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Everything posted by yzerman19

  1. I discount everything Fauci says now. I’ve had it with him and all the other “academics” that now are on the path of no future unless we vaccinate the world against covid. nobody shall do anything. We must isolate, contact trace, test everybody for covid like a diabetic tests their sugar. Sheep please cower in your homes. You shall have no hope until the royals deem it okay.
  2. Only thing you could do is freeze payments to Chinese investors. They would dump those bonds then, driving the price down. At a certain yield it would paralyze our ability to issue more debt, because we’d have to up the yield at par I.e high interest... Then everything that’s pegged off us treasuries would be impacted. Including stocks and commodities and mortgages. It would devastate the world economy.
  3. Dude they canceled the Brick and the Ivan Hlinka...
  4. No doubt he’s a goofball, but I read it was the WHO and he kicked them out of Tanzania. Is that fake news?
  5. How about the Tanzanian President sending The WHO samples from a goat, a pheasant and a papaya and them coming back positive for covid...
  6. Not all States are created equal. CA is beating Germany and Canada in deaths per million. contact tracing...is the goal elimination of the virus? I’ve never heard that as a goal, because it’s an impossibility.
  7. Completely agree on the default statement. That would be disastrous. Disagree on one party being the hero and the other a failure. neither is either. That’s a pretty warped viewpoint. The concept of the chief executive or congress as the Driver of economic prosperity is like attributing a great meal to the olive oil.
  8. I’m ready to accept the consequences of war with China. You know what this pandemic has shown them? That the USA will cower in fear of losing 80,000 people.
  9. Funny you say that. Only news I watch is BBC
  10. I’m hearing about summer camps requiring masks...really? It’s all over...I had my son drink water out of a fast moving clear stream in the mountains to help him learn not to be afraid...he coulda gotten giardia- not likely from where we were. Natives drank that water for a thousand years. Some nanny stater would probably want me arrested. Nobody can die, nobody can get sick, nobody can get hurt, nobody can lose, nobody can feel badly or be offended. Guess what? all those things are part of the human experience. Just wait...pretty soon it will be about money. Nobody can fail...we’re the richest country in earth...next thing you know...universal income and socialism. Working your ass off, acquiring debt, getting educated in a valuable skill so you can make a few hundred grand a year which once was the American dream will be vilified and it won’t just be the ultra wealthy that pay the price...it will be doctors, lawyers, executives, small business owners...people making $250-$500k that get crucified.
  11. Yeah...but this is the Brits too...jolly good fun, eh?
  12. Time to repatriate industry and production. Our greed created this monstrosity. Kill $60k/year union jobs to pay Chinese workers $10k/year. Sold the soul of this country for a few decades of ridiculous earnings. I’m no crusader for the working man, but the exporting of jobs and production has fueled the political and economic divide we have today and has opened up a new chasm of vulnerability in supply chain.
  13. Couldn’t agree more, and people can sit there and spout their perspectives with no consequence and no credibility required.
  14. Which is the greater sin? That we failed to delay 80,000 deaths or that we destroyed the US economy for a generation? I know where I sit on that...
  15. Media and the internet have broken this country. Seriously. We’d be a lot better off without it.
  16. I assume you are speaking in jest, those responses were pure lunacy. can you imagine how pathetic a world this would be if everything shutdown over somebody getting sick? I didn’t before, I can now...it’s a complete joke. When we were talking about millions dying in the hallways of jam packed ERs...that’s when I bought in.... 2+ months later: a few thousand healthy people, a boatload of unhealthy elderly people. Most in NYC metroplex. Sorry for the family’s loss, but really? Really? We failed this test, not because of the numbers, but because we’ve become so soft and weak as a society that we can’t be okay with nature taking its course. people, we control nothing! We are tiny, fragile organisms spinning and rotating, and revolving and spinning thousands of miles per hour around a bunch of giant rocks and nuclear reactors in an endless vacuum..accept we don’t control sh$t, accept we all die someday. Then love your family and move on.
  17. Yes- if there is no logical reason on God’s earth to test them
  18. If you adhered to the lockdown completely, there would be no reason to get tested. my family did not leave the house for 5 weeks. Zip. Nada. Nobody had symptoms. Why would we be tested? Airborne exposure in the backyard? Virus on packaging of grocery delivery? If we got it that way, well, number was up. We live A thousand + miles from family over 45. We’re not infecting people.
  19. Does rationed equate to denial if you can’t get one because there is no reason to believe you need one other than academic or for you to feel okay visiting grandma? royal “you” not UND1983
  20. In summary: time should’ve been the measure 24 hour news cycle delivered by biased sources doomed us. As did our division as a nation. i respect a Obama, but his statement about division is a Trojan horse. He says we must unite...but unite under a particular worldview..there can be no unity with this much division. I’m personally a bootstrap guy. Government is not our shield. I believe America is special and yes, better than other countries. cant bubble wrap the world. My great grandfathers fought in the trenches in France. Lost 3 children to disease. Sent 3 boys to the Pacific Theater and 1 to Europe. 1 grandson to Vietnam. They did not believe in safety above all else and they created the basis upon which I am able to thrive. You keep going forward. You will experience pain and loss...but also joy and love...it’s called life.
  21. It seems now, in retrospect, that the plan should’ve been to: full shutdown for 30 days to flatten the curve (this made sense to everyone based on a lack of data and fear of an overwhelmed healthcare system). Healthcare providers and other necessary employees in physical contact with people should’ve been tested frequently to avoid accidental incubation and spreading. 30 days also encompasses even the longest witnessed incubation period. Days 30-45 should’ve been calculated re-openings on a broad scale with randomized testing...pivot region specific as needed. Those over 65 and those with compromised immune systems would remain in full quarantine. Outdoor activity and Children’s activities wide open. Antibody testing to gather stats and support IVIG. Days 45-60 should’ve been an essential return to normal for all but those in skilled nursing facilities and severely immune compromised that would remain in quarantine. messaging that this is not the holy angel of death, but that Americans will die. Don’t visit grandma. Don’t be afraid.
  22. Just imagine that amplified in a Medicare for all world....at least the commercially insured will cover the expenses (assuming it hits an outlier clause in days or charges)...Medicare...which I’m assuming ALL of the nursing home deaths are covered by will reimburse pennies on the dollar for Covid stays.
  23. Each death is individually tragic. I would say that my parents and my wife’s parents would willingly give their lives to preserve the American way of life for their grandchildren. The problem here was actually compromise. We did neither a totalitarian nor a Free will approach, because either was too politically damaging. Instead we tried navigate the middle. King Solomon...split the child down the middle...disaster
  24. Their highly marketable and valuable skill sets are in short supply and high demand no doubt.
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