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Everything posted by redwing77
SFiP touched on my opinion. I agree that it is definitely the coaches. I've watched Sioux hockey through thick and thin and I have also watched the NHL. Take the Detroit Red Wings PP for example. Perennially one of the top PP teams every year. Yes, some of that has to do with talent, but I think we have talent. But one thing is certain. At least one player is ALWAYS rushing the net or at least planting himself relative to the puck in front of the net. Putting someone, even Smaby or Greene, in front of the net puts a screen in place and puts the screener among the first to rebounds, which is the biggest reason why we aren't scoring on the power play. We aren't getting the rebounds. Yes, we are pretty conservative on the power play, being extra cautious not to give up any sort of rush for the PK team. However, we are agressive on all other types of play. Let's be more aggressive and send players like Stafford, McMahon, Bochenski, Ryan Hale, Genoway, and Prpich to the front of the net. If we do that, they will have to dedicate a dman just for him, which deminishes the crowds in the corners too.
Seven Nation Army is a good song that gets people into the game. Song No. 2 by Blur (The Woohoo song) seems to be a crowd pleaser. Faint by Linkin Park is the only LP song I like, but that gets played during warm ups. A Greene penalty? I say Nookie by Limp Bizkit. But they'd have to cue it pretty good. Rollin' By LB would be ok too, but I can't think of when to put it in the game. Three Blind Mice for the refs when they make a bad call (maybe they can use that organ they have for this?) Get over it by Ok go when the captain's a b!tchin'. You could stretch it and play "Down in a Hole" by Alice in Chains when the other team calls a time out.
Can't afford it.
I say keep them. And don't hold up the signs while the puck is in play.
Should I send a note to the Editor about this guy or respond to the arguments or wait and see what happens?
I say down with hair bands! Bring back the funk! Ok, maybe not funk, but definitely not some of that junk that was mentioned. Kickstart my heart? PLEASE! Smooth Criminal by Alien Ant Farm could be one of the songs played.
http://www.UND.nodak.edu/org/ds/Opinion/Letters.html On the left side. Thoughts?
Um, when Ziggy committed to the Sioux, he was a walk on. Now he is under at least partial scholarship. I think Ziggy is right where he expected to be in the mix if not better thanks to Ranfranz, Sofie, and Siembida's departure. I do not know if he'll ever be a bigger part of the Sioux roster, but he's doing well for what he expected to have here in Grand Forks.
HEY! The Packers are doing good boyeeeee!
If that is the case, what would stop that UND PR person from inventing reasons not to allow them in? Things like "Oh, I can see how that could be disrespectful to the players and their fans. We'd best not let them in, but this Go Sioux sign is nice." and then, to try to smooth things over they'd say "Oh, but they were humorous. Keep trying!" Forget it. I say we keep trying and if they confiscate it, then we just bring a big black marker into the arena and stop doing 2 sided signs. Then we can just write the sign on the back. However, with that, I think PCM is right though, that we should use our best judgement as to what is and is not appropriate. So far, however, they have been nothing but appropriate. We are really quick, as a group, to point out which signs are not appropriate on the board so that they never make it to a poster board to begin with.
Faul? Another flop? Do tell.
Think of all the publicity and money. I'm sure every college dorm room will have at least one "Cheerleaders of UND" calendar. If they do a swimsuit edition, then we're talking multiple copies UND cheer team second only to the Dallas Cowboy CHeerleaders :0
Ok, I have seen Dorey play sparingly, but I never knew he drew shame upon him from the fans. Can anyone explain this idea to me?
Nothing new there. Johnny Lang (blues guitarist) also is from ND (Fargo) but lists his hometown as Minneapolis. The answer is simply whatever. They can deny where they are from just like I can deny ever considering owning a Lang CD or being a Vikings fan. Both of which I am not. Kleinsasser went to UND. I'll root for him as soon as he likes where he went to school. IF that never happens, oh well.
"Bad choices behind you" Yup. He did that all last season. Siembida had more "bad choices" though.
I'm going to take a leap of faith. If the CBA gets signed, Vanek and perhaps Parise will be gone. But if it isn't signed, UND at least will be in a recruiting mess because Parise will probably stay. I would also say Vanek would stay as well.
All those ladies are yummilicous! You know they be smokin' when you make up words. forecheck: You still love him even though he hacked his hair?
