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Everything posted by TheFlop

  1. It's amazing the number of people that think freedom of speech means freedom from consequences. Due to the current political climate it would never happen, but JBD and Weatherby do have the freedom to do what they want during the national anthem......but since they are representing UND, Brad Berry would also have the freedom to bench them for a game because of it.
  2. I'm not saying that UND doesn't have mostly high character kids (now that Miller is gone)....but don't think for a second that there are many kids from blue collar families suiting up for the team today. That is just naive. Even at the lower levels hockey is now a sport that poor kids can't touch. To hit the elite levels and play in all of the extra camps and leagues that every UND player played in, you don't have alot that came from families where both parents were slugging away for $30-40k a year.
  3. This. Although we all know that racism doesn't exist in Canada (cough cough), I doubt he would do this before a WJC game being hosted in Canada.
  4. 1) Insist that people don't ignore your views but that you shouldn't have to listen to theirs? Nope. 2-5 already happening with pro sports. People have described UND hockey as basically a pro sport. Be careful what you wish for.
  5. Was reference to NDSU. Maybe I misunderstood you were referencing a different school. But in NDSUs example, players represent the team, players choose to engage in activity that people aren't happy with, donors aren't obligated to donate if activity makes them unhappy, football team gets punished with less money.
  6. You still don't get it. If they want to lecture people on civil rights start a podcast. People don't listen to political analysts hoping to hear the score of last night's Rangers Islanders game......just like people don't watch a hockey game hoping to catch up on the political climate. It's not that tough of a concept.
  7. The problem is when it's presented via trojan horse. If someone calls me into their home to install a new furnace, their expectation is that.....I will install a new furnace for them. If instead I come into their house and spend the entire install time making political statements, should they have expected that? No. The only reason they wanted my services is for a furnace, not for political lecturing. People go to hockey games to escape, not to have political statements thrown at them.
  8. I think the biggest issue that the "offended" crowd has is the way it is being pushed through every avenue. You expect to see it on TV news/opinion shows, you expect to see it on the internet on various news and commentary sites, you expect to hear it in coffee shops or even on a college campus. People get overloaded and just want that 2-3 hour break from it at a sporting event, at the movies, at a concert, or on a couple of TV shows. Apparently now even at a niche sporting event like college hockey that is no longer possible.
  9. Name calling got left in the dumpster thread. But thanks for trying.
  10. As to JBD, he's not even a US citizen so kneeling for the US anthem doesn't really put him out on a limb. Similar to what Matt Dumba did at the start of the NHL pod, a Canadian player takes a knee for the US anthem, but I don't recall seeing him do it during a Canadian national anthem. I guess coming from a country with a leader that has been seen in full black face isn't a problem. And for the moderators that are probably starting to get twitchy fingers, 2 players changed the trajectory of this thread as did Schlossman, it wasn't any one person on this thread. If Schlossman is reading this STICK TO HOCKEY! That's the only reason people follow you.
  11. I'm a big fan of consistency. If social justice was so important to them I do wonder where their public protests were when Mitchell Miller along with his racist antics past was on campus practicing shoulder to shoulder with them. But like many things I suppose that has been rationalized to be different somehow.
  12. Yes unless they are members of a gym or participate in sports. Those people need to stay at home just a little bit longer for the greater good.
  13. And for the record, in this case I want all of the smokers, obese, and people in general that have neglected their health to get first crack at the vaccine so their poor decisions can stop having so much impact on the rest of the US.
  14. I've been getting judged since March everytime I've given any type of dissenting voice against the Covid is gonna kill us all crowd. A little turnabout is fair play.
  15. If I understand what you are saying, it's already happened. I'm not saying that just because someone smokes means they deserve to die of Covid. What I am saying is that smoking is a choice. In most cases obesity is also a choice. The hazards of those choices are well known. People that live a more moderate lifestyle are already financially getting hammered because of those poor choices made by others (increased insurance/cost of medical care, etc) even though they chose to live a healthier lifestyle by not smoking and by not eating bag after bag of Doritos. So when the very thing that the obese and smokers were warned about comes home to roost, some people's solution is to punish those that made the smart decisions to stay healthy in an effort to bail out the smokestacks and porkers? Ask around to anyone working in hospitals at the moment, with very few exceptions the people filling up beds are the very old (can't do much about age) and the obese.
  16. It wasn't on purpose, but he proved that the cumbaya taking a softer stance and being more passive than presidents before him made no difference in how most in the Middle East hate the US. So if the a**-kissing approach doesn't work, might as well stick with the tried and true hammer approach. One less guy in Iran now versus a week ago that has high level nuclear weapons ability. That is a positive.
  17. This is one area where Obama deserves credit. He made a point of peddling apologies throughout the Middle East during his time, yet those countries mostly all still hated the US. Obama proved that the traditional argument of (they only hate the US because the US intervenes) was hogwash. Since the hatred by those ME countries is a given, God bless those who keep the US safe by keeping terrorist turds in the Middle East litterbox.
  18. Flatten the curve was soooooo March/April of 2020.....we are in a new era of zero deaths in case you haven't heard.
  19. Just think of how much lower we could drive that number if bars and restaurants closed at 8pm? If youth sporting events were called off until Jan 14 instead of Dec 14? C'mon people, let's not stop now. Let's drive this down to zero old people dying in nursing homes dying with Covid.....let's get back to the good old days of people just dying in nursing homes.
  20. Depends on what one defines as respect. Will Biden be a kindler gentler President that is nice when he speaks? Absolutely. Does the US gain alot of respect by having a frail old senile man that even most supporters admit is nothing more than a puppet for Harris in office? I'm not so sure.
  21. Did someone see it happen or did his Life Alert get activated after he had fallen?
  22. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-11-27/how-covid-19-has-turned-the-spotlight-back-on-obesity-quicktake So people that don't take their health seriously for years get to have priority over those that do. Perfect. #MASKS FOREVER #SAVEONELIFE
  23. Impossible to find workers? Nice try. The vast majority of people that are dying are in the been done with work for years/end of life category. Stop with the scare tactics.
  24. Yes but the main problem is that there is such a difference in what some people see as common sense out there. For some, healthy kids being kicked online for school while 75 year old Thema and Harriet still get to go to Perkins each morning makes sense.
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