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Everything posted by krangodance

  1. Consider the fact that the Sioux have won seven national championships in what? 65 years? Something like that. That means they win the NC about 10% - 11% of the time. Now it used to be you could end the Final Five tournament on a win and still not make the NCAA tournament but with no more 3rd place game that is no longer the case. Therefore, based on history, our season will end on a loss around 90% of the time. Do we really want to leave a losing score on the front page of the #1 fan forum in Sioux sports for approximately six months out of the year? Based on the odds, that will be the case 90% of the time if the last game of the season is left up until the next season starts. Then again, it's a nice reminder during those six months in the years that we do win the NC.
  2. I assume the "Arizona incident" they're referring to is the shooting in January that killed six people and sent a U.S. rep, Gabrielle Giffords, to the hospital with a life threatening gunshot wound to the head. I believe she is still in the hospital in fact. Remember Obama almost started crying during the speech where he talked about the incident while her husband, who is an astronaut and is currently on the space shuttle, was sitting in the front row? I feel like this was actually all pretty big news. Am I wrong?
  3. ignore list works too. i only have five people on my ignore list, one of whom has been banned from the forum for use of derogatory language. considering i've been posting on this board for like six years or something like that i clearly don't turn to the ignore option very often. well, i might ignore certain conversations people try to start but it's rare i add somebody to my ignore list. however i don't care about the opinions of people so out of touch with reality that they still believe long retired sterotypes.
  4. i'm sure they're all thrilled beyond comprehension that they earned your approval.
  5. ah yes. just another example of how the anti-nicknamers are the real racists in all this. the fact that the Sioux are even alive today is simply because of their will to fight against overwhelming odds. of course actual fight in war, as you have made clear is your only association with the idea of fighting, has been over for quite a while now. that doesn't change the fact that the Sioux, as well as many other native americans, have fought against bigoted politics to force change that allows them to live where they please and take advantage of all the same rights that you likely take for granted. und didn't choose the Sioux nickname and logo without some thought. there was obviously a realization that the history of the Sioux people was one worthy of admiration. were that not the case it wouldn't have made sense for und to choose the Sioux as their nickname. if und didn't care about having a nickname that carried prestige they would have just settled for an animal like every other generic university out there. as for this question: "And if it pays them so much 'homage' why didn't the one tribe not even vote?" that tribe is not anywhere near und and their leadership didn't want to get involved. we can't know for sure without a vote but the general sentiment coming from the tribal members is that they wanted a vote and would have likely voted to keep the nickname and logo. as it was, though, elected leaders decided otherwise so there's nothing that the tribal members can do but vote their leaders out of office, at which point it will probably be too late. surprisingly, this isn't the most racist thing i've seen on this forum by anti-nicknamers. how anybody can still hold such animosity towards another group of people based solely on cultural background in today's world is beyond me. i can understand a couple hundred years ago, when information moved slowly and ignorance was widespread, how pockets of people could simply pass inflammatory rhetoric from one generation to the next and, basically, brainwash their people into thinking another group of people are bad for this reason or that. but nowadays? i mean, c'mon, we're smarter than that by now. aren't we? enjoy your priveledged life, sir. you are hereby ignored.
  6. to be fair bison are just big, stupid animals. the Sioux are a people of rich tradition and history who have fought for centuries against those who meant to do them harm and belittle their beliefs and ways of life, which i believe is happening again with all this "hostile and abusive" nonsense and the Sioux people continue to fight against that one, the irony of which i've pointed out a couple dozen times on other threads. so, although i believe your tune would change were you truly confronted with the prospect of losing your logo and nickname, i don't think it's a fair comparison when ndsuers say things along the lines of: "we'd be willing to get rid of our giant beast of a mascot so why don't you guys just get over it and let the ncaa, unethically, force you to drop a nickname and logo that pays homage to a people who deserve the respect that comes with that very nickname and logo".
  7. ha! i've always kind of wondered why any thread gets closed. i understand doing what's possible to deal with people who are posting insulting remarks, whether they be toward another poster or toward a group of people, but closing a thread over that or anything else is strange in my opinion. i mean, let's be honest, nothing written here really matters. we're just a bunch of people with a lot of opinions. if somebody wants to conjecture that kristo was drunk then so be it. i certainly don't care what that person thinks. every time a thread is closed i wonder why. usually it's something along the lines of the reasoning behind closing the kristo thread: a few people are saying things that others find unfounded and it leads to a moral debate on whether such things should be said without facts to support those things being said. but i have to ask, who really cares? if somebody posts something you don't like then maybe you'll feel moved to challenge it but if it continues and it is your belief that the original poster is simply making statements that cannot be substantiated by anything we know about the situation, such as was the case with the kristo incident, then why give them anymore than one post's worth of challenge? i personally think anybody should be able to voice their opinion as long as they're not personally insulting others in an intentional manner. now if you get offended by some fool stating that kristo was drunk when we all know darn well that the individual posting that has no clue what the truth of that night was then perhaps you should simply ignore that person rather than pushing for the thread to be closed. in the end it seems as long as enough people cry about what somebody else is saying then the thread gets closed. but why? if somebody wants to conjecture that kristo was drunk then that is his / her option. i don't have to agree with that person and i can certainly challenge their assertion by asking for proof. if that person wants to continue with their ignorant posts then that is his / her decision and i'll just ignore that person should i deem his / her posts worthless, as was the case with many of the kristo posters. to close the thread though? i just don't get it.
