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Everything posted by yzerman19

  1. Thank you, I guess great minds do think alike! Go Pack!
  2. 1. I have been a vocal critic of Lapoint in the past, but he is definitely NOT our weakest defenseman going into this weekend. No way that I even consider sitting him. 2. Forbert and Simpson need reps to get better, but they both got man handled last weekend. Second half of a potential championship season means no excuses...I don't care if it is their first rodeo. Rotate those two for the rest of the year until one steps up. 2.B. Developing Forbert and Simpson is very important for the program. We need to continue being the best college hockey program for NHL development if we want to continue getting the top end talent. The program is superordinate to all. 3. Lammy. Wow, I would not ever, ever consider benching Lammy. Lammy is a team guy and an energy guy. You need that type of player to keep things loose and keep guys motivated. Lammy is a pure role player, and he plays his role perfectly. He isn't out there to make sick plays or score a bunch of goals. He's not even out there to hit. He is out there as a changeup and a grinder who doesn't quit on anything. To quote Hak: he practices and plays like he hasn't made the team yet. Enough said. 4. Blaiser. Will get a warm welcome. He lived in the community for 30 years and brought us our last titles. I will always revere him. 5. Trupper. Agree that he is just awesome and fun to watch. If he were 6-2 205 he'd be in the NHL. 6. Pony Express. I agree that our top line is as physical and skilled as the most physical lines and the most skilled lines in the country. No pun intended here, but we need to ride them the rest of the year. 7. Health. Gregoire back is huge. He is a big part of our special teams, and is our best two-way forward. He is such a smart hockey player and he has good hands. Paired with Knight, the line becomes a killer for opponents d corps to manage. Especially if you are putting your best defensive and most physical D out against the Malone line. 8. Hexy. Also a team guy. I am not exactly sure where he fits though. I actually like him on the energy line as a scoring threat rather than on a scoring line as the agitator, but Hak knows best. I'd like him with Lammy and Davidson as the energy line. 9. Cichy. Either Michael is hurt or has somehow displeased the coach in practice. He was getting special teams time earlier in the year. I'd consider trying to play him with Knight and Gregoire just to see what would happen. 10. Kristo-Nelson-Rodwell. I want to see this scoring line 3. Young, skill, and speed with Rodwell's physicality. I like this combo. 11. Marto-back to D with his (life) partner Lapoint. Collectively they are the experienced d pairing we need.
  3. I think you misread the statement. RedWing is not saying it will be better for Eids.
  4. Were close to the same page, with Kristo, Rodwell and Rowney just being juggled...same 12 forwards in...I'd also play the 6 d you have and pair them identically to what you've shown
  5. He must've gotten some good news from the M.D.s then...that would be great!! Gregoire and Knight together are so effective together...I've wondered about putting Rodwell with them in the Malone role Not that I don't love Hexy, but Rodwell's size and speed are pretty top end. What if we rolled: Malone with Frattin and Trupp Knight with Rodwell and Gregoire Lammy with Davidson and Rowney Nelson with Hexy and Kristo That is some serious depth and scoring potential...Nelson with Hexy and Kristo is more talented that most team's first lines...
  6. I didn't blame the officiating in any of my posts, and I know you have to play the games...you don't win games based on program prestige and player draft ranking. I was just really, really disappointed in the style of game that team played for two periods last night. I'll give the third period props as that was pretty up and down hockey. clutch, grab, chip it, slash, chip it...that is not good hockey, that is just ugly. Then add in the cheap shots, and it gets ridiculous. Needless to say, I will not be shedding any tears for Bob...ever
  7. I'm guessing that Cichy doesn't work on that "energy line" and that is why he was out. I'd rather see him up with Knight and Kristo and move Jake back to D... I'm really hoping that Gregoire makes it back as a shot in the arm for the playoff run
  8. I have to disagree with your kudos. Bob was clutching and grabbing and holding sticks and playing really ugly, dirty hockey. The late hits on Blood and Knight were blatent. They are a junk program in a junk league. We did them a favor by agreeing to play them, we embarrass them one night, and the next night they turn into something that looks like Junior C hockey. I'll be happy to never see them again, and I wouldn't care if their program folded.
  9. I agree that the Gleason at forward thing has to end. He is not an offensive threat nor is he a dominant physical forechecker. He tries to be a physical forward, but it just doesn't work.
  10. They are playing dirty: hooks, grabs, slashes, shots after and behind the play...that is not physical. I disagree with Sweeney and Scanlan and anyone else giving them props...no "North Dakota Nice" F them...they are a junk program and are playing like we should be in an arena with chickenwire instead of plexiglass
  11. just a scrum with the helmets and gloves on...Knight got cheap shot after a good scoring attempt and some of the boys didn't like that, although knight held his own. just some 2 minute roughing minors...i'd like to see a brawl tonight... Robert Morris should go back where they belong and play junior colleges...they have really disgusted me tonight
  12. This is why I like a Davidson in a game like tonight...he could go out and drop 'em with someone, fire up the boys, and be barely missed next weekend...he probably won't play anyway.
  13. We need a big energy play: Malone, Trupp, Mario, Rodwell...come on..
  14. These guys are clutch grab and hacking it up tonight. Bunch of cheap hacks...there coach is a db too. I am disgusted by both the talent level and style they are displaying. Their coach and AD should be embarrassed. This fight just adds to it. no more robert morris games...their program is a classless joke.
  15. I get what you're saying, but we are only playing 4 games against top half WCHA teams: UNO and CC Tech, AA at home, SCSU...should not lose Goldy is a rival which means anything can happen UNO isn't surprising anyone any more
  16. So Dell gets another start, and only change is "the lean" Joe Gleason in for "beef" Davidson. Cichy is playing well, but he doesn't fit on the checking "energy" line, but I don't think Gleason really does either.
  17. I too loved the Jets team, however I was never a fan of the name...maybe due to my disdain for "Benny and the Jets" theme...
  18. We got a lot of puck luck last night. We also scored on a ridiculous percentage of our shots...that won't happen tonight. Strong forecheck was key last night...we went up 3-0 through luck, shock and awe...that also won't happen in tonight's first period. home ice and last line change lets us establish the matchups which should lead to another convincing win, although not 8-0. Kristo is really getting close to busting out...he's getting chances...only a matter of time until those go in...I'd love to see Gregs come back and Danny bust out come February, March and April...it will be a nice boost. Knight continues to play solid, solid hockey. Malone, Trupp and Frattin are the best line in the WCHA, if not the country...sorry Connelly, Connelly and Fontaine I give Eids the start tonight: let's have Dell fresh and coming off two shutouts to play the Gophs on Friday.
  19. I like the Nordiques...it fits with out northern theme...has precedent in hockey... The University of North Dakota Nordiques
  20. I heard the same on Jason...which really sucks brett is practicing again, so he will be back
  21. This game doesn't count in the WCHA, even a loss (while hurting us slightly in the PWR) is not devastating. The focus has to be winning the WCHA, finishing strong at the Final Five and going into the NCAAs loaded for bear. We are almost a certainty to make the NCAAs, so getting healthy for the second half run is key...I'll happily have Hexy and Gregs recoup while we play the HOF game and Robert Morris if they are healthy come March/April when we need them.
  22. I think that two word names are a must for cadence with the two words of North Dakota... What about the Dust Devils...you could make a cool logo out of that, it fits the prairie, and is two words... Logo could be a mean looking devil coming out of a tornado...Devils for short...
  23. yep, and the final five is the national championship...just ask any Gopher fan wandering around St Peter street in March
  24. Or an even bigger er smaller BC stud...Brian Gionta
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