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Posts posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. I think its pretty sad that you are already making fun of what could very well be the new name. I get not liking it, but you are throwing every random reason out there to bash on whomever votes for it, just because you don't like it, and it is actually in contention. Will it win? I don't know, we'll see, but why chastise the people who vote for it.

    You think opponents won't find other reasons to make fun of us? All fanbases do it, including us.

    Nodaks - Nodicks

    Fighting Hawks - Fighting Hicks

    Sundogs - Enough said, makes fun of it self

    Roughriders - they'll throw condoms at us, make obscene signs, etc

    North Stars - Just let the MN crowd have a field day with it.

    Gophers - Goofers, Golden Chokers

    The point is, rather than chastising those that you don't agree with your specific vote, lets all accept the name will probably by Roughriders or Nodaks .... possibly Fighting Hawks, and just get ready to accept one of those. Will it stop you from supporting UND? Will you support them, but always antagonize the name if it isn't what you want? If you really hate Nodaks, then just stick with UND or Sioux, or North Dakota. Hell call them Roughriders if you really want ... but lets not bash every person for voting something different, just because it doesn't align with your own personal view.




    does this happen at RRHS (younger crowd) or at Saskatewhan RR games (older crowd)???? didn't think so...stop parroting the herald.

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  2. I'm just downplaying how much sway the current students have...there are obviously a lot more alumni out there and they will vote for the nickname that will be something we can be proud of and will make UND $$$$$$$$$$$$$$...not swayed by brad berry, brad s, tom dennis, or anyone else...they (i) will vote/d on what is best for und not a stick it to the man vote or the trendy name trending on twitter...

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  3. Students will be a huge swing vote in the run off.  If fighting hawks is gone and its down to Roughriders and Nodaks in the run off, they will flood to nodaks.   RR is hated on campus because of the climax-fisher rule*


    *copyright fs4l 

    I disagree...I think the student vote is so small versus the alumni vote...the same 2000 students that go to games will care...will they vote?  maybe half...almost all alumni I have talked to have registered to vote and 2-1 say RR v nodiks

  4. I cant wait for the outcome of this. Where do you get your data to support this comment? From this thread? :lol:

    15 people :lol:

    im just saying that I was thinking that this poll would be a very pro-hockey so I was thinking that nodiks would be over 50% but those pro-hockey people that still think that hawk logo will be used is siphoning off more votes than I tought from nodiks...heck even the sundogs have passed the north stars...never would have guessed that...

  5. still don't think its looking good for the nodiks crowd based on the above small sample...first this is a very pro-hockey message board and second because of the GFC/RRHS connections on this board...thinking that RR is doing okay.

  6. You ever leave North Dakota you'll be surprised how little people care about D1 hockey or even know what it is or could name 5 teams playing it.

    someone in tempe, az must have heard something about d1 hockey to invest millions....millions!

  7. Ok Bison fans.  We get it.  College FCS football is better, more attended, talked about nationally, harder to win a championship, etc etc. than college hockey.  We all know that you could care less about college hockey.  And that's fine.  But always riping on it and bringing it down.  For what purpose?  To make yourself and your almighty Bison football program seem more significant.  it is significant on its own.  If you don't like college hockey, that's fine.  But to come on a schools fan board that does sponsor hockey and then rip on it in a football thread?  That's pretty lame.  End rant.  

    fixed it for ya

  8. Great excuse.  Yes because Robert Morris is clearly fighting for a spot in the playoffs yearly but teams like New Hampshire, Eastern Washington, Sam Houston, etc. aren't.  Nice you name the bottom feeders.  So because you are playing big name schools makes it harder?  No

    pretty sure most of those bottom feeders somehow made the playoffs and played the ndac in the dome during their historic run????

  9. Great excuse.  Yes because Robert Morris is clearly fighting for a spot in the playoffs yearly but teams like New Hampshire, Eastern Washington, Sam Houston, etc. aren't.  Nice you name the bottom feeders.  So because you are playing big name schools makes it harder?  No

    not their names but their BUDGETS

    Minny's stick budget is proably close to woffords whole football budget...

  10. I said that on day one when this draft discussion first came up. You guys were the ones talking about Wentz. I don't think this injury will hurt his prospects because a wrist injury is nothing compared to a knee etc. sorry I should have waited for the end of the bison season and not his. My bad

    I don't think an ankle or wrist injury is any concern to him...yes he is a pro prospect but his also 6'5" 230 with a history of concussions...he will get hit and hit harder than any wimpy strong safety from western Illinois could ever dream of hitting him at the next level...

  11. Easier than beating a field of 60 teams for a title?

    when those schools are let's see....minnesota, notre dame, boston college, Michigan, yale, or Denver versus Wofford, coastal Carolina, Robert morris, Richmond, or northern iowa I would say yes.

  12. I voted Fighting Hawks but Fighting Nodaks would be great to

    Either I may actually spend some $$$ on gear

    If its roughriders I will remain 100% Fighting Sioux Forever - It just makes no sense to me. Loved TR as a president but that is no reason to use it - It is Red Rivers name & that should be enough to reject it. 

    you could save some money by buying either a nodak mutual insurance shirt, a nodak cab shirt, or a nodak electric cooperative hoodie, nodak outdoors hockey jersey, nodak records hat, or a nodak angler winter gloves? 

  13. How many programs would be happy to have a championship slump of 21 years? People throw around championships like they are easy to attain.

    UND hockey is the gold standard of the NCAA hockey world in my mind and hasn't won a chmapionship in 15 years.

    Montana is considered the best PROGRAM  at the FCS level outside of maybe NDSU, and they haven't reached the pinnacle of success in 15 years.

    They aren't easy to come by, people forget that, NDSU fans included.

    imo an fcs football championship is probably the easiest "title" to win...especially in the current state of fcs football (all the big dogs took their balls and went fbs)....

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  14. lets say that nodaks wins...Kelly might want to make the losers that voted for the other names feel warm in side and incorporates the fighting hawks and sundogs into the nodak name....a sundog (three suns) and a north star (think three suns and one star!!)  with a hawk flying through the air...it would be enough to make tom dennis cry for a week thinking how beautiful and inclusive that logo would be

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