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Everything posted by yzerman19

  1. so way fewer than die from complications of surgery for example
  2. There is a very academic approach that is interested in studying this thing and learning everything about it... While intellectually curious, I am more concerned with how it informs actions on the go forward.
  3. This is in the same vein as I heard from Newsome today. No nothing, ever again. Not until every possible covid death is prevented. Oh and if you aren’t in favor of perpetual lockdown, you are heartless...one death that could be avoided with totalitarianism is too many!!!!
  4. Who determined if someone was clear of infection? Did someone have to get sick first or was everyone presumed sick until they had a test to prove otherwise? This is the slope that I am worried about. The idea of having to prove that you are "healthy" in order to function in society is scary.
  5. Were they imposed by police force or were people responsible and laid low if those in their home were sick?
  6. I keep getting frustrated with people calling out testing as the key. To what end? Do we force quarantine those positives? That's a scary slippery slope. You are positive for the virus, therefore you don't have the same rights as others...imagine substituting coronavirus as the virus with influenza or pneumonia or HIV... Forced vaccination? I believe in the science of vaccination, but a new, DNA editor vaccine...sorry, but I am not going to the front of the line for that one. Again, I could buy-into all of us self-quarantining with a goal of not overwhelming the delivery system, but if the delivery system is stable, then what is the goal?? Prevent all viral deaths? never going to happen... If the healthcare system is stable and can handle those people who need to be hospitalized for COVID, I think that is what I'm looking for to re-open. Right now, in CA, hospital censuses are stable and manageable. New authorizations for and admissions themselves related to COVID are trending down and have been for 3 weeks.
  7. I thought the shutdown was to flatten the curve so we didn't overwhelm ICUs and vents...I bought into that as logical in major metros. It was a real issue in NYC and NOLA. I am not advocating for the end of all common sense related to this...but don't we have the right to peacefully assemble under the constitution...don't we also have inalienable rights...oh, I forgot that "TJ" is no longer respected by many... Someone needs to describe what "taking Berlin" looks like in this fight and call out what happens then. It will certainly be a political hot potato, but we can't go on indefinitely without hope.
  8. Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Whitey Bulger, Ted Bundy, Mafiaman
  9. Gov. Newsome was just on the national media signaling for extended shutdown. I receive the same data that he does, but apparently I see things differently. I see trailing indicators remaining steady but leading indicators trending down...significantly. We also just had a study come out of USC with the belief that there is higher immunity in the general population than previously believed. Newsome signaled that the rules in CA could apply through the summer into the fall. He reinforced vaccine and testing... Looks like the goal posts moved. I am fortunate to have job security through this with the ability to work from home and to be in a healthcare sector that is not hurt by this. I do feel the pain of my children missing their friends and their activities. My daughter especially misses her friends and teacher. My son is reeling in fear that the Brick Hockey Tournament he worked so hard to earn a place at will be canceled. I can't imagine if financial insecurity was added to my plate as it is for many. Everybody needs hope of normalcy returning before we all break down. Public Health is not the superordinate objective of a people or their government. It is one of a number of things- our politicians need to remember that. America is literally a month from chaos...I pray that politics does not blind policy makers.
  10. hands down we need to do this. We could be looking at stagflation on an unprecedented level...high unemployment, high inflation, negative GDP...
  11. Now the real danger looms...inflation...only way out of this economic disaster will be massive inflation across sectors.
  12. Insurance isn't a gift where you spend $40/mo to get $1M. Its pooled risk. You can't get a new policy while being hospitalized for pneumonia, but you can get it after you recover.
  13. I'm guessing that you couldn't buy a new policy if you had COVID, not that COVID nullified an existing policy.
  14. I don't think anyone is being forced to go out into public. This is about when the government goes from policing activity to recommending activity. Recommendations: Elderly, immune compromised, poorly managed pre-exisiting conditions...stay at home, be smart. Think you might be sick or have been exposed...stay home, be smart. Otherwise healthy, no reason to be concerned...limit potential exposures, be smart. Sidenote- we are DEFINITIVELY seeing a decline in COVID leading indicators in CA...knock on wood. We've seen leading indicators drop now for the third week.
  15. I can only speak to CA. We have ramped up telemedicine to try and deliver more care that way. There isn't a huge difference in reimbursement there vs E & M visits in person, but it is less. In CA, we still have significant capitation in place, so for those groups, they are not feeling any ding. The FFS specialty practices that rely on procedures are getting crushed, but we believe that demand is just pent up and once COVID lifts, there will be an explosion of utilization in things like ortho and cardiology.
  16. I have 5/1, 5/15, and 6/1 as the 3 possible re-entry dates for some major projects at work. Even if its 6/1, that 3 months before school starts again...that's enough of a runway.
  17. I think in my case, alcohol is saving lives!!!
  18. multiplying by 2 on a trailing indicator...not the right approach...
  19. I still stand by deaths as a bad measure in terms of this virus. It is a lagging indicator. Also, unlike the historical measure of pandemics (which kill indiscriminately and kill kids), it is killing the old and sick at a highly disproportionate rate. This group is especially vulnerable to any pathogen. I see a nobel laureate physician from HIV research is now calling it man-made. That in an effort to find a cure for HIV, the bug was engineered and accidentally got out of the Wuhan biolab. This was mocked in the beginning and discounted as fake news. Now its getting attention again from a non-partisan researcher. This theory would also lend to the rationale behind all of the lockdowns...if there was intel that this thing was man-made, we had to go to extremes, because we didn't know the heck it would do...a group of Indian researchers also determined it was man-made and they were blacklisted until they renegged...we might never know the truth.
  20. Remember when you’re a hammer, everything looks like a nail. These epidemiologists have literally been studying this their whole life and are “geeked” to play with their toy models.
  21. His linemates have 4 Stanley cup rings... But yeah, Dunc was an excellent player in his own right
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