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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. Why do you have such an axe to grind with the band? Was your experience in it that horrible? Get over it. Michigan has a marching band of around two hundred if not closer to two fifty. We have like 80 members. They also bring all brass for their allotted 25. We don't. Last night both U of M bands were in our old band section. The mikes were hot, because when I was in the bathroom you could here them coming through the speakers. Not sure if UND was miked. Yes Michigan's band was excellent, but lay off our band. Our band played very well last night, and if you'd have heard them at the Xcel, they were outstanding.
  2. What a great night! The Sioux fans were really cheering for Holy Cross and it was loud. Then Minny scored, and they had a lot of fans in that building. I was kind of dissappointed that more Sioux fans didn't pick up tickets. But they lost and world can keep spinning. Michigan did have chances, but Parise is playing so well positionally. I know one shot deflected and went off his helmet. Goaltending was the difference in both games last night. Funny moment of the night: Goldy was harrassing the Michigan fans. One old guy got ticked off and was telling him to ge the F out of there. So the ushers escorted Goldy away.
  3. Putolny was on today. Sounds like the Gophers got really ticked with ESPN and the national media for telling them that they don't play with enough grit. Apparently Chucko and Pohl even got into a fight this week. The Strib also reported that Lucia's been focussing on D. I get this bad feeling that the Gophers will come out spitting venom.
  4. That's on the end behind Parise twice, right? I think I'm right behind you. My grandma has seats in row M I believe. They are just to the right of the tunnel. I'll be sitting a few rows in front of her. I don't have the tickets in hand, though.
  5. They've been cancelling all their shows for a few weeks. I can't remember if Tyler or Perry is sick.
  6. It'll be really interesting to see what Indiana does. If they hire Alford, then I think Iowa just lost their top candidate.
  7. I think Crosby 87 is referring to the ESPNU schedule.
  8. With over 3 minutes left in the championship game, they started advertising for fans to buy their Sioux championship t-shirts and hats. SCSU was only down by two.
  9. Bunning was not thrilled about it at the alumni function. Made some good jokes about how they sold the production costs to the lowest bidder. The guy does have a flair for the dramatic.
  10. Drew seemed fine. Even Fabian wasn't using crutches tonight. Lots of fun to see us win. I'm glad the guys actually cheered and grabbed the trophey. For those that don't know, the Gophers didn't dare look at the McNaughten and certainly didn't touch it (only the captain did).
  11. It really doesn't matter, but I'd rather face Michigan than BC.
  12. I have a hard time believing that whoever loses this game can come through for 4 games in a row in the NCAA's. Should be an interesting game with high offense/not so good defense & goaltending angainst a team with good D and goaltending, but not so great offense. Heard a bit of "beyond the pond" this morning with everyone's favorite Dubay. He sounded kind of down on his Gophers. Made a very good point about how he doesn't feel either goalie for the Gophers could play good enough for four straight games and how they just need to pray they score more goals. Also played an interview he did with Lucia. He said he'll be skating the team hard on Monday. He didn't come out and say the games are meaningless, but I got that impression from him. Didn't make one comment about the next game against UW. Only on preparing for the NCAA's.
  13. Smoggy

    Hi everyone

    Don't forget that the SCSU PP is brutal. Maybe worse than ours.
  14. Wasn't a whole lot of hitting in the game at all. A few big collisions. SCSU plays boring hockey. Reminds me of UW. Score early and then pack around the goalie. It worked for them. They had 9 shots after 2 periods. The only reason they got some in the third was due to the Dogs stepping up in the offensive zone.
  15. I noticed Raymond last night. He's going to be great for UMD. I remember when I went to Duluth for the Sioux games earlier this year, he was the one player that really stood out to me.
  16. Never cared for that symbol.
  17. Just so they stand out from each other. The women's team is constantly in the men's shadow. Which they are, but at least they could have their own look.
  18. I'd like to see our men and women have different uni's from each other.
  19. I guess I won't be going. Damn grad school that morning.
  20. I'll maybe be there. My underage poor brother and cousin may be down here which would negate us going. Notice I also said poor which includes me, so it would depend on the Sioux being in the early game, bc if they aren't I'm not going to that game. I envy everyone that can take Friday afternoon off and go to the game. I'll be lucky to catch it half-way through on the radio.
  21. That is scary. The white team didn't really want to go in and protect/take their guys out of that mess.
  22. I liked the Kent Hrbeck one myself.
  23. Smoggy

    Final 5

    How does the money work for the Final Five? I'm guessing first round games go to the league. Does all this money get redistributed after cost? Or does the WCHA have a fat bank account? Does the WCHA pay for the teams to travel and stay for the Final Five? I know they don't give anyting for the schools' bands to come. Though maybe they are helping Tech since they are the official band this year.
  24. Very nice memorial. The highlight was Mudcat singing "what a wonderful world." Winfield, Ripken, Gardy, TK, Al Newman, Dan Gladden, Andy MacPhail, Harmen Killibrew, and Hrbek all spoke. I might be missing someone. Lower bowl from corner to corner was pretty full. Not sure on upperdeck. The most heart wrenching moment was at the end. They had shut out all the lights and while the choir was singing a single spotlight shone into centerfield where Puckett's jersey was laying.
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