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Everything posted by siouxfan512

  1. The guy is so mediocre it’s ridiculous. Looks like he might need a nap on the sideline.
  2. Wtf! Why waste my time with this team!
  3. I give us less than a 5% chance in this game. We are not going to be able to play catch up. Our opportunity was to stay close and maybe get up early. out played and out coached. Sadly if this gets ugly we will be on the outside looking in tomorrow as well.
  4. Who miss the tackle there? Cooper?
  5. kadon kauppenen is so F-INT bad! That’s two big plays in him!
  6. Yep, worst start you could ask for
  7. Almost the worst start you could ask for yhere
  8. I should have gone to the game this weekend. Whenever I go to the FargoDome I enjoy myself. Freestyle wrestling nationals when I was in high school was a cool experience. And then I was there when USD beat the Bison. Had a free ticket too!
  9. Look no further than the Vikings games yesterday. Heck the whole season. KOC hasn't been perfect, but wow do his player seem to be behind him and his approach.
  10. That is definitely the crazy part. If we beat the Bison we have a strong SOS, the same record, the tiebreaker head to head, but we we would likely still be ranked below them in a STATS poll. that being said, IF all that were to happen I can't imagine them getting the seed over UND, it just wouldn't make sense (like logic has anything to do with it). Obviously I just want a win, but if you could someone win a two score game or better, that would change things as well. Our D makes me a little nervous, and even though our offense is good, you have to respect what their D is capable of. My big question mark is the coaching. Bubba and company have to find a way to not overthink and over coach these games. It cost them last year, and it showed up again against SDSU. 4th and 1 on our 30 ... Punt! 4th and 1 on their 30 ... QB sneak with Q! There should not be any more though to it than that. No trying to trick them, no thinking they will expect this, just stick with what has worked all season. Just my opinion!
  11. Yes, streaking down greek row was still a think even in the mid 2000's. Anchor run down University and around the Delta Gamma anchor, and back to where we started ... which I won't mention
  12. How physical is their next back? Part of the problem with Luepke when he killed us was he was such a bowling ball and we kept trying to tackle him high.
  13. Yes, but we also have an issue with making players like that look like all stars. I agree that the Run D needs to be the focus, but we can't let Cam just sling it around either.
  14. Sure Sure .... "NOT me" ..... mmmhmmm ... we all believe that one
  15. It helps. They are going to push for their conference to have more teams, and apart from the SU teams, UND is the next team up. I don't think it needs to be more complicated than that. If it was Gene Taylor I might feel differently, but most of the people in these positions are professional who are there to do a job, not to snub there rivals for fan points.
  16. I get they are great at pounding the rock and it wears teams down and controls the clock, BUT every team we play seems to throw 8-10 yard pass plays effortlessly. Unless we change something this week, I don't know why this game would be any different. We absolutely have to defend Mathis better than other teams. The guy is a monster and will get his catches, the key is to actually wrap him up and make the tackle. I haven't watched much Bison football this year, but the games I have seen he seems to slip away from tackles with ease because he is so damn big.
  17. siouxfan512


    This is where the polls can get frustrating and even a single loss can be such a setback (SIU). That knocked us back out of the polls after we were already in and now we have had to claw and scratch just to get back to 17. Even with a win against NDSU, how much could we really move up? We would definitely move up a bit (maybe even get a vote in the coaches poll) but how much? A seed would be in play, but how high of a seed? As of now NDSU looks to the #3 (which is absurd) .... so UND should be at least that if we hit 8-3 with a win over the Bison and a tougher SOS , right? So wrong, I'll bet even with a win this weekend we slide in as the #8.
  18. SIU currently beating the smelly cows. SIU may have murdered the Bison kick returner on the last play. Wow!
  19. Wasn’t always pretty, but a solid 7th win! Way to earn it! Now go get a seed! defense will have to tighten up a bit, but our offense just needs to keep doin what they are doin.
  20. Just an amazing call there SMH.
  21. If I’m hunter luepke, I’m licking my chops watching thies go through our D
  22. 3rd down. Wash rinse repeat
  23. C’mon D! Let’s see something!
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