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Everything posted by willythekid

  1. Am I a hater for being critical of his dumb play earlier in the game? Gimme a break... There is no doubt his offensive upside is off the charts. This goal makes up for the one he scored for omaha.
  2. Certainly, but the percentage of dumps is too high IMHO...
  3. With our speed we should be carrying more pucks into the zone...
  4. If we didn't need Boeser's offensive upside he could sit too...
  5. !@#$... why can't UND play til the goddamned whistle?
  6. I said lazy because he was gliding trying a no look pass when he should have skated it out of the zone first... he had room. I like Boeser a lot but plays like that and his other offensive zone give away shows he still has a lot to learn about this speed of hockey.
  7. With as good as Boeser is he still needs a lot of work... most of it's between his ears. Very stupid and lazy pass...
  8. So my dad is the one who got me to be a Sioux fan... he was still a graduate student when I was a little boy. He'd bring me and my friends to games even though we were quite young still. Fast forward to now, I have two little children of my own and while I watch every game on NCHC.tv I seldom get to games anymore. Partly because of time, partly because of money. I haven't seen a game live with my father in over 6 or 7 years... I would like to change that. I would like to buy two or four lower level tickets at no more than face for an upcoming game, as money is very tight this time of year. I think he would really love this for a Christmas gift. I'm not picky on game with the exception of being out of town for the Alabama series. If someone could help me out I would be very appreciative. Happy Holidays and go Sioux!!!
  9. It deserves a five... It was late, it was an elbow, it was to the head, and it drew blood... As selfish a play as there is, right when we had momentum starting.
  10. Olson with his selfishness completely screwed over the team. If I was Berry he would be skating til his legs dropped off tomorrow.
  11. What a fucking stupid hit by Olson... what an idiot.
  12. A split isn't the end of the world for sure but hopefully the boys learned nothing is a given. If we were told that we would have a 7-1-2 record now before the season started most of us would've been quite happy. Especially with this young team. Focus now on Miami...
  13. Simonson makes up for his laziness on the wisco goal.... woohoo
  14. Every other team in D1 can put 5 up against wisco... us? one.
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