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Posts posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. RRHS starts going by red riders. Problem solved. They don't deserve a state nickname anyway. 

    yes. rrhs should change/alter their nickname if/when roughriders wins...it would also make the central people feel better in two ways...they lost their old nickname to the pc crowd and in the end through und losing our nickname because the pc crowd rrhs loses theirs too...plus "i could never root for the riders" people that went to central don't have to worry about then...


    call em the presidents, the red riders, the cavs, the teddy's, ....

  2. Why?In my opinion, Wayne is decent guy. I think he does a good job as the Sports editor of the Grand Forks Herald.

    virg did a good job covering sioux hockey but brad's coverage is borderline stalkerish...its time for wayne to retire so he can go to the races and oogle over dobmeiers "engine" until 1am and not worry about a deadline

  3. biked by the hpc and looked down in and in looks like the track is going in....most of the north concrete looks "wet" and you can see the tan looking running track down nearest the field...anyone know if und plans to keep/connect the road behind memorial with that little road that runs behind the eerc....the part behind the hpc is gravel and it connects the two points but it looks cheap...

  4. You might be right about the outside linebackers. Ironically though , I think your best defensive player, Will, would be riding the pine. As good as he is, he is no Nick DeLuca. That dude will be playing on Sundays.

    right along side crockett?

  5. Facepalm to this administration if they didn't already register the five remaining options for "athletic sports teams."

    Which I have a feeling they haven't.....*facepalm.*

    Because if they did, it would have been reported.

    all of this "It's going to be okay" from petey Johnson really makes me think my guy/gal inside twamley is telling the truth about the north stars already being chosen...the nhl and or dallas stars ownsthe rights to the "north stars" so all we had to do is buy it and its ours.

  6. I think everyone would agree that baseball, swim/dive could be dropped at any time regardless of coa...is there any chance in hell that women's hockey gets dropped in the near future??? or is too much with title nine stuff....

  7. any news from faison how we are going to pay for this yet?  restructuring of the ad department?? has he answered what that means yet?? drop swim/dive?  baseball?  take some $$$$ from the mens/womens hockey stick fund and boom goes the dynamite??

  8. 4 game win streak baby............

    The offensive scheme and the play calling is fine.  The problem tonight was the ineptitude of the O-Line, and the fact that the two players that handle the pigskin the most for us treated it like it was a hot potato (that's Potato Bowl humor).

    Seriously, 7 fumbles?  That's ridiculous.  Are the balls over-inflated?

    The defense was great as they have been for the most part since Bubba took over.  But they need to force a turnover at some point.  

    Is this team as good as some thought after the Wyoming win?  Probably not.  Is this team as bad as some think after the Drake win?  Probably not.  It is probably somewhere in the middle.

    There is just one game left before Big Sky play starts.  Need to re-focus this week and pay attention to what is right in front of us and use the next game to get better.

    Now, the only thing worse than O-Line play tonight was possibly the student section AGAIN!  They were great in the first half but then disappear at half.  Come on, it is the home opener.  The Potato Bowl.  Coming off an FBS win.  Things were going good for the most part in the first half.  These  students today suck.

    And the Alerus just can't get the intro right can they?  I thought it was finally pretty good the last two years where they killed the lights and ran out to Welcome to the Jungle.  It was solid.  Now they just sort of appear.  No build up or nothing.  How can the Alerus alwaya be so bad at this small yet exciting detail, while the REA is always so good at it.  The new PA guy leaves a lot to be desired too.

    4 game win streak baby.............

    Just win baby.........

    you must PA child...he sounds like a scared ten year old boy

  9. The defense today was outstanding. Outside of Drakes first drive and a couple others they had their way with the bulldogs. When they needed a sack, they got a sack. They dropped about three ints on top of it. Not to mention that they had no help from the offense in the second half. Literally none. 

    The kick coverage was improved big time still not perfect. They need to be even better next week.

    The offense had a couple moments, most of them passing. The OL was horrendous, most of the time. I did feel like we missed Georges. I also had a feeling that maybe they're holding Smith out til NDSU. Maybe he'll be the secret weapon like Santiago was against WYO. Also I felt like the play calling was about as simple as possible to get the win and go into next game with putting as little on film as possible.

    I'm not the least bit impressed by this win. It was ugly. It was painful. It wasn't what the fans needed to see. But I think it's what the team needed. This struggle against a more experienced but less talented opponent has illustrated to the team that they need to execute at 100% against every team they play. Obviously we're gonna get our ass kicked next game if we're not ready to go. I think this game will galvanize the team and give Bubba and co plenty of ass chewing material this week. 

    So I guess in a way is doing poorly this week is a good thing to me.

    these two things are what i was thinking after watching this game.......where is awarri and don't show too much in a game that you should win somewhat easily but things happen and it became closer than it should have...but the next game is the game that bubba has circled and he and rudolph will have this team ready to go next week...

    • Upvote 1
  10. You mean when they beat the defending Big 12 champions who went on to an 8-5 year (8-4 if you take away the NDSU loss) and  beat Michigan in a bowl game 31-14? That cupcake? 

    take that one word away and that sentence means so much more...but you can't.

    • Upvote 1
  11. Going FBS, can you even define what going FBS is at this point?  I would say that going FBS would be moving to 85 scholarships to join the current G5.  But let's be honest, there is no way in hell that the BSC has the resources to do that

    So MACtion is right, you throw around the term FBS.  But what you really mean is you hope the G5 gets kicked out of the FBS and stumbles down to your level.  Please don't insult my intelligence by calling that FBS.  


    depends on which bsc schools your talking about...

  12. Please tell me you are kidding or trolling or both. The hype machine out of Imperial Cass-Clay County has been unreal the past 5 years or so. Listening to some of the rhetoric, you would think that FU was already FBS and in the Big 12 in more than just wrestling. And you are right, Miller sets a pretty high bar for homerism.....SCOTT "My Oh My" Miller, that is. He is without question the most annoying media personality in Imperial Cass-Clay County.

    Thank you for the interest in Bubba Ball and the Grand Forks Heraldo. But I think you should focus more on Weber State and your various injuries (especially at QB). After all, 0-2 would hurt your playoff hosting chances, wouldn't it?

    best post in a while...

  13. I love how N_SU fans remind people that Wyoming sucks but yet they puff their chest on their FBS wins that are full of cupcakes. Hypocrites.

    for example you mean their 6-3 domination of Kansas university??? what a great game and win against the powerhouse of the fbs world...

    • Upvote 3
  14. my fav picture in the photo gallery is santiago's 1 yd td run where on the right aj stockwell seems to be punishing a cowboy for even thinking he was getting up off the turf anytime soon and whispering in his ear...."stay down son...stay down"

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