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Posts posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. What is crazy about your complaint on Nodaks not having aa cool logo is, all these you said could be cool for RR could also be used for Nodaks!

    about 99% sure that if RR wins the logo will western themed...a cowboy, a horse, teddy...problem with nodak its really really open to interpretation...a nodak could be a rainbow, an owl, a train, a hick in overalls with a big dip in....it is whatever that person wants it to be who is makingthe logo...

  2. I think this will happen

    " revisit the decision and perhaps decide it was time for a new nickname in 10 years."

    no matter which way this ends up.

    Bottom line is, of the 5 selections remaining there isn't one that is worthy of the University of North Dakota.

    a little overreaction maybe!!! somehow UND is above having one of their state nicknames for their flagship university....a couple dozen or so other schools have chosen their state nicknames and it has worked out quite well for them....we have a chance to have a unique nickname to D1 schools but we want to go back to something that other schools and college gameday will/have had a fun time making fun of the hicks/nodaks from north Dakota!

  3. Psst!  Your avatar is a picture of a guy that's been dead nearly 100 years, and you're advocating for a name taken from a horse-mounted cavalry unit that fought, not in this century, not in the last century, but in the 1800's!

    military nostalgia is something I won't apologize for...part of liking the RR/teddy is the military aspect. if we go with the Marlboro man for the logo that's fine...a horse I;m fine with.  if we have teddy then we are HONORING him and the military as a whole.  I'm just poking fun at the people that got warm and fuzzy when brad s. posted a pic of a 5'10 155lbs offensive lineman from the1922 football posing in a nodak jersey.

  4. for the nostalgic ones voting for fighting hawks and nodaks i expect you to be right on the banks of the english coulee when the may fete comes back to campus..and i expect brad s. to report on it and report back how many current hockey players were in attendance.


    • Upvote 1
  5. Warriors is still hanging around at Marquette after 20 years.....just saying

    probably because they picked a garbage nickname to replace the warriors....if we do the same we will be just like marquette. there was a reason why flickertails and nodaks were replaced. this nostalgia stuff is for losers.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Looking ahead to the run-off (which I think we will need), I think the two names that will survive the initial round of voting are Roughriders and Nodaks (Fighting Hawks has fallen out of contention). My thinking is that the Fighting Hawk and North Star voters will swing over to Roughriders and the Sundog voter will swing over to Nodaks. That should give Roughriders the edge in the run-off, as I believe there will be more voters in the Hawks/North Star camp than in the Sundog camp.


    60% Roughriders

    40% Nodaks

    fixed it for you

  7. User Actions
    31DiFmqC_bigger.jpegPat Sweeney@PSweeneyND

    Here's what the UND High Performance Center looks like today.



    What a shame.  Heard the track was all supposed to be the darker color, but they had to mix in the cheap lighter-colored lanes due to budget cuts..... 

    I guess I never noticed that the endzones were blank...in a couple weeks they could fill the north one with either fighting/rough and the south one with nodaks/riders???

  8. This poll is a lot closer than I thought it would be considering the heavy RR crowd on this site.  At least in GF it seems the hockey squad has grown the Nodak option a lot.

    I think it is a good sign that RR is that much ahead...there seems to be a lot of RRHS and Central alums on this site which could sway people one way or ther other on RR...I think once you get out of gf and especially west they will go hard RR...

  9. Funny how Schloss has no problem with RRHS having the extremely offensive Roughrider nickname!!  

    on brads blog I told him to send over a reporter to RRHS and ask around to find someone offended (shouldn't be that hard)...once this nickname thing at und is done maybe they will start stiring the pot over there...

  10. Even with this poll just open for a day, it's interesting to see how it differs from a similar poll with the same five choices started in July (http://forum.siouxsports.com/topic/20657-vote-on-your-final-5-nickname-choices-just-nd-is-out/). 

    Not surprisingly given the recent PR blitz, Nodaks has gained a lot of ground. But, surprisingly not at the expense of Roughriders. Instead all of the other choices have completely withered away. Fighting Hawks and North Stars, each previously claimed to be generating buzz among students on campus, aren't even in the running here.

    It will be interesting to see the outcome of the real polling.

    I think the RR people haven't wavered at all from the time the final five were released and the feeble minded people that are swayed by hack jobs and the twitterverse have swayed from YEAH North Stars to WHOA look at that hawk logo lets go Fighting Hawks to okay the heraldo wants the nodaks so YEAH NODAKS! 

    • Upvote 2
  11. I may be wrong, but I believe he did that on a national forum.  The resistance to Roughriders due to GFRR wouldn't exist there.  They also wouldn't have a large group that follows whatever the hockey columnist says.

    yes it was a on random sports webpage but I'm guessing there are a few alumni and whatnot that haven't paid too much attention to this but still registered and their first time seeing the five options were recently and you would think that roughriders would stick out among the five as a suitable nickname for the flagship

  12. Based on this poll and taking into account this site appearing more pro-Roughrider than the general public (at least to me), I'm guessing the first vote will finish:

    1. Nodaks - 38%
    2. Roughriders - 32%
    3. Fighting Hawks - 16%
    4. North Stars - 8%
    5. Sundogs - 6%

    siouxvolley did a poll on a different website and RR came out the winner with more than 50%...

  13. Well, I'm still voting NoDaks.   I just don't like Roughriders and that's that.

    before anyone votes tomorrow i hope they ask themselves which of these five will make und the most $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for all of our d1 teams...not the one that sticks it to the ncaa, not one gives you a warm nostalgic feeling inside, not the one that makes tom dennis/shakespeare cry....the one that makes und the most money to fund our team going forward.

  14. My question about Joe is why doesn't he drop some weight to gain speed and overall athleticism? He's big and strong but also fairly chubby. Maybe if he lost like 15lbs of fat and replaced it with 5 lbs of muscle he'd not only have an NFL arm but he'd be able to move better as well. 

    i've said this since is went to memorial to see him practice a couple years ago...looked too big/chubby...he needs to look more like the usd qb...more lean 

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