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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. A Dem California legislator just comes out and says it and seems proud. Why work? The government is paying you more to stay home.
  2. Ironic that the same health care industry that's gonna need to treat everybody as they continue to get sick from the "other" viruses that aren't as important as this one, is getting gutted right now.
  3. "If we can save just one life it's worth it"
  4. Drove into Fargo today - Target was packed, Scheels had a line outside and as they were limiting in/out.
  5. Any other outbreaks in Grand forks since that one?
  6. Canada is in total panic mode from border to border. Heard they may shut down the CFL entirely.
  7. Add Dauphin County in PA to the list of counties that told their respective Governor to eat sh@t.
  8. So would everyone agree that the Chicago Mayor is a fascist dictator?
  9. 2 people have died in Grand Forks in 2 months
  10. We've been poking holes in every argument the entire time. The only difference is one side is getting their way and the collateral damage on the other side is being ignored. BTW, if the caregivers spouse worked at LM then it had nothing to do with bars opening last week.
  11. So a few more weeks would have been the difference? I am sorry to hear about your loss.
  12. His Lane = wear a mask, stay home while doing it, or I will die.
  13. And once again, new policy was adopted and our country was turned upside down for the worse by the WHO's projection that "millions" could die. Nothing is being done about suicide and abuse.
  14. Right, but our days wouldn't have changed at all and we would've kept going as a country, much like every other year.
  15. How do you know how I act in public? I am staying home except for many grocery runs and Scheels once. Walmart, Target and such are petri dishes IMO. I can touch shelves, product, whatever anytime I want and it won't be cleaned.
  16. You are the only one who cares about state testing numbers. You are telling us that basically everybody needs to be cleared before we can move on.
  17. LOL...so if one kid gets it then we were wrong for our decision. ONE. "If we can save just one kid, and I mean literally one kid, then it was worth the hundreds of billions of dollars in damage". Old Fella.
  18. Children. The ones who aren't getting it. The sentiment is great, the reality is... something else.
  19. Are you serious? I know I am asking alot of questions this morning but wtf is going on in your mind right now....like 95% fear and 5% boredom?
  20. Sigh. The problem is you feel that could happen.
  21. OK. So next year sometime we open things up, start concerts and events? Who has eliminated the virus and how do they compare to the U.S.?
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