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Everything posted by willythekid

  1. I'm sorry my opinions got under your skin so much... maybe lose the lotion and allow it to toughen up a tad.
  2. This made me laugh... like somehow I won't sleep good tonight or something. You know, forums like SS and the live chat are supposed to be places where fans can express opinions openly (right or wrong) but sometimes people forget that. If you want to believe this team is the hardest working bunch of skaters this side of the '80 olympic team, go right ahead. From what I see, this team's effort lacks at times.
  3. I will... you let me know when the perfect-in-your-eyes UND hockey players ever take a shift off... deal?
  4. You can call it a hyperbole all you want... Whatever you may want to think, this team's effort has been very lackadaisical at times this season. Being swept by a very good DU team isn't the end of the world but UND definitely has some elements of their game that need improving if they want to have any chance of making a run for number 8.
  5. I forgot, only people with opinions that agree with yours are valid. Look at their record... this team has no issues!!!!
  6. Fans had every right to be upset at the defense last night no matter what the record. This team for whatever reason can't put in 60 minutes of effort to save their live. I don't mind losing when the boys are skating hard, but when they are coasting for extended periods of time that's a problem. It comes with the turf, when you have as much talent as a typical NoDak team, they just expect a win a lot of the time.
  7. High expectations come with the team... Jason Hajdu always rags on fans.
  8. I think the game usually comes pretty easy for a guy like Ladue... was he lazy last night? Maybe at times... It might do him good to watch another D-man (Shaw) play his position with (hopefully) fire in his belly. As disappointing as last night was, it was an epic college hockey game.
  9. We see this year in and year out... I don't know if it's all the talent on NoDak's teams that think they can get away without playing a full game or what. It gets old, especially in games like this. The D can hang their heads tonight.
  10. Not a lot of sustained pressure on our part tonight... Lets just play solid D and get out of mich with a sweep.
  11. Shows that when you're that biased you can make yourself see anything... hence the no-goal last night. What a frickn' circus show that was.
  12. I'm watching the nchc feed with the wmu announcer... I can imagine that the asn feed is just as bad.
  13. WMU annoucer whines about missed calls on UND and then watches the replay where the WMU player drops his stick and the call on Gersich without saying a word... super homerism at it's best.
  14. jeesus what a bull$%!# call on Gersich...
  15. Quick response by Gersich... well done all around boys... keep at 'em!
  16. No puck around him either... effing unbelievable.
  17. Wow... the refs finally called an interference on western...
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