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Everything posted by willythekid

  1. It's his legacy... once it's done he's gone. This is just a job to him, he could care less about North Dakota. I bet after he retires he never steps foot back into this state.
  2. This is like a skipping record... the fact was and always will be be is that the public was led to believe that having no nickname was going to be an option. This was until we found out that the whole committee thing was a farce. Just like Standing Rock, silence the popular vote to get what you want.
  3. Ha... this petition has been around for less than 24 hours. Great comparison though.
  4. Here's the thing... you don't get to choose who is a fan of the University of North Dakota. Punishing student-athletes? Have you even heard what the student body and athletes are saying on social media? Once again this boils down to a couple of people making their decisions for the many...
  5. Based on social media alone it is plain to see what the majority of the alumni, students, athletes and fans prefer the North Dakota option... well, at least it's plain to see for those who do not have their blinders on. Several on this site and the committee clearly have theirs firmly attached. Once again the majority of UND fan's wishes will be effed over by a small vocal minority.
  6. You hit the nail on the head... another case of a very small minority making decisions for the majority. I lost a lot of respect for UND today.
  7. If anyone follows mr. dilks on twitter his ranting about how UND copies everything big ten is pretty hilarious....
  8. Also, don't they usually announce all captains at once?
  9. You are posting in a thread he started... lol.
  10. He always played perfect position while on D? I disagree with this. But of course, that's the great thing about a discussion board... people can have differing points of view. There are several people on SS.com that could benefit from remembering that.
  11. Jordan leaving is not that big of a deal IMHO... we got him an extra year with his brother coming in, one that we saw him take many a shift off. He should have been hands down our best d-man this last year but clearly was not. If I had to pick only one of Schmaltz, LaDue, or Stecher to leave I would have picked him. On the other hand, If Nick leaves that will be a joke. He is clearly not ready for the next level.
  12. We'll see if his word is any better than his brothers...
  13. Yeah, about that Blake... no.
  14. Is it a loss when we were never really in the running for him in the first place? The goofs are going to get a bone every now and again... besides, we've probably stolen enough recruits from them for one year.
  15. At least he is doing it the right way like Jones... I'm not sure if I could ever cheer for JT Miller after the way he threw UND under the bus by decommitting so late.
  16. I am so sorry to have offended you... now that you bring up his U-18 stats there is no doubt he will be better than Eichel at the college level. I can't believe I didn't think to look at that before stating my opinion.
  17. Auston Matthews would be closer to an "Eichel" type although even Matthews isn't that level IMHO.
  18. Tech is fast and looking real hungry right now...
  19. This is a great post... If you have anything bad to say about Hak, watch out, you are no longer a fan. For a while there only blind lemmings were allowed to be fans I guess.
  20. What did you see this weekend that makes you so sure about UND regrouping for the ncaas? I would love to see them do it but the lack of effort is mind boggling at times.
  21. UND is in fargo They are the host school
  22. One thing I would love to see Hak do is bench players that take shifts off. The best talent didn't stop us from getting blown out tonight in embarrassing fashion. I Schamltzs antics are growing thin on me.
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