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Everything posted by yzerman19

  1. I too worry about the precedent. I worry more that decisions are being made in part due to politics. On the flip side, I am more worried than I was before about the bug. If just 4% of people are getting critically ill, that still feels pretty high to me. If 3/4 of them are old/sick to begin with, you’re still looking at 1% of otherwise healthy people ending up in the hospital if they catch this. Does anyone know what % of influenza infections end up hospitalized? I don’t know anyone who has never had the flu, and I don’t know anyone who has been hospitalized from the flu.
  2. CA closed construction...huge impact on small business
  3. I would venture to guess that people aren’t buying the services in this environment of social distancing and self quarantine
  4. I think the challenge is that we haven’t seen the true carnage of this virus, so the Health numbers at this point are far from overwhelming, while the economic numbers On the other hand are devastating. From a purely logical perspective if 4% of those afflicted end up in serious/critical condition and this virus Afflicts with symptoms just 10% of the US population (call that 33M), then we have 1.3M people needing hospital support...if 10% of those people die, we’re at 130,000. Those would be fairly conservative estimates. If each death was worth $1M and each surviving hospitalized person was worth $200k, then the break even economic impact is $364T
  5. And one from self-medicating with fish tank additive. my buddy was like “Trump said it works”... my response was...non-FDA and non-pharmacist prepared and non-prescriber monitored. he replied,” but same basic chemical Trump said” I asked him if he thought heroine from the corner was as safe as two Percocet prescribed by his doctor and picked up at CVS...same basic chemical
  6. Are you trying the malaria Zpack combo? It’s not evidence based yet, but battlefield reports by 3 different MD sources are showing success on a small scale.
  7. I vote 4 i mean I went a similar route with Gin and tonic for a little quinine...
  8. As someone sheltering in place I can tell you that part is not that bad.
  9. Freedom from vs freedom to....a long debated topic. Which is better? For 243 1/2 years the answer here has been freedom to.
  10. Can you imagine the uproar in this country over mandated tests??? We were xenophobic for shutting down travel to China. It would’ve been a circus. Our society of freedom loving people would never have tolerated that. Right or Left.
  11. Viruses do not understand lines on maps. They do understand how many people there are though. Our hospitalizations/million are better than Italy’s were at this point in their timeline. So that’s a ray of hope.
  12. I agree that a measure of success would be outstanding. Everyone knows that, but they can’t give that because the situation is too fluid. It is also so varied in the different pockets within the US, and that symptom onset is delayed from exposure. I’m thinking we are probably 7-10 days away from getting a handle on where we sit in CA.
  13. About half of the wholesalers of hydroxychlorochine indicating shortages...in CA we have seen at least 4x more scripts for zpack plus malaria drugs than positive cases
  14. So great they have their priorities in order
  15. I’m thinking as long as he doesn’t get hurt or really regress next year, he is better off delaying a year. I mean best guess right now would be a rookie FA 2 year, 2 way deal...maybe he could get an additional couple hundred grand in incentives. So there’d be a high likelihood that he’d get $170k to sign and $70k/ in the AHL. His size and skating make him ill-suited for a bottom six role. He’ll get that in a year and can be a college kid on scholarship this year if he stays.
  16. I know...I liked this thread for awhile....it has spiraled...to the point of end of day cults...
  17. As fluid as this thing is, there is going to be a ton of “fake news” as every comment made on every lead will undoubtably be checked in hindsight. I’m starting to feel worse about this whole darn thing.
  18. When will the renaissance be? Puck drop October 2020?
  19. Guch definitely needs another year. I don’t know what role he would currently play on an NHL team. JBD would really benefit with one more year. I predict he stays. He’s still young enough that Ottawa won’t be worried about free agency. One more year preparing the body for the grind of pro hockey. Pinto need look no further than all of the great UND forwards that played 2 years in college. He’ll stay one more year. Then he and JBD can head to Ottawa together.
  20. I’m outside enjoying the sun...of course I knew who you meant and was trying to have a little fun
  21. Is Nikolai Vladamir’s lesser known cousin? LOL
  22. NYC is not trending the right direction...
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