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Everything posted by yzerman19

  1. Yeah- it’s been in the low 90’s here for a couple days...Californians love their beaches
  2. Aren’t we a constitutional republic? Just saying....a democracy is majority rules....I think a couple Pretty smart guys named Franklin, Jefferson, Adams...had very intelligent (and not always aligned) beliefs around preventing full blown democracy... as a ND native living in CA I’ve had many opportunities to debate and remind people of why there are 2 houses of Congress and why there’s an electoral college...it wasn’t by accident...
  3. Again, I would think he’s musing about antibiotic resistant bacterial mutations...which are real (MRSA)...it’s just not communicated well.
  4. Yeah...I’m disappointed in the spin now...nothing wrong with the original statement, but now spinning it as sarcasm is just weak. country is so divided politically. It’s beyond unification.
  5. CA ticking up...hospitalized people probably infected 7-10 days ago
  6. Obama is intelligent, well educated, and articulate. I didn’t vote for him either, but he’s no idiot.
  7. I mean these IVY league docs must be stupid too....intellect of 4 year olds...
  8. I never voted for him (didn’t vote for Hil either)I support the POTUS in times of crisis no matter who that POTUS is. I can’t believe that Trump is flat out stupid. I’m more apt to believe the masses are stupid...I mean half the population has an IQ under 100...
  9. You don’t move the dial without throwing out ideas. He wasn’t suggesting you literally inject disinfectant. It’s an analog. Do anti-clotting meds work kind of like liquid plumber...well yes...that doesn’t mean inject your aorta with liquid plumber. The masses have clearly never tried to advance the ball in opacity. It’s not easy, and is iterative.... I can just imagine the first time someone suggested using radiation to treat cancer...this idiot wants to use the same stuff that comes from an atomic bomb on people???! Well, kinda, yeah, gotta Titrate itvand tweak it...
  10. It amazes me how obtuse people are. An analogy...hmmmm, let’s take it literally. If UV light kills it on surfaces, maybe it can be directed into the body like radiation for cancer treatment...and if disinfectant kills it on surfaces, is there a tolerable human version akin to some chemotherapy....turn the docs loose...
  11. That’s it! That’s why CA has been spared...all that sunshine!
  12. And as discussed the NYC subway system is massive and widely used, so it doesn’t take a genius to see it as a major vector for spreading the disease. BART is also a major metro public transit system, and it was closed early....SF is akin to a mini NYC in all regards, is home to the largest Chinatown in the country, and is home to the major airport between Silicon Valley and Asia....outcome has been completely different. NYC govt flat out blew it. Fortunately they’ve got warriors like Keikla fighting in the trenches or it would be worse. sidenote: I’ve lived in both NYC and The Bay Area and have no bias...like to visit both
  13. They sure should be...and are in CA. There are no actual stresses on the system in CA in terms of care delivery. Tons of capacity, no supply chain issues. Only stress on the system is collapsing revenue from fewer services...and in CA that’s even blunter because of the preponderance of the capitated model. Some have bitched about PPE, only to find warehouses full of it, or tests...to what avail unless it’s an antibody test or for a healthcare professional. I realize that isn’t the case everywhere, and Kiekla is in the heart of the storm, but regional administration of government policy and regional healthcare administration seems to be the fundamental difference in success and disaster.
  14. Sooooo...it would take an extreme genius to shutdown the Subway system in NYC...SF shut down everything including Bart while NYC kept subways and schools open. my point is that political finger pointing aimed at the federal government ignores 2 states that for all intents and purposes respond to DC in the same way...yet for one it’s been the flu and for the other a disaster...
  15. Hospitals all over the country have tons of excess capacity right now- tons of excess capacity.
  16. BART... 3 major airports in the Bay, 5 around LA... Silicon Valley = major international traffic
  17. CA trending wrong direction over last 2 days with total admissions and ICUs outpacing discharges for first time in 3 weeks
  18. I find it interesting that two heavily populated states with very left governors have seen such dramatically different results...CA and NY... If the Federal government is so culpable, why are these otherwise similar states having such different results? NYC is more dense than The Bay Area and LA, but not on the order of magnitude of the covid delta... could it be that healthcare is local and local decision making, such as the mayor of SF shutting things down immediately is actually the driver? I mean the USA is bigger than Europe...I say you compare States to Coubtries over there...Germany much different results than Italy, just like CA and NY....
  19. Obesity as measured by BMI...and HTN now at anything over 130/80... 6’ 225 with 140/90 hardly seems like a trainwreck...especially among those of Scandinavian and Germanic ancestry but I get your point.
  20. Sorry- I’m frustrated by the academics and the politicos....I don’t have time for either other than over a beer or two
  21. Why is there no damn protocol for return to normalcy? What do we need to measure? How hard is it to get out antibody tests? Honestly?? I mean I’m worth a lot of money...how about the guys who dwarf me: Bezos, Gates, old !@#$ in Nebraska...he’s probably in New Zealand in a bunker...figure it out...Plan a course...this is like the worst battlefield decision making ever...blame both parties. I’m an exec...call it, and deal with the consequences
  22. I’m still waiting on Allianz for trip insurance on a couple Delta flights
  23. I wish I shared your confidence, but I do share your opinion that all of the doom and hope smothering is not good for anyone.
  24. I made a few quick bucks off CYDY 2 weeks ago...sold...debating another play here.
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