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Everything posted by TheFlop

  1. I must admit, this board cleans up pretty nice once you click ignore on Hayduke.
  2. Interesting this is happening in Philly. BLM restarted the "if a black guy died it must have been a crime" riots a week early. Giving swing state voters in Pennsylvania a reminder of what is to come if they vote against law and order. https://nypost.com/2020/10/28/wild-philadelphia-looting-included-man-stealing-a-washing-machine/
  3. 8 kids and a 9th on the way.....an aspiring rapper....with a history of police involvements. The world lost a good one in Philly a few days ago. https://www.inquirer.com/news/walter-wallace-jr-philadelphia-mental-health-20201027.html
  4. Brad Miller is dead on accurate with his observations. There is a difference between being a loyal UND hockey fan and being a blind follower. Try looking at this objectively and be honest with yourself if your opinion would stay the same if the victim was.someone you knew.
  5. The left is panicking.....if the left wins? I will have to show up to work as normal and continue as normal. If Trump wins? I will lose 2 weeks of productivity watching the crybaby meltdowns.
  6. Seems scientific and credible..........
  7. The epitome of selfish is expecting 99% of a population to grind their regular lives to a halt to accommodate the 1% of the population that is in danger.....versus having the 1% of the population that is in danger adjust their lives in a manner that allows the other 99% that arent in danger to continue on as is.
  8. Seems odd unless there is a financial incentive to do so like scholarships and vouchers to local businesses.
  9. Maybe there was a $25 voucher to Joe Blacks being awarded if he was the 300th person tested?
  10. Naive wanting for UND to not fully go down the road of professional sports? Yes, guilty. (As even you used all pro sports examples). I'll take a class act like Tychonik over a questionable character guy like Miller each and every time......as that essentially was the trade off this year.
  11. Overall cases drop for 2nd day in a row in ND.....biased media reporting pulls out a cumulative stat article rather than focusing on two days of positive news. https://www.inforum.com/newsmd/coronavirus/6735426-North-Dakota-reports-205-COVID-deaths-in-October-by-far-the-deadliest-month
  12. I'd be more worried about the statement being made by UND bringing in a kid that clearly has character issues then what some idiot parent with zero ties to UND is doing at a youth sporting event 3-4 states away.
  13. Bottom line, if you strip the label hockey star of your favorite team off of Miller's resume many of the give him a second chance crowd would fade away quickly. The name calling is one thing because that is unfortunately what many kids do before they gain a better understanding of what those words mean. His actions though signify a much deeper issue with his character....and by age 14 much of your development when it comes to formulating basic right and wrong behavior towards others has already happened. There's a big difference between being sorry....and being sorry that you were caught. I don't care if someone gives him a second chance I just wish it was somewhere else. UND is better than this.
  14. Good news. That is what 99% of people under 80 experience.
  15. It is amazing how quiet BLM and Antifa has gotten over the last couple weeks.....almost like there is some level of coordination in when people are allowed to show they are "outraged".
  16. Meanwhile another peaceful BLM protest......defending a person that was caught on camera....including two officers with body cams....advancing towards police with a knife....ignoring demands to drop the weapon.....and getting shot because of it. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.inquirer.com/news/west-philadelphia-police-shooting-locust-20201026.html%3foutputType=amp
  17. He should be free now. Just make sure he wears a mask at school. As long as 80 year old Ralph and Betty are now required to wear a mask during their desperately needed Saturday afternoon Scheels run and your grandson wears a mask in school no one will ever get sick again. Ever.
  18. And just like that Grand Forks passes a mask mandate. At least now there is zero excuse for not keeping kids in person at schools right?
  19. Yes. Like most things it just took a little longer to get to ND. For a couple weeks to even let's say a couple months and 15-20% of the hospital beds are occupied by people "with" Covid.....not necessarily because of it. In exchange the 99.9% of people that it's a non issue for get to live normal lives and keep the economy rolling. A very small trade off. Other states are seeing that and are so envious they are trying to make ND buckle to the agenda too.
  20. C'mon you are better than that. It's a 10% positivity rate....not a 10% sickly death rate. No one will dispute that Covid is everywhere right now.....but with their contests UND is specifically targeting young people that are most likely asymptomatic and are only passing it amongst each other. They are making the issue look worse than it is.
  21. Great comparison. Jason is similar to the mask mafia....narcissistic and imposing his will on others. Also his mask does about as much good blocking Covid as 99.9% of the masks out there. You nailed it buddy!
  22. You will never see this number posted. It doesn't fit the narrative and it would make people panic less if they realized hospitals routinely operate just fine with minimal excess capacity.
  23. So it's a combo platter. Is the ability there for the health system to flex more beds if Covid hospitalizations ever jumped significantly from let's say 170 to 300? I.e. could people get a couple days notice that their elective was cancelled.... instantly freeing up a significant number of beds? Generally speaking of course.
  24. Oxbox, based on your experience, what is the approximate number of beds that are used by elective procedures at any given time? The total number of staffed beds in ND is 1931......Covid hospitalization rates seem to fluctuate in the 170-180 range. Are there 1500 beds a day occupied by unplanned visitors like heart attack victims or are there alot of back surgeries clogging up the system?
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