  8. brilliant
  9. And green indoor / outdoor carpet for turf.
  10. why would anybody boo? how is attending the frozen four while spending a few early april days in tampa a bad thing?
  11. krangodance


    I'm hoping to start a thread of congratulations for the Bulldogs. I know they have a fan in particular who rubs us all the wrong way but I for one still like seeing an underdog win (no pun intended). This is Duluth's first national championship and I'm happy for them. Obviously I'm a Sioux fan first but I also like seeing the WCHA win. The exception being the Gophers because, let's face it, every fan needs one hated rival and that's mine in college hockey (with BC being a close second). The other great thing about the Dogs' win is they kept Michigan from adding to their NC lead, which is good for Sioux fans whether you like Duluth or not. Congratulations on your first NC Duluth. I was rooting for you and I'm happy you won. Enjoy the moment. I've felt it twice in my time as a Sioux fan and It is sweet so take it in while lasts. Word!!
  12. if the sioux win the frozen four next year then, for those that can make it, that will be the greatest weekend a sioux fan can experience. just think, a national title and an early april trip to tampa, florida.
  13. i think there's plenty of reason to believe that streak will continue. let's not forget two seasons in a row now with no final five appearance either. one of those season losing in two straight at home to uaa and the other losing in three to who? the Sioux! by a combined score of 12-4. really not much room to talk i'd say. perhaps mighty lame should stick to aha message boards. i bet the gophers could make the conference tournament once every few years or so if they competed in the atlantic hockey association.
  14. good call choyt3
  15. best of three is the key here. as we saw, it just takes one goalie having one good night to win in a one and done. best of three loss means the gophers have really sunk to the level of "not a factor". now they're posting on our message board after a loss in the frozen four. the frozen four!! the goofs can't beat alaska anchorage in a best of three, at home, and they're ragging on a team who dominated in a national semifinal game but just went against a goalie having his best game of his life. how ironic that the mighty douche would talk about classless behavior while opening this thread. i can honestly say i've never posted on the gophers' message board, not once. not even through their recent years of bottom feeding, losing to teams like holy cross and uaa, yet this guy comes on our board talking smack about a sioux team that did all the right things but got unlucky and calls us classless? what a gem.
  16. I was there. Sioux logos galore during our practice. There are also Sioux logos on the building, on clothing for sale, and throughout the building.
  17. I assume you use the phrase "your acts" generically since over 90% of the posters on this forum would agree with you that tribal members votes should be the only that count.
  18. i'm curious how the average michigan student fan is viewing this match-up. obviously michigan will have their share of hardcore hockey fans but with an fbs football team and being a member of a major sports conference i would assume the typical michigan student is only a fan of hockey when they're involved in a big game, such as the one coming up. if that's the case i'd assume that the majority of the student population is looking at this match-up and thinking "North Dakota?? How did they get this far? We're gonna kill them!!". like i said, some students will be familiar with the world of college hockey and will know that North Dakota is a legitimate force to be reckoned with in this sport, but most students at michigan probably don't have a clue about the inner working of college hockey and what teams are traditionally dominant. all of this has no bearing on the team itself since they know who we are and will prepare accordingly. however, for some reason, i do like the idea of a bunch of "our sh^t don't stink" wolverine's fans thinking they're about to skate all over some mid-major (for the b-ball fans) or fcs (for the football fans) chump team.
  19. it's quite possible i don't know my history on this but do native americans really hold the bison as sacred? i thought native americans killed those things at a magnificent rate back in the day.
  20. if he almost drowned than that's probably great advice. now stop pleading for sympathy. you're only going to make things worse. the sooner you let it go the sooner everybody else will forget about it and move onto something else.
  21. The one problem I could see with this is the obvious attempt to include members of a tribe that gave approval to continue using the nickname and logo while excluding members of the tribe that have not given such approval. I think it's safe to assume that the NCAA representatives at this meeting will have done their homework and will point out the fact that only the tribe who have given approval were invited to the table. This would very likely be viewed by the NCAA as a sign that the representatives for North Dakota, the SBoHE, and UND are not being very forthcoming in their argument to keep the name and logo. Unless somebody can convince the government of the Standing Rock tribe to hold a vote before this meeting, a vote that would likely result in the tribe's approval to continue using the name and logo, I think it would be a poor decision to invite representatives of the Spirit Lake tribe to the table. This should not be interpreted as a statement that the tribes shouldn't have a say in the matter; I'm certainly of the opinion that their opinion is the most important of all. However without a clear decision on the matter on the part of BOTH tribes I don't see how getting them involved in this meeting helps the pro-nickname cause.
  22. really? that sounds like something you might see 60 years ago but not today. i have a hard time believing that somebody like that would make it safely to his seat in today's world. do you still have those pictures? this sounds fishy.
  23. Amen. I know I sound like a broken record but the irony of the situation with the Sioux logo whereby the people saying that the tribal members don't know what's best for them and, therefore, should not be allowed to vote on the name and logo are the same people who call UND "hostile and abusive" for using the name and logo kills me.
  24. First team all-WCHA F Matt Frattin, UND F Mike Connolly, Minnesota Duluth F Jack Connolly, Minnesota Duluth D Justin Schultz, Wisconsin D Chay Genoway, UND G Aaron Dell, UND Goaltending champion: Aaron Dell, UND I'm gonna go ahead say "that's no longer debatable".
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