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Everything posted by willythekid

  1. Stetcher and Simonson thumbing their butts right in front of the net while Besse scores.... god damnit
  2. Man, either too cute passes that get broken up or shots straight to the glove or chest... I wish the boys would throw some pucks low on that goalie and get a greasy one.
  3. No, you didn't. Be prepared to get heckled on here if you have an opinion and less than 1000 posts.
  4. Jost still has a year to develop and has a lot to prove but right now I would assume the expectations are just as high if not higher. He is a massive get... as long as he steps foot on campus.
  5. This... If a nickname beats out just being North Dakota in a public vote I'm fine with that. But let people have a say.
  6. Exactly... the same people that were praising the committee and administration yesterday for doing the right thing are now crying that the president has no backbone.
  7. Says fightingsioux4life... Lol. Can't make this up.
  8. They don't get to do whatever they want. They are treated differently a lot of the time due to being so recognizable plus a certain portion are drafted by NHL teams. This can be both positive and negative to them. Jeebus, people like you sound like the kid who was stood up by the pretty girl at prom.
  9. People talk like the hockey program owes the other athletic programs something for being so successful... What has women's volleyball done for hockey lately. The people that bitch about the hockey program should really get a clue about where UND gets a hefty amount of their money from. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.
  10. This is also a scare tactic. I have neither read nor heard anywhere that the NC$$ will not allow UND to carry on without a nickname. Here's a news flash... The NC$$ along with the PC crowd might have problems with the rough riders nickname in the not-so-distant future. The PC crowd didn't like Boone from Denver.
  11. "Despite possible consequences" There are a lot of consequences that come with a new nickname that no one can agree on as well. The biggest consequence I hear over and over from the pro nickname crowd is that you can't brand just North Dakota. This is a bunch of bull$%!#. I have a closet full of University of North Dakota apparel with no Sioux connection. The exact stuff they have been selling for a couple of years now. What I won't ever have in my closet is (enter new !@#!$ nickname) clothing. I'm not the only one.
  12. You do realize you just called everyone who doesn't agree with your side of the argument tantrum throwing toddlers right?
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