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Everything posted by petey23

  1. The flu is running through the locker room however.
  2. Then why wouldn't UND just use the Dacotah Legacy Collection as an excuse to keep rolling out Sioux merchandise? Financially it would be in UND's best interest to do so as Hawk's merchandise will be lucky to ever even provide 50% of the revenue that Sioux merchandise could.
  3. wow. You can provide a link for them to read but you can't make them understand it.
  4. This is a requirement of the NCAA settlement.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FFG1NqKzCg
  6. One has flavor and the other is watered down watered down beer.
  7. petey23


    That's just a 'rough weekend" for gfhockey.
  8. Not to go into too much backstory here, but I am pretty sure the Bison staff has done a good job of looking after this kid and doing what is best for him and in the end will do what is best for their program and Mr. Dupree. I don't think we need to create issues where there are none......NDSU does a fine job of creating legitimate issues on their own.
  9. I have been there a few times. Pretty good time! The Kolpack Christmas part was always fun too.
  10. I am pretty sure he had a baby before he even arrived on campus. He probably misses his kid and girlfriend if they are back in New Town. We don't know the family circumstances and maybe it isn't possible for her and the child to live in Grand Forks from a financial standpoint. Tough decisions for a young kid to make. Wish him the best.
  11. Hey everybody. Can we please turn our attention back to President Kelley and UND's nickname story please. That would be great. Sincerely, Dean Bresciani
  12. You can do what you want. I will always pull for a ND kid. I don't root against athletes and while I don't care about guys who played at NDSU who are in the NFL now who aren't from the area I would like to see Carson do well since he is a Bismarck kid and I also want to see Connor McGovern from Fargo do well too. I do take pride in kids from other areas who excel at UND and go onto have pro careers whether it is in hockey, basketball or football. As I have always said with regards to the Bison.....it is their few rotten thousands of fans who ruin it for the other 20.
  13. Most Bison fans I know were very deferential to Jimmy K and said he was the best college football player they had seen. For me I never root against athletes unless they are classless and I will most certainly be a fan of a ND kid no matter where he played college ball.
  14. Yep. Most years you are lucky if you have 2 starting qb's in the draft who can step in year one and start......and those are usually bad teams who have time to let a qb develop.
  15. True, but the same experts back in November said that if you are looking for a starting qb in this draft you are out of luck. QB is the main focus of every team and those who cover football and Carson has elevated himself to the top of this draft class. Best scenario for him is to go to a team with a starting QB at the end of his career(Dallas) and he can step in when ready.
  16. because Marcia Marcia Marcia
  17. Bison 73, while I appreciate the "Josh Earnest" type effort by you on this, you have to admit that this ^^^^^ looks and sounds shady, it might even be Chapman level shady.
  18. If I am honest. St. Cloud is the best team I have seen this year.
  19. I don't disagree. Maybe put a 50/50 policy in place for upgrades or some other policy. As far as our legislators...I used to always side with higher ed when it came to battles with the legislature. I worked a legislative session when I was fresh out of college and saw the western legislators in action.(didn't matter if they were republican or democrat....they were socialists on some issues and far right on others). But I will say the arrogance and disregard for budgets by those in higher ed over the last 10-12 years has at least made me give pause when looking at these issues.
  20. I just feel sorry for all the rest of the people on the plane who had to fly coach....but I am guessing most of them were vacationing and not traveling for business. I honestly don't think it is a big deal if he had cleared things first or reimbursed the difference or some of the difference.(our state officials are allowed to spend some of their salaries....not everything is an expense). The biggest issue with Bresciani is that he is completely tone deaf and aloof to the world and environment around him.
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