehn asked Duncan what he thought of GF. Duncan said that he loved it and that it is the perfect situation for him. It turns out that Ehn served for 3 weeks at GFAFB this past summer.
  22. I joined an instructional league here in the Twin Cities. Way harder than it looks. The ice is also much slipperier than hockey ice.
  23. I was sitting by the glass by the BC fans (their fans deserved to lose BTW) and Boyle did not impress me. Everything you mentioned he consistently did, but was really blatant in the 3rd. He was taking his hands off his stick to grab Toews shoulder on most rushes to the corner. He won't last as a D in the NHL.
  24. I don't think it's the D that is going to make a true difference on that line. It's up to the forwards playing D. I'd almost leave the Sioux D open and send more players on DOT.
  25. Coors Light myself. I love my breakfast beer.
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