You know, I haven't been frisked once this season. I was frisked every darn game last season. Odd no? Lines aren't something I routinely have to deal with at the mens hockey games because I make it a point to be there for warmups. Which means I'm routinely 45 minutes to an hour early. Why do they have lines though? Because at 6:30 for a 7:05 game, all the people who park in the lot by the student entrance arrive and they don't want to walk around the building. Also, those people who park on the street south of the Ralph do the same thing. It is simply the closest door. It would be simple to not have their tickets work at that entrance, but let's face it. Nothing is going to happen. Who, as the Ralph, would you rather piss off? The $6/game -$60 season ticket crowd or the $18+/game $325/season ticket crowd? I won't give you any hints on this one because I think you can do the math.
First off, Little Kid Hockey would PACK THE STANDS for the games because not only would the parents come, IT JUST ROCKS. We all say that Minnesota is the State of Hockey (or they say it anyways), well why not have exhibition time between various hockey teams or at least scrimmages between period 1 and 2? It can be little kids up to even high school can come and show their stuff. Between Periods 2 and 3 before the laser show, they should alternate turkey bowling, shot in the dark, chuck a puck, the R/C race, and perhaps the relay races with kids on sleds. No, not the college students picking up pucks thing, that was lame. In any case, more little kids on the ice during intermissions! It would keep people interested! As for the band, cheeringetcetc., the repertoire changed since I was in it and I think they should go back to the old repertoire. And, as I was in the hockey band, I also played at some basketball games (god I hated playing basketball games, but that wasn't the band's fault I just intensely dislike basketball). Bring back nananana, beer barrel, etc. I never said those songs should be cut. But when they are playing Sheryl Crow you know something's wrong. And I already suggested Jane's Addiction "Been Caught Stealin'" I don't understand why the hockey band has to be such an expense. They don't need uniforms, they only need instruments and music. No one sees them up in the upper bowl. My impression of hockey band is that they are to be heard, not seen. They don't need to travel with the team unless they are going to the playoffs as "home ice advantage." That means maybe one or two trips a season. Not all that bad. Those two trips? WCHA and NCAA playoffs. And to save on cost, the NCAA playoffs may not include Frozen Four for the band. Again, the FB band is entirely different than the Hockey band and I do feel they should not be the same entity. Hockey is a PEP BAND, not a MARCHING BAND. There is a difference. A Big difference. As for committment, You sign up for the course. You pay money to be in it, even though it is only one credit. Therefore, you have made the committment. If you can't make the committment, don't accept the position when the director offers you the part. I signed on with the band with the understanding that I was in it for the long haul whether I liked it or not. If I didn't like it, I could quit. It needs to be a do it or quit mentality in order to make it work. The Audition process would make it an honor to be in the hockey band just like it is an honor to be in the jazz band (I auditioned and DID NOT MAKE THE BAND). If the atmosphere is right, then people who make it won't want to quit because they don't want to let the band down and they already put so much work into getting in that it would seem a waste. And you are speaking to a former member of the brass section, fyi.
No, that the older folks will have a problem with it OR one of those people in the suites may mistakenly look out at the game going on and accidentally see a sign they think is unprofessional. NOTE: I'm not saying that all old people are like this, nor am I saying that all suiteholders don't watch the games.
Oh and the song that comes in with the chiming of bells is an AC/DC song. It's hard because there is a similar song done by Metallica called Ride the Lightning that features a similar intro.
I think the dudes who know the most about hockey but don't play (aka Superfans such as myself *flex*) should get all the ladies. I challenge the folks of the boards to change this thread to the "Hottest Sioux Fan" board. Then all the votes will go to me. Sorry, PCM. Old is out.
I think the Pep Band should be run on the same standards and audition level as the varsity jazz band. Mics should only be found in the woodwind section or some tall mics in front of the band for the entire band effect. Damstrait -- I don't think the REA is trying to weed out the band in truth. It would be seen as a negative aspect to the arena's atmosphere if that happened. However, they do view band vs recording as a quality issue. Like Blais does with players. If Marvin can't hack it, then Bina or Foyt comes in. If the band is sucking, then the recorded music comes on. If the band shows it is playing well (for example, the band played very well on Saturday), then the air time should increase. With the team out of town until December, I think the band is going to get a much needed break and practice time to refresh. I would think that the mics will be turned up more on December 5th. Depending upon how well they play, they could remain powered up. If they consistently overblow or squeal a lot, the mic's will get turned down and the recordings will dominate again. I think it is that simple. In any case, if the Ralph wants to weed anything out, they can weed out the Blimps. No one would miss them. The discounts they drop are really not discounts at all. $50 off jerseys marked up $50 or a hotdog, fries, and coke for $12! No loss at all. They could bring back turkey bowling and lose Northstar Telecom's find the phone contest. Bring back shot in the dark as well. The R/C truck contest is ok though.
No, there are some that could check me into the boards any time