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Everything posted by yzerman19

  1. Totally. If you don’t have six months of expenses stashed away in cash, you are playing with Fire, and there is absolutely no reason to be spending on nice to haves and entertainment. Live spartan for a bit like a college student (at least back in my day) and sock away some coin.
  2. Really interesting but the Chinese nationals that I know are extremely fearful of Covid. Not sure how much is cultural vs how much is due to firsthand information they have that was buried by the Chinese Government and the WHO. Like so afraid they won’t leave their homes whatsoever.
  3. These politicians on both side of the aisle sure love spending my money... you think I’d at least get the Sunday morning mimosa treatment for all I give them to spend.
  4. If the average home houses 3 people that’s another 12.3M that are now insecure in their housing.
  5. Right- he is not taking fish tank cleaner. Under the supervision of an MD, he is taking a widely prescribed and generally safe med that millions of people take for malaria, Lupus, RA...likely in a similar dose. Off label prescribing is also not unheard of. If he tolerates it and feels better about not getting covid because he’s on it (whether anecdotal or not) why do we care?
  6. Trump is taking zinc as well. I’d be shocked if he also wasBy taking C and D supplements.
  7. I get people want to blast the statement, but analogous vector approach is far from stupid. Clot busting agents are analogous to draino, chemotherapy for cancer, radiation...all analogous vector thinking
  8. Right- big difference between I’m going to Indonesia on vacation vs I’m going to stress my heart to try and not die.
  9. Prophylactic doses are generally very well tolerated. The drug is safely taken by millions Of people every year
  10. Give me back half of what I paid into social security and cut it off.
  11. Speaking of Ponzi schemes, I’d also say for anyone under 50 they should just kill social security too.
  12. The pension piece sucks. I don’t like my tax dollars funding underfunded pensions. I don’t work in a world with a pension...essentially I am just giving my wealth to someone else living in another State.
  13. If you allocated federal spending evenly to the States based on population, you would still see net donors and net recipients based on the federal tax code being progressive.
  14. If only economics were considered, I’d leave in a second under the current tax environment.
  15. I’m also pro vaccination...most of the time. To me it will depend on the type and source. I am totally against DNA vaccines, but am cool with RNA. Not that I’m a vaccination expert, but replicating proteins is different than affecting the genome in my lay person understanding.
  16. I think we’ll have vaccine and treatment available by Q4. If there is treatment that is proven effective, logistical challenges with vaccine availability can be mitigated. Get the vaccine to the vulnerable first, allowing us to re-open. I’m happy to wait until next year for a vaccine for myself and my family.
  17. That’s great- I had TV on and didn’t hear anything about it. Glad it’s being reported. i also didn’t use liberal or conservative in my post. I tend to dislike those terms, because many people who consider themselves one or the other are actually neither in their thinking! At least not in the classical definition. Totalitarian belief in liberal embraced ideology is the antithesis of liberal thought.
  18. Moderno RNA vaccine showing promise. so we’ve got a potential antibody treatment and a RNA vaccine both in the pipeline. Why are no major media screaming this from the mountaintops?
  19. I think the stats show that kids catch it, but they’re at virtually no risk of dying from it.
  20. I’m paying twice for Netflix, because I don’t want to deal with password BS. It’s free with my cable package now, but I had a subscription for years. So to me, I’m happier to piss away $15/mo to not change a password than I am to pay for the herald.
  21. Yeah-we all vote with our wallets. I’m not paying for it, even though it’s irrelevant money.
  22. Ever wonder why there are so many left leaning publications....maybe because people not on the left don’t waste their money buying publications? personally I spend about $10k/year on wine, but I won’t pay the pennies for a subscription to the Herald...nor a few bucks on something like Time...my priorities are definitively in order.
  23. I liked the boat analogy too. Some people are in a leaky row boat, some are in a 400 foot yacht.
  24. So true- it applies to everything. It’s why experience is such a good teacher...the more miles ya got, the more opportunities you’ve had to see different perspectives. It’s also the basis of the core education requirements at a University. Furthermore it applies to sports. Too much specialization Too early in education, training or sport misses this core element of success.
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