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Everything posted by rochsioux

  1. The old slogan “speed kills” is so very true. Lack of speed also kills, unfortunately it is killing UND.
  2. IMO, the problem is more with our skill level than the design of the PP. The overall skill level of the two PP units is not where it needs to be.
  3. At this point we are almost 2/3 of the way through the season. There has been no improvement recently, in fact you could argue regression. Their goal differential after 23 games in +5. This does not scream “good team” but just reinforces the fact that this years team is very average. Looks like there is a very good chance this will be the third year out of seven where Berry coached team misses the NC$$ playoffs
  4. I would like the rules to change so that if you are fully vaccinated then you treat it the same as you would with a cold/flu. I don’t believe there is any rule that prevents someone from playing that has a cold/flu. Just use a bit of common sense.
  5. I think they’ll go the college route and hire Bubba.
  6. I would definitely sit some of the skilled guys. Really no use in playing Cook, especially given his injury history. Wouldn’t play Jefferson either. Totally meaningless game, much less meaningful than the last exhibition game where they tend to bench most of the starters. At least in the exhibition you could be trying to work out all the kinks before the season starts so you don’t lay of big egg in the opener.
  7. Cornell looks like a solid middle of the pack hockey team. A 4th-6th place finish in the NCHC. We look like a slow team that lacks some offense skill and can’t figure out how to play in the defensive zone. Our margin of error is very slim and we can’t afford to make as many stupid plays as we did this weekend. This team needs to quickly figure out the way they need to play to be successful or they will be sitting out the tourney for the third time under Berry.
  8. I’m confused as to why the Vikings are going to start Cousins against the Bears. Let one of the backups get some playing time as a loss will give them a better slot in the draft. Also, why risk an injury to Cousins when the game is meaningless ? An injury might impact next years team if you are planning to keep him. If you want to explore trade options, again playing him is nonsensical. There is absolutely no upside to him playing, only downside.
  9. Are you happy with how he has played the entire season ? I don’t remember the last time we had a starting goalie with a save percentage this low. We’re allowing almost 3 goals a game. Is it all the goalies fault ? Not completely, but he has to play better if UND is going to have a reasonable chance for #9. So far this year he does not look very good to me.
  10. If Driscoll starts tomorrow night then Berry is admitting one of two things: there’s no accountability for how well you are playing or he feels he has no other valid options. Either it is an indictment of his coaching or of his recruiting. If I have to bet, my bet is on Driscoll starting again. If this was just one off night for him I would be fine with it, but the season stats say it is not just one night.
  11. I’ve seen all I need to of Driscoll. Don’t see him drastically improving the rest of the year. He seems to always be flopping and scrambling and has trouble controlling rebounds. Without significantly better goaltending we have no chance to win #9, time to see if Hellsten can take the job. I don’t know if he can but I have no faith in Driscoll.
  12. These stats for UND jump out to me: Defense: 2.84 (30th) Penalty kill: 79.7 (35th) Goaltending: .884 (47th) Those don’t scream championship contender. Need significant improvement in the second half to have a realistic chance at #9. There is no reason they can’t perform much better defensively and tonight would be a good time to start.
  13. Didn’t he win gold last year in the world juniors ? Canda/USA championship game would be a meaningful one.
  14. Gotta stop paying big bucks to running backs or linebackers. Invest in the offensive and defensive lines. I want lines that can physically maul the other team. Control the line of scrimmage and you win a lot of games. Also, stop overpaying QBs that haven’t proved they are a difference maker.
  15. When Mike Zimmer has any say in your offense you are in trouble.
  16. When Sean Mannion is your backup QB you have no backup.
  17. Zimmer gets fired but the new coach hires him as a clock management consultant.
  18. That sounds good but not sure you can do it. Who is going to verify that players really are unavailable for injury/sickness/whatever ? That too could be manipulated by coaches. I would rather they simplify it. If a team backs out of a game and it is not rescheduled then it goes down as a forfeit and counts as a loss in the pairwise.
  19. Why shouldn’t this count as a loss due to forfeit ? If there is no repercussions for canceling games then what is there to stop a team from canceling a game late in the season when a loss would drop you out of the NC$$ tourney ? If my memory serves, UND played some games a few years ago when they couldn’t field a full lineup. Don’t think there was any consideration of quitting.
  20. If missing the playoffs means Zimmer & Spielman are fired then I’m all for missing the playoffs. Zimmer should never ever ever have any input on offensive philosophy.
  21. Based on just the first period the answer is no.
  22. Friday CC 15-1 Saturday UND 2-1
  23. The Vikings urgently need the heimlich maneuver.
  24. If you want to know how to handle the last two minutes of a half watch Mike Zimmer and learn…learn what not to do. He has no clue.
  25. I hope you’re right but my gut says there is a better chance none of them see regular shifts in the NHL.
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