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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. My cousin and I were at an Arizona golf course and got yelled at by a very hefty Honky Tonk Man.
  2. Been gone a while (Cancun is hot and the girls hotter this time of year) and noticed that NJIT signed on. I'm guessing this is the same mens bball team that will be setting a record of futility with there first two losses this year? Something like 33 straight going in. Sac St. holds the record currently. Could we actually be able to guarantee a mens basketball win?
  3. I fully agree. I just hope bars set aside areas that aren't right in front of the door. Nothing better than walking in and out of a restaurant/bar holding your breath.
  4. Well in the cities we got to watch a none moving radar for the first period of the hockey game. Needless to say the KARE11 tip line got many calls that night.
  5. I think the Pens-Wings series would be fun to watch, but "hockeytown" doesn't deserve to host any Stanley Cup playoff games. They can barely fill 2/3 of their arena.
  6. Oddly enough, I found out both sides of my families are Germans from Russia and they both lived in the same city over in Russia (can't remember the name now) and then ended up in EGF before finally meeting.
  7. Without reading the thread or any articles, I believe we tend to take some hits due to players leaving early.
  8. It's almost as if we are sharing a brain on the subject of NHL playoffs...
  9. I lasted until after the second. Not by much, though.
  10. I do know the NCAA said football stadiums couldn't use them anymore, but then allowed Miss. St. because they've been using them forever. Personally, I don't think noisemakers should be allowed. It should be about who can cheer the loudest.
  11. Just to inform everyone; there is more or less a rotation system between the band, canned music, and the PA. Goals will change this. The reason you hear the beer song more or less is that it is only played after goals. It's been this way since the old ralph.
  12. very fun game to watch. many crazy goals. The puck on Hossa's goal actually went THROUGH a skate.
  13. I find it funny how infatuated they still are with UND. You'd think they could let it go...
  14. I don't think there is an outcry from Sioux fans either. Seems to me that Bison fans are the ones pushing for it on this site.
  15. But then he'd be gone from Minnesota. I'm glad to see some money going toward "out state" arenas. Now if we could only get him to help education...
  16. I think you also have to consider the savings in road repairs and expansions.
  17. And who is this candidate that you are hinting about? I could make a guess, but c'mon man just tell us.
  18. and play physical in front of their net. Muse gives up juicy rebounds.
  19. It's not Ferraro that does it, it is Buccigros (?) that calls him that, so I wouldn't worry about it.
  20. Not just rough on them, but could be rough on you. I've gotten altitude sickness the last two times I went. It normally happens to me about a day after being there. Denver people say to drink lots of water, but I think that John Denver is full of $*it
  21. Does anyone know what sections that UND got tickets for?
  22. third straight with a major brewery in town...was there any doubt? BTW, you don't need to do the tour to drink the beer (for free) and they do some pretty good mixes with Killians. Also some girlie mixes with zima flavors. Oh man I can't wait to get back to visiting Denver. Great downtown strip of drinking. For Mafia Man (and others) check out the strip club near convention center and Hyatt. Called La Habem (spelling?). The only bad thing is that the bars are a tad on the small side near Pepsi Center. Any ideas on where alumni meeting is taking place? Normally the NCAA always gives the same venue information as what's been used in the past. Unfortunately, no one ever believes the UND alumni association that they need LOTS of workers and LOTS of BEER!
  23. To actually put this thread on topic of the game: BC runs a 5 forward PP. (that's for you Redwing) They are small and quick. Both teams had similar regional finals. The only fans to give umtc a run for their arrogant money is bc. I hate them. GO SIOUX!!! (got my cousin from Cali and cousin from AZ coming and they are new to college hockey, just spreading the love of the game)
  24. Had curling tonight. Phone started blowing up. Most nervous I think I've ever been. Oh, did I mention a Badger fan is on my team? Re-watching the game and wow are the Sioux fans LOUD when we score. BTW, it looks like ESPNU is replaying all the games. My guess is some stuff will be cut out, but a good chance to record. Looks like the game against uw is on 9-11 tomorrow night.
  25. You had to mention Park Rapids. Now I have a hankerin for Rocky's Pizza. I can hold off my excitement to get to the lake until after Denver, though.
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