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Posts posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. I never said I was ok with it, but I'm not going to vote for a name I don't particularly like, if there is one I like better on the ballot.

    if anyone votes nodaks you are essentially saying I'm okay with it...

  2. “We will bring North Dakota into the 21st century, kicking and screaming, but we will do it,“David Gipp said, winning applause from the audience of about 50 people. 

    Ron His Horse Is Thunder suggested a replacement nickname that would focus on a North Dakota hero, Teddy Roosevelt. 

    “I would ask the UND alumni, the state board of Higher Education, . . . to take a look at changing the logo and choose an image that all of North Dakota could be proud of,” he said “We have the perfect logo: North Dakota Rough Riders. . . . Who could object to that? It is talking about bravery; it is talking about courage. I think everyone could agree on that.


    Well,there's that.

    I can live with that...that is a legit reason to hate Roughriders.

  3. God I wish this were all over.

    Just crap after crap after crap.

    Is anyone really going to change their vote at this point? Just vote and be done, please.

    if the nodak camp would man up and admit their choice came in 3rd and should be out of the running and vote RR this will be done forever....fighting hawks definetly and nodaks maybe would come under scrutiny and potential change in the next 10 years....

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  4. You know for someone who is so certain of just about everything, you sure do go round and round on things.  And I don't think you are swaying any votes with your "a vote for _______ is a vote for Kelley"  mantra.  

    its pretty clear now and I guess it should have been earlier to everyone that Kelly and his wife want fighting hawks (which I gurantee you will be shortened to just hawks by Kelly and his wife) was he predetermined choice from the beginning....nodaks lost...fair and square....as much as some dislike RR it still beat nodaks...if we go thru this process and FH wins....Kelly and his wife win.

  5. Wait, I thought he was a Sundogger, or was that before he was a FH guy... I can't keep up with the ever changing versions of which nickname Kelley wants.  They change as much as Kelley's voting "rules." :D 

    because it took him a while for him to show his true colors...its pretty obvious what his preference is now....its your vote teeder and either your with Kelly and his wife or you vote for what is in the best interest of und in long run...

  6. I'm not sure that is really the case. I've seen plenty of people in these forums that are fans of the Nodak name, that are still disgusted with him constantly changing the way is being done. I'm not a fan of what he is doing, but I'm still going to vote for the name I like best, which is Nodaks. If it goes to a second runoff (which it should, but probably won't), then I'll vote for whichever name IS NOT fighting hawks.


    no...it is. bends the rule to favor you...your ok.....bend the rules against him and he's the biggest pos around...a vote for nodak is essesntially a vote for fighting hawks

  7. I'm voting Nodaks. I can't support the same name as a HS down the road, which I graduated from. Talk about unoriginal. This whole mess is so disappointing! IMO There would not have been this kind of devisiveness had ND been on the ballot. what a    S-show!

    I still find this unbelievably ironic that the same people bitching and moaning about Kelly and his wife making an executive decision to take "only North Dakota" off the ballot are totally okay with Kelly and his wife making another executive decision to put nodaks back in the game...totally fine with that!!! grow a pair and vote either for fighing hawks or roughriders or your just as bad as Kelly and we get what we deserve.....

  8. I agree.   If fighting hawks is chosen and this is the type of logo wanted, we can make enough changes to a profile of a hawk and call it our own.

     The supposed "confusion" of these "uninformed" college students voting for hawks solely based on a logo seems a little contradictory.    All kinds of already owned, unusable roughriders logos have been all over this website for months in an effort to pump up enthusiasm for roughriders.  Go figure.  

    There is no way of knowing if there are more hawks supporters who think that specific hawk logo is usable, than there are roughriders supporters who think any of the roughrider logos floating around are usable.

    And I thank those roughriders supporters who are stuck in circular logic/groupthink mode in advance for the ensuing thumbs downs.   :wink:

    so said the last 100 schools to switch from na nicknames to hawks, eagles, sparrow, finches, robins, canaries, or pileated woodpeckers.  gimme a break.. nodaks would be our own but its still boring and unmarketable.


    University of North Dakota Roughriders. say it. vote it.

  9. I recently chatted with someone who is reasonably familiar with Twamley. Their take: 

    There's no point in defining a process if you're simply going to ignore it.

    Kelley's just doing what he always does: Manipulating the situation in an attempt to get the outcome he desires.

