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Everything posted by siouxfan512

  1. I get they are great at pounding the rock and it wears teams down and controls the clock, BUT every team we play seems to throw 8-10 yard pass plays effortlessly. Unless we change something this week, I don't know why this game would be any different. We absolutely have to defend Mathis better than other teams. The guy is a monster and will get his catches, the key is to actually wrap him up and make the tackle. I haven't watched much Bison football this year, but the games I have seen he seems to slip away from tackles with ease because he is so damn big.
  2. siouxfan512


    This is where the polls can get frustrating and even a single loss can be such a setback (SIU). That knocked us back out of the polls after we were already in and now we have had to claw and scratch just to get back to 17. Even with a win against NDSU, how much could we really move up? We would definitely move up a bit (maybe even get a vote in the coaches poll) but how much? A seed would be in play, but how high of a seed? As of now NDSU looks to the #3 (which is absurd) .... so UND should be at least that if we hit 8-3 with a win over the Bison and a tougher SOS , right? So wrong, I'll bet even with a win this weekend we slide in as the #8.
  3. SIU currently beating the smelly cows. SIU may have murdered the Bison kick returner on the last play. Wow!
  4. Wasn’t always pretty, but a solid 7th win! Way to earn it! Now go get a seed! defense will have to tighten up a bit, but our offense just needs to keep doin what they are doin.
  5. Just an amazing call there SMH.
  6. If I’m hunter luepke, I’m licking my chops watching thies go through our D
  7. 3rd down. Wash rinse repeat
  8. C’mon D! Let’s see something!
  9. Wow! What a turn of events!
  10. Just Kostich doin his thing
  11. Tuckin that tail between his legs
  12. It’s unreal. I didn’t expect usd to just roll over. But I also didn’t expect us to.
  13. They do know they need a win to make the playoffs, right?
  14. and these aren’t the even like 3rd and 1
  15. Devin Hembry was a special kind of slow on the TD!
  16. Seriously, if I’m USD, I just keep throwing. This is absolutely ridiculous.
  17. Maybe Bubba didn’t like winning by too much.
  18. How do we give every receiver so much cushion! We are never there when the ball is. We are ALWAYS playing too far off the receiver.
  19. I like the push from someone behind him to get him in the end zone. I don’t know who it was but they gave him a good shove.
  20. I don’t know why teams run against us. We give up passes 8-12 yards all the flippin time. Hoping this is like last week and the D tightens up now.
  21. So I'm a big fan of superstitions and routines when it comes to sports, and I have a "lucky" UND football shirt. Green shirt with a hawk on it. Pretty simple. UND has played well every time I wore it this season, including the loss to Nebraska where overall I though UND played well and surprised fans. The shirt came out for the next two weeks and produced wins, but then stayed in the drawer while I coached youth softball during the S. Illinois game. It reappeared for the next two games as we continued to improve our record. Now here is the kicker ... it made an appearance during the first half of the SDSU game. I had been out hiking with family and made it home just before half time .... changed at half time because I had been hiking and the team completely fell apart. Now it has produced two more wins in the past due week. I'll take the responsibility for the loss to the Bunnies, I should have known better. The shirt will be ready to go this weekend to clinch the playoffs, and again the following weekend to get a seed! #RideTheShirt haha
  22. I mean, they aren't very impressed with us. We aren't as physical, we aren't as talented, we clearly aren't any good .... BUT if they beat the almighty power that is UND, even though they don't think we are an almighty power, then they should absolutely be in the playoffs at 5-6 because those 5 wins may have been against crap teams, but the 6 losses were against all out amazing teams. We are taking the wrong approach people! Schedule 3-4 games against top ranked FBS teams (be sure to lose them), then lost the the majority of the MVFC. Only beat the really really bad teams and at 2 and 9 the committee would have no choice but to consider us. Am I on track here?
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