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Ole in MSP

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Everything posted by Ole in MSP

  1. Memorial Stadium had lights and UND did play at night until sometime in the early 1960's. I remember attending GF Central games there on Friday nights and Sioux games on Saturday nights. Froze my butt a lot too, but it was refreshing. Lights were taken down and UND went to day games all starting at 1 pm for the most part.
  2. Good oppty for a marketing grad student to do a survey, study, whatever and write a thesis on the subject. I for one cannot fathom missing any major athletic event at UND while a student unless you have to work, are out of town or a death in the family etc. I do not buy the "it is too far to walk from campus" argument.
  3. Fantastic idea! Send this on to the AD's and the press to get it going. Already a precedent this year with USD playing NDSU and UND playing SDSU. Keep it going!
  4. So are the "respectable" losses to USD, SUU, CP. Could the Sioux perhaps win out and go 6-5? Tough to do, but these kids are gaining experience and I think that the Sioux can compete with the three remaining teams and with a little luck etc. who knows. Go Sioux!
  5. Whaaaat? Way too early, come on! If they are studying Saturday morning fine, but surely the hangovers should be gone by noon! Look at Wisconsin and most of the other Big 10 schools, they often start at 11 am for TV and are all just having a ball. No excuse, FB is part of the college experience. Once this program is in a conference and playoff eligible this trend should change. I cannot remember anything in GF that was more enjoyable than Sioux sports and I am sure it has not changed that much. I graduated in 4 years from engineering school there, did my share of imbibing, and never missed a FB, Hockey, or BB game in all 4 years. Come on, these are the best years of your life, enjoy them, don't sleep thru them!
  6. Yes, if you are a kid from the Dakotas, Minnesota or Wisconsin or even Texas, where would you rather travel to as a player, Carbondale, Youngstown, and Cedar Falls; or California, Arizona, Colorado, etc.? Great news even though I will have to travel farther if I want to see away games. On the other hand, the destinations are a lot more interesting. Go UND, Go Sioux!!
  7. Ole in MSP

    Landry Out

    Sorry, my error. Walker would have made a heck of a Big 10 QB. Loved the way he carved up the Gophers. Mason was impressed too.
  8. Ole in MSP

    Landry Out

    I have been watching/following Sioux FB since the mid 1950's. I don't recall ever having a transfer of any kind come in and play QB, but the Bison had one of the best ever in Steve Walker who led them to some great seasons including "upsets" of Minnesota, Central Michigan, Ball State and almost against Montana. It can happen, but infrequently. I believe Walker was a transfer from Northwestern. He just embarassed the Gophers.
  9. Too bad, I think the kid really has a Sioux heart and wanted to do well for himself, but especially the UND program. He just seemed to get too excited at times. He will be remembered as the QB who took us to D1 and had some great games as well as some that could have been better. Thanks and best wishes to Jake as a fellow GF central grad. May your future be blessed.
  10. If he is not passionate about UND, why keep recruiting him? We need kids who really, really, want to play here. If he does not decide soon, pull the offer.
  11. Whoa! First of all I am NOT a Landry fan. I think he just plain choked the first few series at Idaho, not what you would expect from a senior. BUT, on the other hand, he only has one bonafide wide receiver, no talent at the TE position and an O Line that is awful. Combine that with his DII ability and you get what we got. The team has more problems than QB, but amazingly they still had chances to win both at NIU and at CP. Hard to believe. They are doing some things right, but right now they are not where I expected them to be. I am disappointed in the way Muss explains after games. They are not overall competitive. Maybe it is youth, maybe it is coaching, maybe it is lack of talent. But, give the guy one more year to see improvement and then we can decide if this is as good as it is going to be.
  12. Well, as of right now if I count correctly he is 14 - 14 as a head coach. He was touted as an offensive genius when he got the head coaching job. Well, the offense has not been very good this year and there have been no signature wins and only a few moral victories. I think the jury is still out and you have to give him at least one more year. I can handle losing, I can't handle getting embarassed or not being competitive. There have been several games and halves this year where I think the team just missed the game bus. Maybe some staff changes are in order. I have cancelled trips to both home and away games due to their weak performances. I would like to say next year that I will be there, but not if this continues.
  13. In the midst of euphoria after another close loss I have to say it looks like the offense again missed the bus and got to the game at halftime. The O line showed up even later. You cannot depend entirely on an offense of one speedy wide receiver. It is disappointing that a coach who was an O lineman cannot find or inspire better O line play to get more than 57 yds rushing and one first down in the first half. Thirteen minutes difference in time of possession is going to kill you every time and it has this season. I hope that Muss can develop the Redshirts or find new recruits that can move the football on the ground at least part of the time. Until this program finds some horses for the O line it is not going to be very productive in spite of some gallant play by everyone else.
  14. Ole in MSP

    SUU @ UND

    A P A T HY ! Unfortunately, I am catching it! And I am a very long time loyal Sioux fan. I just do not see enough signs of improvement in several programs including FB which I thought had turned the corner. The embarassing performance at Idaho and the last two weeks offensive performances just are too frustrating to maintain any interest in this program. One running back and one wide receiver do not an offense make.
  15. Ole in MSP

    SUU @ UND

    Losing is acceptable if you are competitive. The defense has played about as well as they could considering. The offensive coaches should be made to run wind sprints for about 2 full days and then fired. OR is it the O line that stinks. Announced crowd of 10215. Not bad, but way to lay an egg. 20 minutes left though. Maybe the gods will smile on UND.
  16. Ole in MSP

    SUU @ UND

    I think it is spelled Stancik. This is ridiculous! The injuries, the roughing the kicker, etc. SUU scores! Well, at least the Sioux offense is REALLY rested!! 21-14 SUU, but it could be far worse! Where is the offense? Something has to change for next year. The defense cannot continue to play 75% of the game, game in and game out.
  17. Ole in MSP

    SUU @ UND

    Sioux had a crappy next series on offense. When will they learn that they have got to keep the D off the field longer in order to have them be effective. Amazing how the offense can look so good and then so BAD!
  18. I think USD is a better football team than the Sioux this year, and probably was last year too. Not saying the Sioux are really bad, just reality. Even before the loss of Bamba and now Sutton (for only awhile I hope) and maybe some others, the Sioux have a shortage of numbers/talent at the skill positions including QB on offense. A key part of defense is controlling the offensive line of scrimmage and moving the ball downfield to take time off the board (see WIU against NDSU). Until we are able to move the ball consistently downfield on the ground and with an effective short passing game we are going to suffer losses to better teams like USD and Idaho. Upsets of better teams happen when you maintain ball possession, get a break or two and score when you have the ball in the red zone. Right now the Sioux are not getting much of this done. I think the Great West is very tough this year. Two losses may still get a piece of first place, but the Sioux need to get more consistent on offense. If Sutton returns that will help as will some better play calling.
  19. I hope you are right, but I think it will be a shootout with both teams in the 40's. The winner will get a big special teams play late or an official's call will be a major factor. I really think the team that is more disciplined late in the game will win. Sioux over USD, 46-41. Go Sioux!
  20. Seems to me to be way too early to do this. In view of being short on tailbacks after Sutton, Murray, and Miller it seems a coaching oversight may be a real problem.
  21. USD only has 6 seniors also. They are building a nice program ( it appears). I think UND string of wins against the Coyotes is in serious trouble.
  22. Nebraska is pounding Idaho 24-0. Nebraska is ranked in the top 10.
  23. Good luck to the Coyotes today too. Love to see them upset the Gooophers! Will be watching intently.
  24. I hope your right! It would be a nice shot in the arm for the program.
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