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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. Impressive looking young man - welcome!
  2. https://www.inforum.com/news/government-and-politics/6523870-Fed-up-people-of-color-speak-up-against-racism-police-discrimination-in-mostly-white-North-Dakota Forum going woke on us. Apparently, this lady has been pulled over more than 12 times in two years and only due to the color of her skin. Did the reporter verify it with the police department or just let her say it and then believe it? Her 6 year old has been bullied and beat up in Kindergarten.....once again, really? Its fuking Kindergarten in Bismarck...that is a 100% lie. This is absurd.
  3. Kid looks pretty good.
  4. So naturally that allows you to make up accusations about him being a drug addicted coke head? You are a f'n idiot.
  5. Was gonna say 360 guys could fire up some pods now that season is closer and recruiting
  6. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2020/06/08/asymptomatic-coronavirus-patients-arent-spreading-new-infections-who-says.html Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.
  7. Got to hand it to the D's - when they go with an idea they go BIG. Almost like they are trying to capture the sentiment of the moment for their own benefit with no real intention of implementing it down the road. Nah....
  8. The answer is Glock and Smith & Wesson.
  9. Cant help but sit and think about the irony of journalists lamenting the loss of their fellow journalists jobs due to the economic downturn. I believe it was pointed out awhile back but wildly promoting Covid-19 on an hourly basis throughfear & danger articles for the sole purpose of clicks, which were supposed to create revenue, actually put the ad-buying companies out of business. Huh.
  10. Every college kid enters the world with idealistic intentions for all. Then they get a job & bills, and suddenly things change.
  11. Suddenly, hardly anybody is dying from Covid in New York. Out of nowhere...boom the curve has been flattened...oh I mean crushed. My apologies to Cuomo. This has been the biggest farce in recent American history.
  12. Wonder who benefits from defunding the police and reducing their presence?
  13. Post the twitter message....allowed here.
  14. What straw man? Its June 6th and Walz is still trying to regulate everything even though he didn't do a damn thing about tens if thousands of protesters gathering 1 foot from each other.
  15. That's 5 commits now. Going good.
  16. Why? The R word is getting the attention it deserves now. F and H are also.
  17. Cancel culture. No lessons can be learned when it comes to black lives matter. Do something wrong and your fired or dismissed.
  18. I think we can all see just how important the Covid virus really was. The MSM really does their job quite well.
  19. It took them 1.5 days to charge the shooter in GF. It took 4 days to charge the police officer, who is obviously extended a greater benefit of the doubt due to his position and the unknowns of what led up to it.
  20. Uh, the guy shot multiple people and was apprehended after doing it, like immediately while the gun was still smoking. The Minneapolis cop situation was a bit more complex than that. Even you can admit that, right?
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