    Anyone who thinks otherwise hasn't been paying attention. 

    I talked to a lady on sunday who works at twamley too and she said anyone wearing Sioux mdse on jeans day must be very secure in their job...she said most people don't wear any because of the backlash from the higher ups but two ladies wear their stuff every jeans days with a smile...

  10. Tim Hennessey said he was going to vote for Fighting Hawks but said he would just shorten it to Hawks.  Hate to listen to him during a Frozen Four with U Mass Lowell Riverhawks and Miami Redhawks if he is going to shorten them.  

    that goes to show that right now we don't know if Kelly and his wife might switch/alter the names as seen needed meaning that fighting hawks might just be hawks and nodaks might be fighting nodaks and roughriders might be riders....with a logo like this


  11. But you'd be "fine" with something other than Rough Riders, as long as it actually is Rough Riders.

    anything but sundogs as long as the process was fair and open and the voters were people with a stake in the game...was going fine til fuhrer Kelly and his wife took over and sabotaged this...

  12. Have also saw this on various social media platforms today. If people truly are hanging their hat on that logo, they are going to be incredibly upset and claim they were sold a false premise even though UND has had zero to do with that logo floating around.

    im sure it will look some generic like this...climate_hawk_logo.jpg

    • Upvote 1
  13. Maybe if the students knew that Kelly was secretly  in favor of Fighting Hawks, they would change their minds about supporting it.  Kind of reminds me of that Saved By The Bell episode where Buddy Bands were going up against Friendship Bracelets.  Zack gives Mr. Belding a Buddy Band and instantly, everyone hates them and doesn't want to want something the principal endorses.  Same think can be done in this scerio. Spread the word around campus...."Kelley wants Fighting Hawks."  :D

    post of the year....

  14. I do not believe RR voters will switch to Nodaks. Nodak voters, however, could be persuaded to switch to RR based on the fact that the original criteria says Nodaks shouldn't even be in the running anymore. And both RR and Nodak voters have a common enemy: Fighting Hawks.

    I do believe Roughriders has the best chance of preventing Fighting Hawks from winning.

    I do think some nodak voters might be swayed to FH or RR after that ridiculous webcast where our 100+ years of branding as University of North Dakota, North Dakota, or UND was pissed on with nodak this, nodak that, nodak on the power play...even the gophers announcers might have swayed a few away from nodak...but like you said just its there doesn't mean you have to vote for it...it shouldn'tbe there in the first place so vote like the process was first announced...for either fh or rr???

    • Upvote 2
  15. I would chip in, definitely.  Maybe take an ad out in the Dakota Student explaining why Roughriders represents the state.  If we were there Fighting Hawks, that would take years of education to know where we were from.

    I don't think it would have to be anything special...just a couple lines.


    Dear UND Students,

    Any vote for Fighting Hawks or Nodaks is a vote of endorsement for outgoing President Kelly.

    Thank you.


    • Downvote 2
  16. Some thoughts from a 50 year UND hockey fan, former student, with many family members who have been both student and faculty at UND.  Also a long time supporter of the Sioux nickname.

    The response rate to this survey would be considered quite good by professional researchers. The responses to SS.com poll are not projectable to any group except the posters who voted on SS.com The fact that the SS.com poll differs so greatly from the official poll should be a wake-up call to posters here: You do not represent the voting population in your opinions and preferences.  Your conspiracy theories and demanding tones are misguided.  

    Please let the whining be over after the runoff.  There are biased hockey referees and self righteous Gopher fans that deserve your conspiracy theories and hatred much more than this nickname change process, however ineptly handled.



    thank you Mrs. Kelly...

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  17. I think the irony in this switch and bait is that if it was FH v RR (and all Kelly announced was the two with the most votes going head to head as planned) the FH would win imo.. with this fraud now I think a lot of voters will see a FH/Nodaks vote as being with Fuhrer Kelly and maybe vote RR over the top?

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  18. This isn't some presidential election that has been refined over decades. This is a unique situation and setting some hard precedent is a disservice to everyone because it was set by people who aren't experienced in this (because no one is experienced in this). 

    This whole thing needs to be flexible and not being fluid now because other parts of the process were done poorly is just adding to the problem, not helping it. 

    thank you mrs. kelly.  you may leave the state anytime now and return to your commune at cal-berkley

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