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Posts posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. the drop off from zach and cole to the guys that played today is night and day...bubba will get this fixed but it will take time....

    but really a bomb to the end zone on fourth down??? really?

    • Upvote 1
  2. Drew Wrigley is an intriguing candidate for UND President.

    Sitting ND Lt Gov.

    Would be a voice the legislature would trust.

    From ND and a UND grad.

    Other politicians like Boren at OU and Daniels at Purdue have done a bang up job because they know how things get done in their states.

    Wrigley will be connected, while Kelley only connected himself with the SBoHE.

    it is time to hire one of our own as president...bring back bubba style!

    • Upvote 2
  3. Biggest home volleyball match of the year and it is being played at almost the same time as the football game.  Great scheduling.  I am sure the team would of  liked to have had  a big crowd.  Probably not going to happen. 

    ask hajdu how this scheduling conflict could arise and he will tell you that the hockey team is playing out east on that day and he is not sure exactly what you are talking about...

    • Upvote 1
  4. Was there a chance of Wentz? Obviously ND kid but didn't know if he has NDSU written all over him. Anyways those are nice pieces but it may still have Muss here and for that I think we are better off where we are now. 

    I agree about muss he should have been let go immediately following either the Sioux falls game (the first or def the rematch) or the sodak game...just saying that just a couple more guys on this team and we are talking more than just making the playoffs...wentz at qb (studs holding a clipboard learning from him) with georges and golloday at wr and ratelle and schobert in the middle on def with bubba and eric's attack def...what could have been...

  5. play a little what if for this season..


    what if muss could have gotten wentz to play here instead of at the ac

    what if muss could have gotten joe schobert to come to und a couple falls ago

    what if kenny G would've stayed....


  6. YES! I totally agree and have been saying this to a couple friends. UND won their last title with the geo logo, albeit the new one was about to be used, it hadn't been adopted. Last year's squad is the last team to have members to have worn the Brien logo. If we win a title this year, it shall be an interesting coincidence.

    if we win the whole thing I would guess that it has less to do with ben and more due to a guy named dave moving east....

    • Upvote 2
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  7. Agree that Rough Riders doesn't have to have a tie into Roosevelt.  Look up the definition of a Rough Rider and the first definition is "a person who can break in or ride unbroken horses."  

    As for the "alliteration" test, the University of North Dakota Rough Riders works the best, imo.

    And as many have mentioned, there are numerous options to come up with a unique logo...



    this is very true...if we tie RR into Teddy fine...if we don't want to the above definition means it could be a horse, a guy/gal on a horse, buffalo bill, buffalo bill on a horse.....


    that hawk with the headdress logo is too obvious and doesn't really look like a bird, but I think something could be done that resembles more of a hawk's natural look with feathers, that still reminds/resembles the shape and coloring of the old logo without the PCers crying "fowl".

    I don't think white guys toting guns on horseback will pass the PC test. 

    which is part of the reason why i'm voting for the white guy....

    • Upvote 3
  9. I think our tailgating scene has had a negative impact on game attendance, and I also believe major changes need to happen ASAP.

    One of the biggest reasons our tailgating scene sucks is that it is being used as a parking lot, and is managed completely wrong, IMO. A few years back, I excused myself from a group that I had tailgated with since the Alerus first went to reserved spots. Why? Because out of 6 tailgating spots, 4 of them were (and still are) consumed by their vehicles because they were not willing to pay the $5 parking fee for the game. As unfortunate as that is and was, I am seeing even more of it the past few years, and it has affected our tailgating atmosphere in the worst way.

    I hoped it was a unique situation, but as I looked across the tailgating area last weekend I saw two things consistently:

    • Tailgating spots are being used as "preferred" parking spaces.
    • Many tailgating spots that are reserved for the season are not being utilized (corporate?) and it ends up being an open (dead) space in the tailgating area.

    I know that there are MANY that will disagree with me, but I still see nothing wrong with the first come/ first served mentality with tailgating. If someone wants to get there at o-dark-30 to get the best spot in the house, why not let them. They are obviously the types of fans that we want to establish a great tailgating atmosphere. And all of these rabid fans will be together, and not separated by 20 vehicles. Viola - you have a tailgating atmosphere. But instead, we have a number of great tailgating groups separated from each other by vehicles and no-show spots reserved for others. Sorry, but the reserved tailgating spot has been the death of our formerly great atmosphere, even if it has padded the coffers of whomever gets the dough. It has to go, and soon. Doesn't the Alerus and Alumni office realize that people will come for the party, and they will also stay for the game? Tailgating has a HUGE impact on game attendance.

    I think vehicle parking should not be prohibited altogether, but it should definitely be limited. And as far as the open spaces are concerned, they are killing whatever atmosphere the dispersed groups are trying to create. Instead of one big UND tailgate, it's 50 crappy little tent parties spread out across the entire parking lot. (with ALL DUE RESPECT to those actually trying to create a good atmosphere - it isn't their fault at all) Maybe non-attending groups can transfer their spot to another - maybe they should get spanked if they leave their spot unused?

    I don't know how to fix it, but when we were lined up at 6:00am waiting for the spots, we had the BEST tailgating atmosphere in the state. Trust me - I was there every weekend. Now it just plain sucks. Like I said - people will come for the party and stay for the game. We need to make it an event again. 

    Start the party.


    Too bad Hadju is currently mowing Hak's still unsold mansion to read this and maybe look into this...one of the best longer posts in a while...

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  10. Just a reminder to those that have relatives that are alumni and don't have emails and want anything other than Roughriders DO NOT get them registered by Thursday!  If they want Sundogs get them a fake America Online account and just tell them that their vote for the Sundogs has been registered with the Alumni Association and tell them everything is done and verified and its time for their afternoon nap.

    • Upvote 1
  11. im thinking that the fh in the lead bc students voting online on herald webpage...because they are constantly online...when it comes to alumni and what not that are actually doing productive things (working) instead of constantly being online the vote will go heavy for the RR...

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