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Everything posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. i say keep him at 265 and move him to te.
  2. 3
  3. is this new news? or is this penn stating if they get enough money to endow they will field a team soon?
  4. every time i see this thread get a bump i think the summit has just lost another member school.


    sounds like "protecting old money"????


    actually i'm asking on here to make sure this stupid ass arrangement someone told me about is actually true?


    i saw an article in the heraldo about how wisconsin might make it illegal for small craft beers to sell their OWN F"N beer in the same building its made in without first selling it to a distributor and then buying it back....then i found north dakota already does this...rhombus guys makes their own brew and instead of walking the beer over to the pizza joint they have to sell it to mckinnon/bud and then buy it back? wtf?????????????????????????
  8. it kinda looked like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsegJVLrmk8
  9. http://nypost.com/2017/07/09/phil-jackson-trying-to-put-his-feet-up-after-ouster/
  10. you mean when he came here and lectured und about certain subjects and flew back to la?
  11. i remember when phil jackson said that when no one had ever heard of him und wouldn't / didn't "claim" him...now that phils reputation is slightly higher than a pile of dirt can we now "reclaim" him and maybe just maybe he writes a check to und to improve the fan experience at the betty?
  12. hope when they tear down chandler hall they eliminate davis dr...parking and everything...would be a nice green space for few hundred feet along the coulee down to the pedestrian bridge.
  13. seems like some the best play in the last couple years has been with very very small lineups...gonna miss drick tho
  14. plenty of room at the columbia mall
  15. deion is very lanky and long which can make him look a little slow at times...what is his speed "level" is his 40 time nfl legit?
  16. f'n hawk at midfield?
  17. an offshoot of this would be for the mvc to add the dak 4 as full mvc members and merge mvc/mvfc into the mvc brand...some summit schools close (illinois schools) and some go to the wac, horizon, or ovc...(i do think that by adding montana as non conf games says a lot about montana not going east towards the dak schools) the summit finally dies
  18. this is true big north!!!! big north west montana montana state idaho portland state denver (oly) seattle (oly) big north east und ndac usd sdsu omaha (oly) umkc (oly) 12 all sports 8 fb kennedy will get this done in two years.
  19. what'd they do/donate?
  20. or maybe the summit 2.0 is a d2 conference?
  21. voter intimidation anyone?????
  22. if sledsters and or urban stampede turned off their free wifi there would be ZERO human beings in arbor park 99% of the time 100% of the time.
  23. wasn't assigning blame at all...just stating the fact these recent happenings might cost jones some cash in his very lengthy negtiations with his bossman
  24. recent happenings might be costing jonesy some $$$$$$$$$$
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