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Everything posted by willythekid

  1. Too bad senior night and playing for the Penrose wasn't enough to get the boys to play inspired hockey.... very sloppy and lazy play at times.
  2. crap another penalty... looks like the boys are skating in molasses...
  3. Wow... are the boys gassed? No jump at all to start the third
  4. Rocco takes some dumb penalties but that wasn't one of them. Homer refs tonight.
  5. why would their ppg's have anything to do with our score?
  6. I seem to remember the cloudies doing this once... help anyone?
  7. So I was hoping the boys might pull out the business suits tonight but it got me thinking... hasn't st cloud worn their alternates at home before? Could they do so again tonight. I'm racking my brain to remember if this is possible as I seem to recall it happening before.
  8. hopefully one of our guys doesn't get injured...
  9. st cloud wins tonight 3-0 for those who hadn't heard
  10. Tis the season when wins don't help much but losses can bury you... hang on, it about to get interesting.
  11. First off, I'd like to thank SiouxSax for being such a ferocious competitor... it raised my game to this level. Secondly, I'd like to thank all the members of Sioux Sports for supporting me... I could not have done it without you. As far as the future after this gigantic win? Who knows... My name is willythekid not willythegreek. I will try to remain as humble as always.
  12. One of the first things I thought of when the women did that... we've seen it bite our asses and it sure as heck bit the women today.
  13. And at the other end of the spectrum there is friday night against SLU... this is not one of the hardest working UND teams in my opinion.
  14. Anything can happen if you can make it to the dance. I would think that in order for this team to have any shot they would need incredibly good coaching and tremendous effort on the ice for sixty a game... the effort hasn't always been there and the verdict on the coaching is still out for me. None of this will matter though if they don't play well the next couple of weeks.
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