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Ole in MSP

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Everything posted by Ole in MSP

  1. Cal Poly played them near the end of the year as I recall and led until the last few minutes and had the ball moving when time ran out. Poly had some game and UW took them too lightly. May happen again. Good luck Coyotes. Wish UND had a marquee game like this. As an alum I am very disappointed. The nickname has hurt us more in FB than in any other sport.
  2. I could agree that they have two dogs and we have three assuming SFU and LIndenwood are not as strong as in recent years, but I also think Drake is a dog. Looked up MO. S&T. I knew them as Missori Rolla. Not a strong program and Drake only barely beat them last year. Overall no matter how you stack it UND's 2011 schedule is not nearly as good as USD's. Idaho and Fresno do not match up with UW and Air Force and the home schedule is very poor except for the 2 GWC games. Sad, but true. Hope things get better with the BSC etc.
  3. Cannot get to the playoffs, but UND has 4 "dogs" on the schedule and USD has maybe one or two. Lindenwood is a NAIA championship caliber team. Do not know anything about S&T. Faison ought to look at this schedule and be ashamed of himself. Hope it has not affected recruiting, it sure has affected my interest in coming to GF for a game or traveling to see one this year.
  4. If the state of ND wants to save money on education then close schools like Mayville State and the 2 year colleges. Most are smaller than many of the state high schools. The incremental cost to keep them open in a small state like ND is absurd. Without the out of state attendees at the larger 4 year schools there would not be enough critical mass to keep them all open either, which would severely hamper the state economically for lack of qualified workers. The state already has one of the lowest college grad % of population in the country at 25.6%.
  5. Picture on Gopher channel is HD, not sure about the Sioux feed. Announcers were really talking about the Sioux nastiness the first 10 minutes of the period, not complimentary either. Almost as bad as Mazocco. Need to move the feet and score! Sioux look a step slow in Period 1.
  6. Forbort gave the puck away. He needs to pick up his intensity, very lackadaisical move on the boards.
  7. According to the Herald she is still the 5th leading scorer in Minnesota and had two goals the last time out. Must have recovered quickly. Go Leah!
  8. I have changed my mind. Judged him too early. Obviously something is different from the first few games. Not having seen a game for several weeks I do not know what it is, but he may be more confident. Young guys appear to be doing very well. Now if we can find a couple of big bodies inside.............!
  9. As a lifelong UND fan, but as a ND native I do have to give credit to the NDSU football team this past year. In spite of a cupcake in the first round of the playoffs they did beat MSU on the road and lost in OT to the eventual national champ in EWU. That is a remarkable accomplishment in my book and I just hope that inspires the UND program to continue to grow to match that in the future. We do not like each other, but you have to respect the program accomplishments to date and it just makes it more important for UND to aspire to a higher level. Go Sioux!
  10. Not sure if this one has been posted before, but after watching the "Blue Hens" of Delaware play our new future opponent EWU, Mallards or Fighting Mallards might be an option for the new name. Lots of them in ND and the green heads etc may have lots of oppty for a mascot in the coloring scheme for some artist i.e. Breen (sp?). There are certainly worse names out there.
  11. Yes! The guy is very highly thought of by a former player I know from his days at UWEC. He is still young @ 50 or so, but he would be hard to pry out of his dual job unless the money were there. One amazing guy from what I hear from people who know him well.
  12. Amen! And ..... no one should think that playing SCSU would generate any money or interest from the MSP area. In the 40 years I have lived here the only schools that get any press other than the Gophers are the MIAC teams and then virtually exclusively St Johns and St Thomas. UMD, SCSU and Mankato are virtually ignored except for hockey. As far as SCSU going DI it will never happen. U of M would never tolerate another DI school in the area, much less the state. See Mankato's attempt to become the U of Southern Minnesota a number of years ago, stonewalled politically. And with the state in a financial bind, not going to happen.
