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Everything posted by TheFlop

  1. The funny thing is that LimuEmu had a strange fascination with gay references....which can often mean a person is hiding the same thing they are referencing. In your case, is there something you want to tell us? We are here to help you learn how to properly wash your hands.
  2. Pretty pathetic argument even by your low standards. So you feel comfortable assuming that Republicans nationwide aren't washing their hands (which like alot of things there is no proof of)......but Oxbow cites a specific example that vaccines are available but they aren't being used. Apples to oranges bud.
  3. Perfect example of why masks are silly and that the only social distance that truly works is complete isolation. Nursing home workers are all wearing masks, and residents are spaced out, and they are still getting infected. Any intellectual that tries parroting the masks 24/7 everywhere argument should first have to explain why anyone in nursing homes is still getting infected.
  4. Yes, in an either/or scenario give me energy, food, timber, and petroleum products and the other guy can take his chances with his car that won't run, his computer that won't turn on, and a diet dependent on whatever they can find growing wild.....because the community garden b.s. wouldn't last very long in that scenario.
  5. Worth a try.......https://www.change.org/p/governor-of-north-dakota-doug-burgum-keep-kids-in-extra-curricular-activities-in-nd
  6. Discover North Dakota.....but leave your kids are home.
  7. A person that blindly just parrots.....masks masks masks....preaching about the need to be able to objectively look at the entire picture. That's classic.
  8. I'd be curious what legal ground he is on when it comes to the "including clubs and associations (i.e. non school sports)". As long as the mask part of the mandate is followed can he really stop that? Seems ripe for a legal challenge.
  9. Maybe, but it's easier to have respect for an order/mandate/recommendation when they are at least consistent and across the board. Can still disagree with them at that point but at least they aren't playing favorites.
  10. Because college athletes that are know to attend large parties with other athletes aren't a concern....but kids that play in empty arenas and then go home to play Xbox are.
  11. And Burgum caves. No better than the rest of them after all. Obesity is basically the only risk factor when it comes to kids and Burgum just enacted policy encouraging kids to get obese. Makes sense.
  12. Glad to hear. That is the experience that 99.9% of Americans will have if they have taken care of themselves over the years and aren't 100 years old.
  13. I'm guessing that will be the path Grand Forks takes after the upcoming Monday meeting.
  14. Unfortunately that would defeat the purpose of the pod. It will be nothing short of a miracle if every game in the pod gets played. Hoping for the best though.
  15. She's done wonders cleaning up the town......
  16. The future of the Democratic party voting block.
  17. 74,000 will die of infected hang nails over a long enough sample period.
  18. Correct, the old "with" Covid or "because" of Covid distinction.
  19. "At this point in time".......huh, it's almost like the virus takes longer to spread to more remote areas. Manitoba is looking like ND did about a month or two ago. If Manitoba was testing as much as ND, including routinely testing healthy young people like is getting pushed in ND, you know that the numbers would be even worse for Manitoba.
  20. Wait, so now deaths are what matter? The moving goalposts continue. Canada and Manitoba did everything right? The border is closed so can't blame it on big bad USA. Yet cases are growing. https://bing.com/covid/local/manitoba_canada?vert=graph
  21. Well at least Canada is really showing the US how things need to be done. That must be why Manitoba is spiking with record deaths......or maybe it's still residual infections from Sturgis. https://www.google.com/amp/s/beta.ctvnews.ca/local/winnipeg/2020/11/11/1_5184442.html
  22. Another semester of pass fail at UND and another semester of parents/students getting less bang for their buck. I suppose it's fitting given that students spend more time at mass testing events trying to win prizes than they do in a classroom. https://www.grandforksherald.com/incoming/6758274-GF-News-Forward-Passfail-approved-at-UND-school-coronavirus-numbers-to-be-released-in-Grand-Forks-school-administrators-tackle-budget-cuts
  23. Ladies and gentlemen.....pandora's box. What's next? If this is in the name of public safety perhaps venues should also require alcohol and drug tests for those on their way out of the arena after the show? Or is that different? https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.tmz.com/2020/11/11/ticketmaster-covid-19-coronavirus-vaccination-test-proof-concerts-pfizer/
  24. Right. Orange man bad man. We get your view.
  25. The hypocrisy is what gets me. Some of the same people that think sports are evil spreading events are the ones sneaking their kids off onto special travel teams so their kids don't have to miss out ...just yours should have to miss out . The blue hairs that think the 35 and under crowd should give up bars, in person school, etc but the blue hairs should still be able to have their morning cup of coffee at Perkins or their unnecessary 12 noon on a Saturday stroll through Menards. Sturgis is still getting hammered for being the root cause of 99.9% of American Covid spread but the 3 months straight of riots in Portland and BLM protests other places are given a free pass. Don't sit here and try to pretend that 100 spectators at a JV football game is a huge issue but the Biden celebrations weren't. Be consistent.
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