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Everything posted by yzerman19

  1. Aside from things I’ve already said about access and funding and reimbursement differential, the best part about Medicare for all is that a Federal political appointee, bureaucrats, and Washington politicians would call all the shots. No more local decision making based on the region/community, but bill pork and influence as determinants...say goodbye to ”fly-over”state healthcare.... hope everyone read the sarcasm
  2. If protecting people from viruses with a low lethality is superordinate to the broader economic stability of the country, we are screwed...
  3. Because US system is multi-modal in outcome distribution. if you generally take care of yourself, have insurance, and live in certain areas of this country (not the Deep South) you have the best healthcare and quality of life years the world has ever contemplated. Never confuse outcomes with the quality of care- people play a big role in their health status.
  4. Also remember execs are ultimately responsible for employment, which has a massive economic impact in the community.
  5. Supply and demand. most healthcare is not for profit, so executive comp is heavier in salary due to no stock
  6. I would contend that there are significantly more variables at play than testing and government response (in regard to SKorea and Italy). im glad you like your German healthcare. I can tell you this, If I were truly ill in Germany, I’d be on a plane to Rochester, Cleveland or Baltimore in two shakes of a lambs tail.
  7. I’d also add that we’ve been sick in my house. I’ve had a cold this week- not running in to get tested. Hanging out at home, working from home, not leaving the house. I’m actually kinda hoping I have Coronavirus, that this is the extent of my illness (I’m 43 with Rx managed Htn) and we can all move on quickly. another thing not being discussed is regional exposures to other coronaviruses i.e. common cold strains etc as well as genetic makeups of those most and least susceptible to the lethal side of this virus. I have also seen that they are advancing a CAR-T like infusion therapy on this using B Cells from survivors of covid-19. Science, not the government is our best bet.
  8. The reality is if you haven’t accepted the fact that you will likely acquire some version of this Coronavirus in your lifetime, you aren’t living in reality. I get a flu vaccine every year, but I don’t think that it protects me from ever getting the flu. we’ve taken a turn toward the surreal here to slow the spread of this thing, nothing more.
  9. Yeah home...I currently live in the greater Los Angeles metroplex (albeit suburbs) so I’ve got that going for me...which is nice...
  10. Or if she fell getting up to go to the bathroom at night and broke her hip. not being callous- she is likely someone’s mother and grandmother. I am sorry for their loss, but 82 with emphysema is not a shutdown the American way of life trigger.
  11. Further clarification: claims will be paid even if no premiums are collected in this environment
  12. and for everyone who complains about health insurance premiums, margins (which are very thin most years), and importantly reserves- this is why they have them. Reserves are part of a calculation known as risk based capital. Claims will be paid, many elements of patient Financial responsibility will be waived. Same goes for delivery system cash on hand. The system is financed (when managed adequately) to weather this. whether or not access is adequate is a different question, but understand this- reductions in dollars to health plans and healthcare delivery (I.e Medicare for all- Medicare pays about half what commercial insurers pay for services) will put even more pressure on rural and community providers. Likely shutting many down and consolidating any kind of secondary or tertiary care into metro facilities. It’s a subtext of the death rate in other countries that isn’t being discussed right now. I’d be willing to bet that there are more ICU beds properly staffed with the best modern vents and other equipment in Minnesota than in the country of Italy.
  13. Key point: government I, for one, have never thought of the government as a protector. It cannot fail me on this, because I put no faith in it to begin with. It is not some omnipotent protector of people. if a million people die from this, that’s sad- tragic; but nothing, let alone the government, can protect us all from viruses. Nature and biology are stronger than any government. The real interesting societal view on this is what happens without “bread and circuses”- the circuses are shutdown...people have bread...for now. oh how I wish we were discussing a 7-0 Sioux win last night instead of this.
  14. Too much volatility...can’t time the markets, but today was an excellent opportunity to recover and reposition.
  15. I watched recorded world juniors last night from the dvr
  16. One of the greatest films of all time IMO.
  17. Agreed- healthcare workers should be tested. I was thinking of the broader general population.
  18. In a few years we will all have had this virus. Stopping it has never been the goal. Slowing it so as not to overburden the system with extreme cases is the goal. In that way we minimize death toll. in the meantime, just lay low and please don’t go to the doctor with cold and flu symptoms. It isn’t cancer, early diagnosis will not save your life.
  19. do you mandate testing and force isolation? Now who is being fascist? Identifying those infected does what exactly? It does nothing in terms of treatment. if sick or vulnerable you should lay low, hydrate and rest. Don’t expose others. You will likely experience nothing beyond a flu. if you take a serious turn for the worse you should seek treatment and if then tested positive you will be admitted in isolation.
  20. I don’t think anyone ever called it a “hoax” did they? I think the debate has always been the myth vs reality of its lethality and disruption....now the reality is we’ve shut down the world over something that has killed fewer people than dogs have this year...
  21. I’d like someone to define what success looks like in this fight. Is it about infection rate or death or both? To me, infection rate isn’t the right measure. I care about morbidity and adverse outcomes of infection- negative impact lasting longer than 6 months post I.e. wrecked lungs or heart. Is that a linear regression percentage of the total infections? Likely not. We are already seeing extreme variation based on specific variables. Virus has an 10.5% kill rate in those with CVD. Give me Cherbourg, Paris, Berlin for this fight
  22. You can’t have Corona virus without some lime disease...
  23. I agree not black and white...the reaction right now IS extreme. I’m disappointed about the NCAAs, but I am more concerned about the financial markets and societal breakdown that we seem to be on the precipice of.
  24. Well at least no ICU nurses or docs have kids...oh wait
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