  13. Reply to SCSU to the BSC. Based on the large egos at the U of Minnesota; when Mankato State tried to get renamed the "University of Southern Minnesota" I think a move to D1 for SCSU would be a very difficult ordeal. The U of M thinks it is the only product in the state worthy of that status. It would be a tough sell for the school considering the financial status of the state and the Gopher fans egos to have a "state" school get that recognition.
  14. I think that SCSU has upgraded their program and as such rivaled UMD this year, but I believe their fan support/interest is far less than UMD's following. If finances/attendance is such big issue, the Bulldogs followers would be a more attractive visiting team than SCSU. I can tolerate playing down one game a year. More than that and we are just masquerading as a DI football program once we are playoff eligible.
  15. The recently released census data show that the country is growing west and south. UND is positioning itself for a stronger future by looking that direction. The loss of seats in congress by states like Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, and Indiana etc. indicate to me at least that the decision to look westward for future athletic competitors and recruting was the right one. Minnesota and Wisconsin basically stood still. It will take a long time, perhaps 20 years, but the future of the US is in the Western states where all of the BSC schools reside. I do not think it will have an immediate impact on NDSU and I congratulate them on what I consider substantial success and recognition to date. If UND can match their performances over the next 3-5 years I will be more than pleased.
  16. You are damn right. Tell me one thing that we shoud be positive about with this football program. I am tired of investing interest, enthusiasm, and on occasion money in this thing we call "moving up". NDSU, SDSU, and USD play up, UND plays down. Ain't that a wonderful thing!!! This home schedule is an absolute embarassment, period. I am done on this site and if you aren't upset about this schedule you have no pride.
  17. I just cancelled any plans to attend one away game and one home game next year. I will really think hard about my financial support also. That trip to Europe next fall looks better and better.
  18. Well, I am sure glad we waited, aren't you? I can hardly wait to spend $500 going to GF to watch BH State, SFU, or Montana Western. Thank God I am retired so I do not have to go into the office on Monday and hear "boy UND sure had a tough game this weekend". I know, I know, this is the transition. Just gotta hope things get better. Unfortunately I am not getting any younger so waiting is very painful.
  19. Saw the game in Madison and some of the others on TV or internet. Not a BB guru, but disappointed in all the hype the kids come in with and still take 3 years to develop. Time will tell what kind of results these kids generate. They need some front court help though. BTW, I tossed a few QB's and WR's under the bus during the FB season, maybe not all on this site though.
  20. LIke I said, we shall see. He now has the "Sioux" monkey off his back for scheduling Big 10 schools in all sports and he has the BSC for help in filling out the FB schedule. A couple of nice FB recruits signed and a bunch of young F/M BB players that look pretty good. Things look pretty good all of a sudden. Now, let's see some GF butts in the stands and some W's and all will be well. He still needs more visibility for the school in the immediate upper midwest that has been lost to the other 3 state universities in the Dakotas and to some extent even the NSIC. Playing a few big games in the region would help that, and that, was my concern about FB scheduling along with help in recruiting. As an alum, I want to see that exposure around this area too, not just the west and west coast. UND has had virtually no exposure in the Twin Cities in recent years in spite of a large alumni base.
  21. I am glad you have all the answers. Hope everything works out as well as you think.
  22. The sophs are a BUST and especially Schuler. Non factor(s) in the games I have attended (seen).
  23. Well, if Drake is true, and the NAIA is still on, UND still has only 8 confirmed games, the CP and USD games a given via GWFC. Total 4 home, 4 away. Now, rumor has it that Faison has more under verbal intent pending schedule adjustments etc. including 6 at home. I can be an optimist here or a pessimist, but I certainly am anxious about the other 3 games that might be scheduled and getting damn tired of waiting to see what we will see for 2011 as opponents. If the AD wants to generate interest now during the end of the FB season he should announce it soon. From January thru July I could care less about football, UND or anyone else.
  24. They do, now if they can get our BB and FB teams to be competitive there, we will have something. Right now we are not, but I am hopeful the youth on those three teams takes us there. Time is of the essence.
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